I am not strictly looking to join a clan, but i am looking for an active mature community to 'train' or play with on week day evenings, (PT time). Haven't played warband in a good few years, only just poking my nose back. Not sure what the active scene is like, just posting here because i recognize the name.
I want to actively improve my rusty skills, by having people to either duel, or actively train/play with. Would like to get back to playing battles with a group and coordinating. Not obsessively professional, but with a dose of maturity and seriousness. Focusing on teamwork, and good mechanics.
I guess i am asking, how actively is your community playing on team speak, do you think you are suitable for me and am i welcome? Feel free to suggest other clans that you think might be more relevant or active. I will post on a few other clans that have recent posts.