Resolved Bandit hideout placement is not good in regards to Varnapol

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: Bandit Hideout "near" Varnapol of Sturgia.
How to Reproduce: Wait for it to spawn I suppose?
Have you used cheats and if so which: No

so the issue with this is that Varnapol was suffering from -2 to secruity which is normal.
I scoured the surrounding Sturgian lands from the villages tied to it(even Borchogova which is seperated by mountain) up to Sibir and its connected villages.. nothing.
I have fairly decent scouting so spotting any hideout is fairly easy normally.

So then it struck me.. um.. what if the hideout is actually the one that typically spawns right next to the Northern Empire town of Argoron.. travel for days(wtb boat!) around the lake, soon as I cross the small bridge to Argoron.. boom Hideout spotted.
Enter - wait for nitefall - attack - cleared hideout.
Check status of Varnapol no hideout -2 to security anymore.

Ideally the proximity should perhaps be abit less or where the body of water is so big as it is, it shoudnt spawn on the other side of the shore.
Imo in this case this should have tanked security for Argoron and not Varnapol.

This isnt a bug, this is more a "flaw" in the design(imo)
Specially bad to have it that deep into potentitally hostile lands(since its very common for NE and Sturgia to be at war).
This is still an issue in 1.7.2. I spent over 1/2 hour looking for the hideout and clearing out 2 other hideouts before finding this one (including one on the other side of Sibir). Here's a screen shot of the hideout I had to destroy before removing the hideout penalty.

I've noticed not only with the hideout thing, but with other things as well that the game isn't taking into account the distance around the water, or even straight across the water. It considers towns and castles adjacent to each other when they are across the water from each other.
Hey, i have forwarded your update to the devs, they are aware and working on the issue to improve it as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.
Here's an update of sorts. Related to hideouts in general and not Varnovopal...

Recently took & was rewarded with Baltakhand. Was taking a big security hit because of a hideout. Started out the gates to find it and war was declared on the other side of the (Southern Empire) kingdom. Decide to let the other lords deal with it as I have nothing in that area anyways & I don't want to lose a town to rebels.

So I go kill the only reasonably close hideout I'm aware of. Its over near Shapeshte & shouldn't be my problem, but I know how these things work. Killed it off & hideout penalty still exists. Next I go significantly northeast past Ulaan, on the eastern side of the river & find another hideout. Kill it and...nope, penalty still exists. I return to Baltakhand through the forests figuring maybe I couldn't see it from the plains. Nope, nothing there. Then near Kuruluk I notice a bandit party heading due north stating it is going to a hideout. I try the western side of the river. Past Dinar in the forests significantly north of there I find another hideout. Kill it and the penalty still applies.

Meanwhile we've lost Poros because the AI lords are worthless, plus we lost Husn Fulq to rebels for the 3rd or 4th time & Rhagaea thinks thats a bigger priority than fighting the Western Empire and taking back Poros. So as a final attempt I go south of the river below Baltakhand to check the area around Asalig. I go as far south as Khimli, but find nothing. So off to help in the war. I raise a small army and besiege Poros, but before I can take it back our empire decides getting 100 tribute a month is a good trade for giving up Poros and the war is over.

I have no clue now where to look for the hideout. But I had a thought...since its a round earth and Baltakhand is on the eastern edge of the map, maybe the hideout is on the western edge of the map and I should check near Cananc for the hideout. Sounds silly, but it actually wouldn't surprise me if thats where the hideout affecting my town is.

I'll upload a save. Can you have the devs investigate whether the hideout is in a reasonable place and I'm just missing it or whether its someplace it shouldn't be? The logic for this really needs to be reworked. I understand that if its a hideout maybe it should be hidden without someone giving you a quest pinpointing where. But on the other hand, if its that big a problem there should at least be a general direction of a fairly logical radius you should be looking in. Pretty much saying its somewhere on the map when you are always at war just isn't cutting it.
Nvm. I uploaded a save, then went back home in-game for one last look. I found it...

I swear I had traveled within a distance of 1/2 the diameter of the hideout circle of that hideout & it didn't show up before. Anyways, its resolved & was within a reasonable distance of Baltakhand.
...Ucanbiblo, the hideout thing at Baltakhand is resolved & was apparently a mistake on my part. Sorry for bringing it up. But I think the original problem with hideouts across the water (see 4/22 post) is still an issue. Last report on that was your 4/25 post.
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