Bandit quest girl (reposted from another thread)

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It'd be so cool if you could get the girl permenantly. Here's an idea - Each time you do the quest, there's an 8% chance that instead of the girl going into the city, she will say something along the lines of;-

"I... I don't want to go home, I'm scared of the bandits, I don't like feeling so helpless. Brave [sir/mistress], could you teach me how to fight, how to stand up for myself? My family will not mind, as long as I have one such as you to protect me."


"If that's what you want."
"No, I'm sorry but it's best that you stay with your family."

After that, no more quests to save that damned girl. Good idea?
Me too, if I can find the bloody girl you're on about :grin:

I can't find her anywhere :sad:

(The mission start I mean)
Its one of the missions from a Merchant. Hell tell you his daughter of a friend, I think its of a friend, has been captured. You need to goto a certain city that the bandits are holding her by, pay the ransom, get the girl, take her back to town. or you can kill the bandits, keep the ransom, keep the gold for returning her.
Sounds like a job for Effiadan and n00854180t to me.. If one knows how (I dont) it would be just a matter of reconfiguring her dialog to occasionally asking to join and then forbid mission from appearing when se has joined
I guess this can fit here.

I would like the girl to be considered a prisoner. That way she is not in battle and doesn't take up your army space. When playing as a priest I never put points in leadership so I have to send Marnid to four ways to finish the quest and that means no more xp for him.

As for letting her join me, well, I am all for adding more "hero" characters to this game.
Simple: the girl should not take up a party slot or a prisoner slot. This would be like Arcanum—people who join your party to fulfill a mission don't count against your limit.
You are suggesting like escort space or such? My memories tell me that Armagan said something like that it would be hard to do changes to party screen (don't remember why and not 100% sure). Is there any other way we could do this?.
Getting her in the prisoner slot is a good idea. As a bad dude I could sell her to the slave market. :twisted:
One more thing... For take this "girl" quest I need at least one free place in my party, so, if I haven't this place I can't take it. May be good idea if I'll can take girl in another/specoal slot?
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