Banner/map Icon problems after faction/town addition

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So, I have added 9 factions, and 2 towns.  Added 9 new banners...  Everything seems to look fine.  Noticed a lot of the NPC troops had no banners.  So I added a ton and map_icons and scene_prop and mesh_banner. All just duplicates of native just to get them to show up.  Edited the constants to match the additions...  Now, I get 8 errors on start up pointing at this line of code in the "script_give_center_to_lord"

party_set_banner_icon, ":center_no", ":cur_banner"),

        (this_or_next|party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_town),
            (party_slot_eq, ":center_no", slot_party_type, spt_castle),
        (gt, ":lord_troop_id", -1),
        (troop_get_slot, ":cur_banner", ":lord_troop_id", slot_troop_banner_scene_prop),
        (gt, ":cur_banner", 0),
        (val_sub, ":cur_banner", banner_scene_props_begin),
        (val_add, ":cur_banner", banner_map_icons_begin),
        party_set_banner_icon, ":center_no", ":cur_banner"),
# custom_banner_begin
#        (troop_get_slot, ":flag_icon", ":lord_troop_id", slot_troop_custom_banner_map_flag_type),
#        (ge, ":flag_icon", 0),
#        (val_add, ":flag_icon", custom_banner_map_icons_begin),
#        (party_set_banner_icon, ":center_no", ":flag_icon"),
I'm looking at this code and don't see how it could do anything........  banner_scene_props_begin=243,  banner_map_icons_begin=46  so party_set_banner_icon, ":center_no", ":cur_banner"  sets the banner to -197 ????

Also, what is banners_end_offset    in constants?
Well I guess 300 banners wasn' t enough.  Added 100 more and problem fixed.... but 'd still like to understand that code.
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