Banned for taxing army

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Hello, just wondering is it allowed to tax an army? (faction) I just got temp banned for that thing. Admin told its not but asking for you guys, is it?  :roll:
The thing is with most people, they twist their stories. I bet the truth is that you were commoners who killed them without saying anything but claiming you asked them for taxes... it's the CAVE thing to do.
Well I went to castle and asked nicely to drop each of em 500 golds and then we started to fight and well admin freezed me and temp banned me
Well you shoulda said it was a tax rather than "Everyone drop 500 onto the ground or I detonate!".
It's pretty obvious you're looking for cheap kills imo, any person with a double digit IQ would not ask a garrison of soldiers to surrender their money when you're on your own.
We set up a tax on the bridge in NA, made everyone pay a toll of 400 :mrgreen:
And I also taxed a army one time(role played it so well) one guy gave me a cleaver for playing it out so well.
If one man comes up to an army (let's say... 10 people or more? That's what I'd call an army I guess on this game), it's so unlikely that they will pay you, one man, that they'll just attack you, you were obviously looking for kills...
This is hysterical. A "army" so called was getting taxed by one mere commoner and couldn't even take him out.. so they called admin support? Pathetic groups that appear on this server these days...
I got unbanned :grin: He gave me apologies

And this is correct.. You should not tax army as it is odd and not RP at all.. but...

You should not be banned for trying...The worst can get killed by army.

On that note..I strongly believe that commoners should have not train as soldiers.Point.
Caell said:
But what do I know about roleplay? I'm "worst randomer" and "massive randomer".

So don't worry Cave, randoming on this server is roleplay, and roleplay is randoming. At least in some cases. Nevermind.

You remind me so much of Reyman.

"I just randomly  trolled and killed 5 people for no reason whatsoever, but it's roleplay i promise! I am the best Roleplayer! Nobody else can roleplay but me!"
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