Banned? Again? Noice

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Inappropriate language
I got banned once for saying certain people want to make love to their mothers. And it was true, they were obsessed with milfs.
Obviously the moderators were part of that group and didn't want to face unpleasant truths. Mother****ing sad!
It's the "free racist speech" guy that started this by shoehorning a complaint about bans for racist words. It's not the first time he does this.
Normal people are right to respond, that alt-right crap has no place on civilized forums.
Edit: Congratulations on your ban, so you won't feel neglected. :smile:
Oh haha I guess I didn't come here in time to see that rant.
Yeah :sad: I just hope who actually does it on purpose also gets banned.

Hi, may I ask what kind of warning you got? Was there a popup saying you got banned?

I have never played Skirmish (matchmaking never worked for me), but one day I suddenly became unable to login. There was no warning, and the staff didn't reply after asking me the link to my Steam profile, so I'm wondering if I got banned for some reason. I don't remember doing any team killing or even argued with anyone though.
Hey! I got kicked out mid game with a warning in the middle of the screen (login page) saying that I got banned until X day for teamkilling, there was more written in it but don't remember the exact words.
Is it only Skirmish that's not working? Because when you get banned you can't get over the login page I think.

Just want to update that today happened the same :party:
Second match of the day, 1 team mate hit me on purpose in the beginning almost killing me, the reason for it was that some guy punched him as soon as we spawn and he thought it was me, so he almost killed me... Not even a sorry.
Same match, other player, killed me on purpose.
When I was confronting them on chat, they wrote "it's just a game" and "don't be toxic".
But Bannerlord gods I didn't kill they this time, just reported, in case I wouldnt get banned again for defending myself.
Hey! I got kicked out mid game with a warning in the middle of the screen (login page) saying that I got banned until X day for teamkilling, there was more written in it but don't remember the exact words.
Is it only Skirmish that's not working? Because when you get banned you can't get over the login page I think.
I see. I didn't get any message. I was playing one day, and the next day I couldn't login at all.

What I meant to say was that the matchmaking for both Skirmish and Captain Mode never worked for me, so I have only played Team Deathmatch and Siege. At the moment I can't get past the login screen. It keeps saying "Couldn't get results from login server." It's been about 13 days.
It’s a joke

Maybe some of us just think that we should determine what kind of language is permissible ourselves and not rely on a company to do so
Hate speech or racism is not okay. If u don’t it, like go back in time. Surprised ppl think it’s okay to openly make racist comments and they get upset when banned or muted like fr what did u expect to happen? This game is made by TW and has their rules like any game. If u don’t like either show some self control or go play sp and scream all u want cuz it will not change
If it didn't take them 6 months to make any minor change, I'd recommend that TaleWorlds should just integrate Steam's chat filter option into the game chat. That way any word that hurts anyone's feelings for any reason can be added to their personal chat filter option and we don't have to return to this utterly pointless argument all the time. The two sides are never going to see eye to eye.
lol what....?

I don't think even the most dire critics of bannerlord think that language is okay.
You not a Democrat bra? Very susmogus prolly a racist Blonanald Blumpf supporter pls ban him.

Just admit that thinking other people should care that you're offended and that offending someone else should be punished are effeminate ways of thinking. Literally just decide not to be offended. Nobody is gonna come and pat you on the back and no girl is gonna give you blowies because you said you were offended on someone else's behalf. If I come on here saying how offended I am from a fundamentalist religious perspective nobody cares, but if I come in and say how I'm Literally crying because someone said le n word then someone must rush to the rescue.
Just admit that thinking other people should care that you're offended and that offending someone else should be punished are effeminate ways of thinking. Literally just decide not to be offended. Nobody is gonna come and pat you on the back and no girl is gonna give you blowies because you said you were offended on someone else's behalf. If I come on here saying how offended I am from a fundamentalist religious perspective nobody cares, but if I come in and say how I'm Literally crying because someone said le n word then someone must rush to the rescue.

You getting owned bra? Tell me why people need to get banned when the mute function already exists? It's to satisfy your desire to gang up with all the other soylents and crybully anyone who doesn't think and act exactly like you.
Oh dear ?

I guess someone is getting banned again....

that offending someone else should be punished are effeminate ways of thinking.

It's odd that you use effeminate as an insult though; as in you literally see being female as a negative or bad thing. Care to explain?
Oh dear ?

I guess someone is getting banned again....
smdh fam at least keep it ? and use the correct emote. I sussed you out so you should use an emote like this; ?, you're also a big crybaby so maybe one like this; ?, or maybe you can't handle anyone who isn't part of the hivemind and you exhibit the conditioned response of fake outrage and shock like this; ? "omg he said it!".
smdh fam at least keep it ? and use the correct emote. I sussed you out so you should use an emote like this; ?, your also a big crybaby so maybe one like this; ?, or maybe you can't handle anyone who isn't part of the hivemind and you exhibit the conditioned response of fake outrage and shock like this; ? "omg he said it!".
You didn't answer my question.


Please explain.
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