Ban request

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Name of the server you were on: Mm duel server.
Name of the person causing trouble: 6e_con_art_Nukkel2012
Nature of their offense: Using the cannon to shoot people, he was told not to use it.
Time and date of their offense: Around 17:23
If needed, what your relationship was to the offense in question: Witness.
Any proof if you have it, For instance screenshots. (use spoilers!)
Nukkel is a troll,I know im not involved Ward but from my point of views he is a real troll and seen him many times **** up on Official and he was banned from the french conquest for trolling as said I support this ban !
I've seen him trolling pretty often too, and in his former regment he has been demoted multiple times because of actions like this, so even though im not involved this time, i also support this ban.
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