banditry and horse thieving skills

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how about adding banditry and horse thief skills? banditry could add items to loot after combat and improve quality(ie balanced vs rusted)

Horse thieves would get a larger % chance of getting horses after combat(horses still based on what the enemy is riding), and increased chances at better quality.

These could offer really profitable alternatives to being a slaver.
I remember Armagan saying he's probably not going to add stealing.

but what the count says about 'heck, steal them iff necessary', i don't know. Maybe he will put it in.

If I understand what you are proposing ... then I'm afraid I would have to disagree with the idea.

It seems that you are offering a couple of new skills to increase the items that you loot after fights, be that horses or equipment. To that, I would disagree vehemently. It isn't that it is a bad idea, just one that I would rather not see. A better solution would be to get a more realistic looting system than the random one we use now and join that with a few good money sinks.

If I misunderstood what you were suggesting, I apologize beforehand.

Horse stealing is about taking a horse without letting the owner know that you are taking it.
In your case, you kill the owner and then take the horse... not too much stealing :???:

I think what you proposed should rather be determined by the salary you pay to your soldiers. If the salary is high, they will leave you the good stuff. If it is low, they will try to grab all for themselves...
Stealin could be good fun. Add a mission where you have to sneak around a castle, killing all the gaurds as yougo along, and then at the end fight the count.
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