Balance of Power: King of Dragon Pass [MAIN THREAD]

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Balance of Power


Long ago, in the lands beneath the shadow of the great mountain goddess Kero Fin, a great war befell our people. Our noble kin fought valiantly against the dragons who had once claimed to be your friends. But alas, their bravery was not enough to stand up to the ferocity and hunger of the dragons. In the end, the dragons ate everyone who lived in Dragon Pass. Every Thane, every Carl, and every Cottar. Man, woman, and child alike were burned and eaten without mercy.

Our ancestors were fortunate enough to escape the massacre because they lived in Heortland, to the south of Dragon Pass. For over two hundred years, none save the foolish dared to enter Dragon Pass. Those stupid enough to do so never returned. And so, time went on, and our people prospered. Our men were strong, our women were wise, and our many children were happy. Year after year, our people farmed the land, which was always fertile, and faithfully tended our herds, which were healthy and numerous. Life was good for our people. But, the good times did not last.

The first sign that things would be bad was the rising of the Red Moon, less than one hundred years ago. Our prophets and priests are still debating the true nature of this event, but all agree that it spells trouble for our people because Orlanth and the Storm Ring have been struggling against the Red Moon ever since. And indeed, trouble came to find us in the form of the Pharaoh.

Fifteen years ago was when we first learned about the Pharaoh. He called himself Belintar and was found washed ashore on the Island of Sindpaper. Soon after, he proved that he was no mere mortal by starting a series of quests that transformed him into the Pharaoh that we know and hate today. First, he conquered the people of the Isles. Then, he conquered the fiery Caladraland, before turning north to take control of our allies in Esrolia. Then, his mind drifted towards the East, and he conquered the trolls of the Shadow Plateau in 1318 after killing their god, the Only Old One. Finally, he marched on our home of Heortland.

Like most Heortlings, our Clans fought against the Pharaoh. For the first time since anyone can remember, the tribes were united under one king, and thousands of Orlanthi stood together against the armies of Belintar. But the Pharaoh's sorcery was too strong, and his armies too numerous for us to turn back. Many of our brothers were slain, and their wives and children were captured as Thralls. Even worse, some Clans foolishly decided to join the Pharaoh and fought against us. It was at this point that the old tribes were broken and our king was killed, only to rise again as a soulless servant of the Pharaoh. Our herds and our fields were taxed and plundered so that we would have to pay for the Pharaoh's conquests. But, even after the war was over, things did not improve for our people. More Clans joined with the Pharaoh and learned to accept his rule. They began to prey upon those of us who had resisted. Many Clans were lost in this time, and even our former allies began to turn against us in desperation.

Now, our Clan is weak. The Carls and Cottars bicker among themselves. The Thanes are worn, weary, and without hope. Our herds are sickly, and they get smaller every season. Even worse, the shadow of kinstrife looms over us, for some think that it would be best to accept the Pharaoh, whereas others know that such an action dishonors our ancestors.

But, there may be a life for us in a new land. Less then a decade ago, a handful of weakened Clans fled north to Dragon Pass to escape the Pharaoh's clutches. At the time, we begged and pleaded with them not to go. No one had traveled north since the dragons woke up and ate everyone in Dragon Pass, and we didn't want anyone to wake them again. But, since that time more Clans have traveled to Dragon Pass. Last year, they sent traders home to Heortland. They told us that the dragons are gone, and that Dragon Pass is fresh, fertile, and full of wonder.

After much discussion, we decided that the risks of kinstrife were too great to bear. The trip would be hard, and there would be no guarantee of survival, but these hardships pale in comparison to the forces of Chaos that are brought about by kinstrife. And so, we began our journey... Dragon Pass!


This could also be you. I'm open to including new players after one year of game time (6 turns) if I can get into the swing of things.

Heortling Clans of Dragon Pass

Player Clans

Grey Axe (played by Captain Teo "Buns of Steel" Fish)
They’re known for their unrelenting hatred of the Pharaoh.

Gwynna (played by Almalexia)
They’re known for their vineyard and a holy site dedicated to Ernalda.

Hillhaven (played by Grimmend)
They’re known for a large boulder with war powers.

Hiord (played by Pixel)
They’re known for their large cattle herd.

Jerending (Played by Ektor)
They’re known for their tradition of female chieftains.

Kardvari (played by Lumos)
They’re known for their fine horses.

Old Owl (played by Draorn)
They’re known for their collection of ancient texts.

Six Brothers (played by Harkon Haakonson)
They’re known for reforming bandits and outlaws.

Tanahart (played by Comrade Crimson)
They’re known for their skilled cooks.

Turtle (played by JudgeAlfred)
They’re known for teaching animals how to talk.

Varmandi (played by Councilor Crassius Curio)
They’re known for their reliance on raiding.

NPC Clans

They’re known for their hatred of chaos.

They’re known for their fine orchards.

They’re known for the fertility of their fields.

They’re known for their aggressive pursuit of trade.

Black Spear
They’re known for their early arrival in Dragon Pass.

They’re known for their talent at Spirit-Talking.

Lighthearth (formerly played by Marowit)
They’re known for their large pig herds.

They’re known for making Clearwine.

Mule Deer
They’re known for painting themselves green during Sacred Time

They’re known for surviving pursuit by terrible foes.

They’re known for dancing in every thunderstorm.

They’re known for a history of mad chieftains

Red Fox
They’re known for pottery and a fanatical attitude.

They’re known for their hunting prowess.




Blue (Orlanth)
Green (Ernalda)
Orange (Elmal)


Grey = Free Clan
Orange = Sells Thralls
Red = Keeps and Sells Thralls




Over the last year, your Clans have all made the long and difficult journey to Dragon Pass. Now it is Sacred Time, and your Clans are ready to practice the old rituals in your new homes for the first time. With the dark past of the Pharaoh's tyranny behind you, you look forward to the future ahead... but will this new future be a better one? That is left for fate to decide...

Sacred Time, 1330 ST

Sea Season, 1330 ST

Fire Season, 1330 ST

Earth Season, 1330 ST (TBD)

Dark Season, 1330 ST (TBD)

Storm Season, 1330 ST (TBD)

Made possible in part by...

Jace and his wonderful tool!

A#, the creators of King of Dragon Pass and its newly released spiritual successor, Six Ages, which is awesome (seriously, you should go buy it if you have iOS). Also, they probably own the copyright to 80% of this material, so I thought I'd give the disclaimer that I'm not making any money off of this. I don't know, I'm not a lawyer. :ohdear:

Greg Stafford, the discoverer of Glorantha, and whoever else makes money off of Glorantha and RuneQuest and all that stuff. I'm sure they own the copyright to the other 20%. RIP, Greg.

The Design Mechanism probably doesn't belong here because Mythras is now the name for the game formely known as RuneQuest 6, but they were extremely influential in my descent into madness Glorantha, so I wanted to give them a shout out too.

We also have a Discord Channel! I occasionally make announcements and talk about the game there, but any important things will be included in the main thread, so it's totally optional if you don't want to use Discord and the main thread is exclusively for reptors and ****posting, so you should probably be on the Discord - I'll try to PM you though!










Meta Rules

1. Have fun!
2. Be respectful to other players.
3. Try to be respectful to me.
4. Don't edit or remove posts in the main thread. **** it, go nuts!
5. It's fine to directly quote information in your CC/Report.
6. It's not fine to directly quote private information that other players share with you in confidence, but unfortunately I can't stop you.
7. It's really not fine to edit private information that other players share with you in order to misrepresent them.
8. Feel free to ask me any questions via PM or through Steam/Discord.
9. Please get your orders in on time and try to follow the very simple template as best as you are able.

Clan Card

Your Clan and Chieftain's names are largely self-explanatory. Requests to change your Clan's name at the beginning of the game will be considered, provided that I think it's a reasonable name. Your Chieftain is the Ringmember whose Primary Skill is Leadership.

Reputation reflects your standing in the eyes of other Heortling Clans. It varies from -3 to +3 (Thrall, Stickpicker, Cottar, Carl, Thane, Noble, King). Having a good or bad reputation can influence various events and outcomes throughout the game. Depending on the actions you take

Virtue represents your Clan's particular commitment to one of the six official (Courage, Generosity, Honor, Justice, Piety, and Wisdom) and one unofficial (Independence) Orlanthi virtues. Upholding this virtue will make your ancestors smile upon you. Scorning it will make them frown upon you.

Most Heortling Clans reject thrall-keeping because they say it spits in the face of Orlanth's commitment to independence. These Clans typically ransom prisoners and kill outlaws. However, a minority of Clans uphold the practice by capturing, buying, selling, and using Thralls for forced labor.

Mood and morale represents your standing in the eyes of your own Clan. Like reputation, it can impact events and outcomes. Mood ranges from -4 to +4 (Grim, Gloomy, Dissatisfied, Worried, Reserved, Optimistic, Content, Happy, Jubilant), and morale ranges from +4 to -4 (Despairing, Shaken, Disgruntled, Discontent, Uncertain, Resolved, Secure, Confident, Unshakable). Carls and Weapon Thanes often have political disagreements within the Clan, which is why their morale is evaluated separately.


This section is also somewhat self-explanatory, but I'll explain anyway.

Your allies are like your friends, but with benefits. Alliances are sealed with gifts, magic, and the approval of your respective ancestors. This means that an alliance is not something that is taken lightly. Your allies are obligated to come to your aid, and you in turn are obligated to return the favor. Notably, alliances between players should be formalized, same as with any other Clan.

Friends are the Clans who like you, perhaps because of your actions in the past or your plans for the future. Friendships are informal, and less intense than alliances, but that doesn't mean they aren't important. Friends may come to your aid if requested, and they make ask you to come to their aid as well. However, be aware that friends won't always stand by your side. They will almost never attack you with a full raid, but they might be willing to steal your cows. After all, what's a cow or two among friends?

Foes are the Clans who don't like you. Maybe they think you're smelly, maybe they feel like you've hurt them in the past, or maybe they see you as a rival. Either way, be careful around them, and be on the lookout for raids.

Feuds happen when foes fight for too long. Like an alliance, a feud is difficult to end. With bad blood on both sides, your ancestors may encourage you to continue a feud or punish you if you seek to end it without a resolution. Feuding neighbors often take irrational actions to satisfy their mutual thirst for vengeance, sometimes to the detriment of the Clan as a whole.

Some Clans may fear you if they think you're more powerful than them. They might be willing to pay you tribute, or they might be willing to make favorable trade deals. Other Clans might mock you if they know you're not going to do anything about it. This can impact your mood and reputation.

Sometimes, Clans help might help you for no immediate reward. When this happens, they often expect a favor in return. Likewise, if you help someone else, they might feel like you owe them a favor. However, be careful about owing too many favors, as it might impact your reputation with other Clans. Similarly, your Clan mood might suffer if the Clan thinks that you are being too generous, and not asking for enough compensation at the appropriate time.

Like alliances, Tribes are sealed with gifts, magic, and the approval of your ancestors. But, they also require careful negotiation among multiple tribes and a ritual journey to the God Time to ensure Orlanth's approval. Tribes are very powerful in comparison to Clans, but with great power comes great responsibility. Clans are almost always obligated to share some of their wealth with the tribe. Tribal Kings are elected, not chosen. A good King often reigns for a long time, but a bad King can quickly lose their power.

Most tribes establish regular trading routes with their neighbors to increase their mutual wealth. Your ability to Bargain effectively will determine the number of trading routes that you can have at one time.


Every Clan is ruled by a Chieftain, and every Chieftain relies on his Ring, just as Orlanth relied on the Storm Ring during the God Time.

As a player, you will choose your own Clan Ring. You decide their name (a lengthy list of approved names will be provided), their talents, and their appropriate Gods. Each of the seven Ringmembers has a Primary Skill and a Secondary Skill. Your Primary and Secondary skills are both Basic Skills (Animals, Bargaining, Combat, Custom, Leadership, Magic, Plants).

At the beginning of the game, you have 25 points to allocate to your Ringmember's Primary Skills, not including the additional point that is assigned according to your Clan Virtue. Note that only one Ringmember can start with a skill of 6 (Renowned) at the beginning of the game - the other Ringmembers must have Primary Skills of 5 or below. Primary Skills must be unique - that is to say, you cannot have two Ringmembers with "Combat" as their Primary Skill. Similarly, you have 16 points to allocate to your Ringmember's Secondary Skills. However, these skills do not need to be unique (you could have two Ringmembers with "Combat" assigned as a Secondary Skill). Clan Members are assumed to have a score of 1 for all other skills apart from their Primary and Secondary skills, and this can never be improved.

Over time, your Clan Ring might change. Some members will grow stronger while others become weaker. Some Ringmembers might even need to be replaced in the event of injury, illness, or death.

When drafting your orders, it is important to remember that every single action (apart from routine upkeep) must have at least one Ringmember assigned to that action. This means that you are limited to taking seven actions in any given turn. More detail on this will be provided in the section that explains how orders work.


There are two types of skills. Basic Skills are determined by your Clan Ring. Advanced Skills are determined by your Basic Skills. Skills vary from 1 to 7 (Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Renowned, Heroic). Every action that you take in your orders must have an associated skill (or combination of skills if we think that's appropriate). You should assign Ringmembers to perform tasks that are relevant to their particular skill set. For example, imagine that the Moose Clan's Cottars spotted a magnificent White Hart on their Tula, and I want to hunt it down. In my orders, I would likely assign Koreng (because he is good with Animals), Erland (because he is good at Combat), or both (because Hunting is the combination of Animals and Combat) if I really want to succeed.

Advanced Skills formulas are described in your Clan Card. You'll need to think carefully about who you assign to your actions, to make sure that you're using the most of their skills!

If you're not sure about what skill might be required of a given action, feel free to ask! These aren't set in stone, and I'm open to including new skills if we think something is missing.

How do skills actually work? It depends on the exact context of the situation, but the basic framework was inspired by Burning Wheel. Essentially, you have a dice pool (ranging from 1 to 7 for any given action depending on your skills). Depending on the roll, each dice is either a success or a failure.

There are two types of skill rolls: Unopposed, and Opposed. Unopposed is somewhat subjective, and depends on how difficult I think the action you are trying to take will be. Let's walk through an example! If Koreng and Erland team up to hunt the White Hart, their combined dice pool is 5 (6 + 3 / 2 = 4.5, rounded up), so they get 5 dice to roll. White Hart's are really rare, really elusive, and really magical in Glorantha, so I think that it should be fairly difficult to hunt one (let's say they will need 4 successes). A success counts as an 11 or higher on a 20-sided die. So, let's see how they roll!

Roll 1: 13, 9, 20, 14, 5 (11 or higher = 3 successes, need 4)

This is 1 less success than they needed, which is pretty good, but not good enough. In this situation, I might say that they almost captured the White Hart, and so they might have an opportunity to hunt it again next turn. But, let's imagine a different scenario...

Roll 2: 10, 4, 10, 17, 9 (11 or higher = 1 success, need 4)

Now they rolled only 1 success, which is not that good at all! In this situation, they might find that the White Hart has moved to another Clan's Tula (and you don't hunt on another Clan's Tula unless you're looking for a feud). However, what would have happened if they decided to make a sacrifice beforehand? Making a sacrifice changes the threshold for a successful roll, so let's imagine they sacrificed 10 Cows and 10 Trade Goods beforehand, to convince the god Odayla to aid their quest.

Roll 2 + Sacrifice: 10, 4, 10, 17, 9 (9 or higher = 4 successes, need 4)

They caught the White Hart! Odayla be praised! This is why all Orlanthi know the proper value of a good sacrifice when things are starting to look difficult.

Opposed rolls are a little more complicated. To demonstrate, imagine that you are raiding the Black Spear Clan. Your character is Excellent (5) at Combat, and the Black Spear Clan's character is Very Good (4) at Combat. That means you would roll 5 dice, and the Black Spear Clan would roll 4 dice. Assuming all things are equal (same morale, comparable forces, same magic, etc.), your rolls might look like this:

You: 14, 10, 8, 12, 14 (11 or higher = 3 successes)
Black Spear: 11, 10, 13, 10, 5 (11 or higher = 2 successes)

In this case, you win the battle, but it's not an overwhelming victory (+1 success margin). This will impact how many people are wounded, how many people are killed, how much Wealth you're able to capture, etc.

Now imagine the same scenario, but in this case, your morale (+1) is better than their morale (-1). This changes the threshold for what counts as a successful roll. Let's imagine your rolls are exactly the same, but now you succeed on a 10 and above, and they succeed on a 12 and above.

You: 14, 10, 8, 12, 14 (10 or higher = 4 successes)
Black Spear: 11, 10, 13, 10, 5 (12 or higher = 1 success)

In this scenario, you win the battle by a much wider margin (+3 success margin). Their forces are shattered, they rout from the field, and you're able to steal as many cows as you can carry.

Skills descriptions are as follows...

Basic Skills
Animals: Used to manage matters related to animals.
Bargaining: Used to trade and barter, whether between Clans or with outsiders.
Combat: Used to perform combat, whether personal, professional, or plunder.
Custom: Used to make legal decisions, to interpret history, and to come to a close understanding of the culture of your Clan.
Leadership: Used to inspire and lead your Clan through difficult decision-making.
Magic: Used for a variety of tasks and events that are related to magic, and also allows you to research new spells which you can enact through Ritual and Sacrifice.
Plants: Used to manage matters related to plants.

Advanced Skills
Crafting: Used to increase the number of trade goods you produced, and also used to produce unique trade goods.
Deception: Used to trick other people. Orlanthi are notoriously honest, almost to a fault, but Tricksters are given some leeway in this regard.
Diplomacy: Used to manage relations between Clans.
Exploring: Used to explore the lands of Dragon Pass.
Farming: Used to grow crops. Farming is the lynchpin of Orlanthi society, and it is a necessary (or at the very least, highly recommended) to perform twice throughout the year. Fields are sown in Sea Season, and then the harvest is reaped in Earth Season. Farming is incredibly important to Orlanthi society. Other means of obtaining food (for example, Foraging, Hunting, Slaughter, or Trade) are typically used as a stop-gap to last until the next harvest, but farming feeds the majority of your Clan.
Fertility: Used to promote births, and to protect the lives of children. Fertility can also be used to bless marriages, whether within the Clan or between Clans.
Foraging: Used to gather extra food during Sea, Fire, Earth, and occasionally Storm season.
Herding: Used to protect, manage, grow, and guide your valuable herds when necessary.
Hunting: Used to hunt animals and track things down.
Poetry: All Orlanthi love a good poem. Whether you're honoring a friend, humiliating an enemy, or boasting of your own prowess, every Orlanthi (especially the men!) dabbles in public poetry from time to time.
Prophecy: Related to divination, prophecy can provide you with a glimpse into the future. But beware! Although prophets are seldom mistaken entirely, they are often misinterpreted.
Recruiting: Used to recruit Weapon Thanes, and also used to recruit new members into the Clan.
Ritual: Allows you to perform Hero Quests, and also makes it easier to activate spells not associated with a Temple through sacrifice.
Spirit-Talking: Used to work with spirits, whether general (for example, your Clan Wyter can be associated with a variety of tasks, including divination, protection from enemies, the promotion of Clan harmony) or specific (for example, a Fox Spirit might improve the cunning of your warriors, or a River Spirit could be convinced to let you cross, or serve as a barrier to enemies). Different spirits have different abilities, and they can be convinced to do all sorts of things, if the one doing the persuading is persuasive enough!
Strategy: Used to perform raids that aren't focused on plundering the Wealth of your opponent (for example, killing as many enemies as possible, burning down steads, or evading an enemy to hit them at a more opportune moment)
Training: Used to improve the martial abilities of the Clan for a limited time period. Training also governs patrols - when warriors are engaged in training, they are more likely to notice enemy incursions onto the Tula.


This represents how many people are a part of your plan, both adults and children.

Your Fyrd represents the rgular fighting force of your Clan. Typically, around 50% of Orlanthi adults are part of the Fyrd (80% of men and 20% of women). In desperate fights for survival (which are rare between Orlanthi Clans, but not out of the question when fighting outsiders), this might be increased to as much as 80% or even 90% of the Clan (with the caveat that many of these warriors will be inexperienced).

Your Weapon Thanes are dedicated warriors. To promote a Weapon Thane, you must give them a gift worth 10 Wealth. You must also pay 4 Wealth per year (once during Fire Season, and once during Storm Season). The Maximum number of Weapon Thanes that you can have at any given time is influenced by your Combat Skill.

Social class in Orlanthi society is largely fluid. When children are first initiated into the Clan, they become cottars. An Orlanthi's ability to rise up the social hierarchy is largely based on their talents, and their ability to generate wealth for the Clan. Cottars work the lowly professions - hunters, craftsmen, fishermen, shepherds, hog farmers, and fowl breeders. Half Carls have enough wealth to support a herd of 21 cows and must farm half a Hide of land. Full Carls have enough worth to support a herd of 42 cows and must farm a full Hide of land. Weapon Thanes are promoted based on their fighting prowess. Other Thanes are promoted for their unique talents (for example, the Trade Thane is typically responsible for making deals with other Clans, and is often awarded a spot on the Clan Ring). All members of the Clan Ring are considered Thanes.

Thralls are at the very bottom of the Orlanthi social hierarchy. Some Clans keep Thralls, and some don't, but all agree that they are the lowest of the low. Thralls are usually captured from other Clans, but they can also be outlaws. A Thrall may never free himself, but he may be given his freedom. If any man or woman (besides another Thrall) gives a Thrall a weapon, the Thrall is automatically considered to be free. If this was done without permission from the Thrall's master, the master will typically ask for wergild in return. Typical wergild for a freed thrall is 20 Wealth.

In certain situations, you may be asked to pay wergild to compensate for the wrongful death of someone, usually from another Clan. Wergild helps to prevent feuds, so it can be a very important practice. The typical wergild varies depending on social class:

Cottar: 2*/10 Wealth
Half Carl: 3*/15 Wealth
Carl: 5*/25 Wealth
Thane: 10*/50 Wealth
Ringmember: 20*/100 Wealth
Chieftain: 50*/250 Wealth
Tribal King: 100*/500 Wealth
King: 200*/1000 Wealth

*Denotes the typical share of the Clan Ring

Your population will vary throughout the game. People might join your Clan through an event. People might die during a raid. Sickness spirits might come across your Tula and wreak havoc on your children. Your population will also be adjusted at Sacred Time, when children who are fifteen years of age are initiated into the Clan as adults. First, I calculate how many adults died outside of events. Then, I calculate how many children died. Then, I calculate how many children were initiated into the Clan. Last, I calculate how many new children were born. These numbers are based on your current population, but they are also somewhat random (sometimes, lots of babies are born; other times, not so much). You also have the ability to influence these dynamics through ritual and magic, if you so choose.


Your Tula is the territory that belongs to your Clan, under the protection of by your Clan's Wyter. A hide is equal to the amount of land that a Carl can plow and harvest during a single year. Land must be assigned by your Clan Ring during Sacred Time.

Fallow land is left untouched, to ensure the health of Esrola's bounty in the future. Farmland is used by your Carls and Half Carls to grow the crops that feed your Clan. Your herds use your Pastures to graze. Cottars use the Wildlands to raise pigs, hunt, fish, and gather wood. Leftover land is typically assigned to Pastures (clearing the land and making it easier to spot enemy raiders) or Wildlands (allowing you the opportunity to anticipate and set up ambushes). If you don't have enough land to meet all your Clan's needs, it may be necessary to expand your Tula, or to take over some of the Tula from someone else. However, this is often a difficult task to accomplish, requiring the aid of your Clan Wyter.


Your food stockpile lets you know exactly how many seasons you can keep feeding your Clan (excluding Sacred Time). Your maximum stockpile is a reflection of your farming score, as you can only store enough food as is warranted by your skill. Your population eats 1 food every turn. They also have the ability to produce food. Each turn, you will be given a possible range that demonstrates how much food your Clan might produce over the next turn. Earth Season is when you produce most of your food. You can also slaughter herds to feed your Clan in times of hardship. 1 Cow (or equivalent unit of Pigs, Sheep, or Fowl) will feed 20 people per season. 1 Horse will feed 10 people per season.

Herds are the most important measure of wealth in Orlanthi society, especially Cows. However, Pigs, Sheep, and Fowl are also important. The typical exchange rate is as follows (1 Cow = 5 Pigs = 7 Sheep = 20 Fowl), but you can consider these numbers to be equivalent to one another (every unit of Pigs, Sheep, and Fowl is equal to one Cow). These are the herds which belong to the entire Clan (and thus, are under the direct control of the Clan Ring), which represent about 20% of all the animals belonging to your people. Horses are special type of herd. Every Weapon Thane must have at least 2 Horses to support him, so make sure your herds are healthy before you go raiding! Cows, Pigs, Sheep, and Fowl give birth during Sea and Earth Seasons. Horses foal in Fire Season.

Although herds are the preferred currency in Orlanthi society, your cottars also make trade goods which are valuable in and of themselves. Each good represents 1 Cow in terms of value. Trade Goods are also required to upgrade your fortifications (although any kind of wealth can be used for their upkeep). Sometimes, you may discover special materials that allow you to produce Unique Trade Goods. These Unique Trade Goods are worth twice as much as regular Trade Goods.

Treasures refer to objects of great magical power. Their uses are vast and varied, so be on the lookout for Treasures when you have the opportunity to explore!


The world of Glorantha is sustained by magic, and the same can be said about your Clan. Every Sacred Time, your Clan gathers magic through the rituals you perform to renew the world. This magic can be used in a variety of situations...everything's better with a little magic! Although most magic is typically used to enhance your Clan's fortunes during Sacred Time, Clans usually save some in case an emergency happens. Magic can be also be gained through events, or through actions and sacrifices.

Your Known Spells represent the spells that are known by your Clan. You learn about new spells through sacrifice to a particular deity (typically a deity worshiped by one of your Clan Ringmembers). Your Active Spells represent the spells that are currently benefiting your Clan. You can sacrifice to a deity to activate one of your known spells, or you can construct a temple to have a spell that is permanently active.

Your Spirits represent the spirits that are controlled by your Clan. Every Clan starts with a Wyter, the spirit who protects your Clan and guards your people and your Tula from harm. Spirits must be bargained with, sacrificed to, given magic, or all three if you want to convince them to aid you. There are many different kinds of spirits in the world of Glorantha. Some of them are good, some of them are bad, but all of them can be useful!

You can assign up to 3 points of magic to a particular ritual during Sacred Time. This magic will help you throughout the year, so if you are planning on raiding your neighbors, it may be a good idea to assign magic to your War Rituals. Likewise, if you're worried about your stockpile of food, it may be wise to sacrifice to your fields.


You can upgrade your fortifications to protect your Tula from enemy raids. Each upgrade must build on top of the upgrade before it (so, you can't simply upgrade immediately to a stone wall - you need to build a wooden stockade first). Notably, your fortifications require upkeep every Dark Season, to ensure their protection against the elements of Darkness. They can also be damaged during raids. The 7 levels are listed below:

Chieftain's Hall (Level 1 - 10 Goods)
Watchtower (Level 2 - 20 Goods)
Ditch (Level 3 - 30 Goods)
Ramparts (Level 4 - 40 Goods)
Stake Perimeter (Level 5 - 50 Goods)
Wooden Stockade (Level 6 - 60 Goods)
Stone Wall (Level 7 - 70 Goods)

You can also establish permanent temples to honor the Gods and provide your Clan with permanent magic. Each level of a temple requires 10 Goods to build, and 10 Wealth to upkeep during Sacred Time.


Your Clan pays upkeep at certain points in the year. Treaty obligations are agreed upon by two Clans. Tribal Obligations are paid to promote the wellness of a tribe, and are agreed upon during the formation of a Tribe.

Weapon Thanes require 4 Wealth per year, paid in equal measure during Fire Season and Storm Season.

Spirits require regular upkeep as well during Sacred Time, and must be paid 10 Wealth per spirit.

Fortifications need upkeep during Dark Season, and require 10 Wealth per level.

Temples also require upkeep at a rate of 10 Wealth per level.

Report Template

Your report should be pretty self-explanatory, but the basic frame work is that I'll tell you what season it is, I'll provide information on anything that you should be doing because of the season, I'll highlight any upkeep that you need to pay to maintain your Clan. I'll also describe the outcomes of your actions that you took during the last turn, as well as any new events that require attention from the Clan Ring.



In my last BoP, I bit off more than I could chew. Things got incredibly complicated, especially as people gained new provinces. I want to make sure that doesn't happen, so I want orders to be as simple as possible. This means I have a specific outline that I will ask you to follow.

Please note that upkeep does not require an action - you can simply say "pay upkeep" in your orders and I'll do it automatically.

==========ACTION 1==========

Description: Every action needs a description - what are you trying to accomplish? This is probably the most important part of your orders, because even though there are a lot of mechanics, my primary interest in this game is narrative. The mechanics inform and color the narrative, but the narrative drives the story forward, so to speak.

Clan Ring: Who on your Clan Ring is helping to perform the action? Every action must have at least one character assigned to help perform it (which means that, at most you can perform seven actions during a single turn). Advanced Actions benefit from having the two relevant Ringmembers act in unison. So, in all likelihood you will typically be performing fewer than seven actions in a single turn. Hooray for my workload!

Skills: What skills (Basic and/or Advanced) do you think are relevant to the success of this action? I may disagree, in which case I'll let you know and give you the opportunity to amend. Always happy to think through things and add new skills if you want to do something but you aren't sure if it's feasible.

Population: How many people are being assigned to this action? Not necessary for all actions, this is mostly relevant for performing military actions, assigning escorts, and reacting to certain events (in which case, you'll usually know that assigning population might be helpful). If I think an action would benefit from assigning population and you didn't do it, I will let you know and give you the opportunity to amend.

Wealth: Are you spending Wealth (for example, to build a building or to pay off another Clan) to perform the action?

Sacrifices: How much Wealth are you sacrificing to help the action's success? This isn't always necessary, but it can often help if you're trying to do something difficult, and you worry that you aren't skilled enough to perform the action.

5 Wealth is a minimum sacrifice
10 Wealth is a small sacrifice
20 Wealth is a below average sacrifice
25 Wealth is an average sacrifice
30 wealth is an above average sacrifice
40 Wealth is a large sacrifice
50 Wealth is a huge sacrifice

Treasures: Do you have any magical treasures that you think are relevant? Feel free to indicate their use here!

Magic: Are you using any of your available magic to assist this action? If you think that an active spell or active spirit is also relevant, you may include it in this section as well.

Sacred Time Ritual: Did you spend Magic on a Sacred Time Ritual? If you think your Sacred Time Ritual is relevant to your current action, include it here so I don't forget to account for it.

==========ACTION 2==========
Same as outlined above. Hopefully you get the idea!

==========ACTION 1==========

Clan Ring:
Sacred Time Rituals:

==========ACTION 2==========


I'm including this calendar for context because the time of year can have a big impact on your orders. Each turn in the game represents a single season on the Orlanthi calendar. Different actions are more or less suited to different seasons. Sea Season and Earth Season are when you sow and reap your crops respectively (meaning you don't want to use too much of your population on raiding). Fire Season, on the other hand, is a great time for raiding. It's also worth mentioning that Clan Moots happen three times a year, during Sea Season, Earth Season, and Storm Season. If you end up joining a tribe, Tribal Moots occur during Fire Season. I'm also more than happy to answer any question that you might have about the calendar!

Time began over thirteen hundred years ago, when the sun first rose after the Cosmic Compromise. Before that was the God Time. A year is made up of five seasons, and the Sacred Time. Each season consists of eight weeks, named for the rune that most influences that seven-day period. Sacred Time is two weeks.

Sea Season is first, a time of planting, new births, and gentle rains. It's a hungry time for people, but the animals begin to fatten. This is when the ravages of the storm are repaired.

Fire Season is hot and dry. While the crops are ripening, the men are free from the toils of the soil, and can take up arms.

Earth Season is harvest time. Every able hand brings in the grain. When it's harvested, we thank Ernalda. At the end of the season, we slaughter animals to prepare for the oncoming cold.

Dark Season is the time of snow. Night and ice demons wander the land afflicting us with freezing storms. Trolls are most active during this time, but many elves sleep.

Storm Season is when life and darkness spirits wage battle. Sometimes the darkness spirits win and the ice and old drags on for weeks. Sometimes the spirits of life win, with balmy weather and new shoots and buds. Usually neither is entirely victorious, and it's a season of violent weather changes. Orlanth's most sacred day occurs in Storm season, so it's the best time of year to fight in his name.

Sacred Time is the period of rebirth during which great ceremonies are held. We cast oracles and spells to protect the land. All our religious people participate in the Lightbringers' Quest and other reenactments of creation. This massive release of energy rejuvenates the cosmos. Failure to complete these acts would probably result in Chaos seeping again into the world.

By using this link and entering in the following code, you can see a full Orlanthi Calendar with all the major Orlanthi Holidays and Events noted.

{"year_len":294,"events":0,"n_months":6,"months":["Sea Season","Fire Season","Earth Season","Dark Season","Storm Season","Sacred Time"],"month_len":{"Sea Season":56,"Fire Season":56,"Earth Season":56,"Dark Season":56,"Storm Season":56,"Sacred Time":14},"week_len":7,"weekdays":["Freezeday","Waterday","Clayday","Windsday","Fireday","Wildday","Godsday"],"n_moons":null,"moons":[],"lunar_cyc":{},"lunar_shf":{},"year":1330,"first_day":0,"notes":{"1330-1-1":"Disorder Week, Spring Equinox","1330-1-8":"Harmony Week","1330-1-15":"Death Week","1330-1-22":"Fertility Week","1330-1-29":"Stasis Week","1330-1-36":"Movement Week","1330-1-43":"Illusion Week","1330-1-50":"Truth Week","1330-1-9":"Flower Day","1330-1-11":"Plow Blessing Day","1330-1-24":"Honoring Day","1330-1-39":"Sword Day","1330-1-40":"Clan Moot","1330-1-41":"Market Day","1330-2-12":"Summer Solstice","1330-2-26":"Victorious Sun Day","1330-2-24":"Hearth Day","1330-2-1":"Disorder Week","1330-2-8":"Harmony Week","1330-2-15":"Death Week","1330-2-22":"Fertility Week","1330-2-29":"Stasis Week","1330-2-36":"Movement Week","1330-2-43":"Illusion Week","1330-2-50":"Truth Week","1330-2-39":"Lawstaff Day","1330-2-40":"Tribal Moot","1330-2-41":"Market Day","1330-2-42":"Presentation Day","1330-3-1":"Disorder Week","1330-3-8":"Harmony Week","1330-3-15":"Death Week","1330-3-22":"Fertility Week","1330-3-29":"Stasis Week","1330-3-36":"Movement Week","1330-3-43":"Illusion Week","1330-3-50":"Truth Week","1330-3-3":"Still Day","1330-3-24":"Tool Day, Autumnal Equinox","1330-3-27":"Shutting the Door Day","1330-3-38":"Goose Day, Harvest Day","1330-3-39":"Reaping Day","1330-3-41":"Market Day","1330-3-42":"","1330-3-49":"","1330-4-1":"Disorder Week","1330-4-8":"Harmony Week, Slaughter Day","1330-4-9":"Sacrifice Day","1330-4-15":"Death Week","1330-4-22":"Fertility Week","1330-4-29":"Stasis Week","1330-4-36":"Movement Week","1330-4-43":"Shroud Day","1330-4-50":"Truth Week","1330-4-20":"Ancestor Day","1330-4-24":"Loom Blessing Day","1330-4-39":"Protection Day","1330-4-7":"???Tribute Day???","1330-4-41":"Market Day","1330-4-47":"Winter Solstice","1330-4-56":"Law Day","1330-6-1":"Luck Week, Together Day","1330-6-8":"Fate Week, Secret Healing Day","1330-6-14":"Prophecy Day","1330-6-7":"I Fought We Won Day","1330-6-6":"Secret Water Day","1330-6-5":"Survival Day","1330-6-4":"Lightbringer Day","1330-6-11":"Return Day","1330-5-14":"","1330-5-1":"Disorder Week","1330-5-8":"Harmony Week","1330-5-15":"Death Week","1330-5-22":"Fertility Week","1330-5-29":"Stasis Week","1330-5-36":"Movement Week","1330-5-43":"Illusion Week","1330-5-50":"Truth Week","1330-5-4":"Clan Moot","1330-3-53":"???Defense Day, Rest Day???","1330-3-54":"???Clan Moot???","1330-3-46":"","1330-5-6":"Good Winds Day","1330-5-12":"Lover's Day","1330-5-18":"Death Day","1330-5-24":"Queen Day","1330-5-39":"One Day, Wife Day","1330-5-42":"???Brother's Day???","1330-5-41":"Market Day","1330-5-34":"Bellow Day"}}
Orlanthi Culture


“No One Can Make You Do Anything”

"No One Lives Alone"

“There is Always Another Way”

"Violence is Always An Option"

The Six

And One

Husband and Wife
Both participants have equal property, status, and responsibility. The Wife moves to her Husband’s house, and the children belong to his Clan.

Husband and Underwife
The Husband has more status and property than the Underwife. The Underwife moves to her Husband’s house, and the children belong to his Clan.

Wife and Underhusband
The Wife has more status and property than the Underhusband. The Underhusband moves to the Wife’s house, and the children belong to his Clan.

Wife and Esrolian Husband
The Wife has more status and property than the Esrolian Husband. The Esrolian Husband moves to the Wife’s house, and the children belong to her Clan.

Year Husband and Year Wife
A temporary Marriage, renewed after a year, and subject to one of the terms listed above.

Bed-Husband or Bed-Wife
No property changes hands save for that granted with witness. Children are raised by the party not specified in the title. Thus, if the Husband is entitled to the property, status, and responsibility of the Marraige, the children belong to the Bed-Wife's Clan. Likewise, if the Wife is entitled to the property, status, and responsibility of the Marriage, the children belong to the Bed-Husband's Clan.

Love-Husband and Love-Wife
No property changes hands; this is a vow of monogamy for monogamy’s sake. The children go the Love-Husband’s clan. On rare occasions, two Orlanthi of the same sex will join together in a Love-Marriage, with one taking the role of the Love-Husband, and the other taking the role of the Love-Wife.

All Orlanthi know the Rite of Hospitality. Through Hospitality, Orlanth gathered many friends and allies to his side, which in turn led to the creation of the Storm Tribe. Orlanthi are obligated to offer strangers the 1st Stage of Hospitality. Under favorable circumstances, the host may choose to extend their hospitality towards the stranger, provided that the stranger is able and willing to accept it.

The 1st Stage of Hospitality

Question: Are you friend or foe?
Answer: Friend.

Question: I am (NAME AND TITLE). What is your name?

Question: You can have my hospitality. I offer you water.
Answer: I will not steal from you, fight you, or say bad things about you.

The 2nd Stage of Hospitality

Question: Are you our friend?
Answer: Yes, and here is why...
Question: Then you can have a blanket.

The 3rd Stage of Hospitality

Question: Are you a kinsman, or are you important?
Answer: Yes and here is why...
Question: Then you can have meat.

The 4th Stage of Hospitality

Question: Are you a great person?
Answer: Yes, and here is why...
Question: Then you can have salt.

The 5th Stage of Hospitality

Question: Are you willing to work for us?
Answer: Yes, and here is why...
Question: Then you can live among us.

High Crimes
When an Orlanthi kills a member of their own Bloodline, they have committed Kinstrife. Each Bloodline is composed of a handful of closely related extended familes, and between 5-10 Bloodlines typically live together in a single Clan. When Orlanth's brother Urox killed Ragnaglar for his crime of spreading Chaos, the act of Kinstrife between them only strengthened the power of Chaos. Whether Secret, Accidental, or Intentional, Kinstrife is one of the worst crimes that an Orlanthi can commit, for it almost always leads to Chaos of the worst kind.

Spreading of Chaos
In the God Time, there was a great war between the Gods and Chaos. This was a very bad time for everyone, even the Gods! It was so bad that Orlanth and the Lightbringers journeyed into the Underworld to bring back Yelm the Bad Emperor. This act of unity and compromise saved the world, and defeated the forces of Chaos! Yet despite our victory, we would soon weep, for we learned that Chaos was not truly destroyed. Nay, Chaos is part of the world to this very day, and those who spread it, whether intentionally or not, must be cleansed.

Secret Murder
When an Orlanthi kills another Orlanthi, they are obligated to declare their intent. This is known as Public Murder. When Orlanth killed Yelm, the Bad Emperor, he told him beforehand so that Yelm would know why. However, when an Orlanthi kills another Orlanthi without declaring their intent, this is called Secret Murder, and it is a terrible crime

When Orlanth married Ernalda, he established a sacred bond. We Orlanthi still live by and honor this bond, for the institution of Marriage strengthens the Clan. Orlanthi who seek to live in this institution are sworn to uphold it, until death or law separates the two from one another. Although there are seven different types of marriage, marital fidelity is expected in all of them. Thus, Adultery is a High Crime, for it forsakes the wisdom of Orlanth and Ernalda.

Desecration of Temples
The Gods taught us many things during the God Time. Orlanth protected us, and Ernalda provided. In exchange for their selflessness, we promise to honor them in song and deed. Those who forsake this obligation are foolish, for Orlanth and Ernalda still protect and provide for us today. But, those who openly blaspheme it through the Desecration of Temples? This is a crime against the world, not because it mocks the Gods, but because it invites Chaos back into the world.

Public Murder
Whereas Secret Murder is always forbidden, Public Murder is an act that is sometimes encouraged in Orlanthi society. Sometimes, Justice demands Death, no matter the circumstances. Nevertheless, Public Murder is a crime, especially when it occurs within a Clan. Such a crime is primarily paid for through Wergild, allowing Clans to avoid Feuds and Bloodlines to avoid Kinstrife.

When Chaos almost destroyed the world, it grew strong by Lying. But, Lying wasn't created by Chaos. Rather, Lying was created by Eurmal, who used it to steal Death and kill Grandfather Mortal. He would have killed a lot more too if Issaries didn't intervene. Issaries taught us to be truthful and honest, for he knew that Lying would only serve to hurt us. When an Orlanthi lies to a member of the Clan, he puts himself before the Clan, and so deserves punishment, most often through payment of Wergild to the Clan Ring.

If liars put themselves before the Clan, thieves actively harm it entirely. Stealing fails to uphold our Honor, breeds resentment between friends, and causes unrest within our Clan. Theft within Clans is typically handled through payment of Wergild, although repeat offenses often result in Banishment. However, theft between Clans is usually a matter of death. Foreign thieves who are caught in your Tula may be ransomed or executed.

Banishment is typically used to punish Orlanthi who commit High Crimes, whether intentionally or unintentionally. It is occasionally used to punish Orlanthi who commit multiple Misdemeanors. When an Orlanthi is banished from their Clan, they become an Outlaw. An Outlaw is as low as a Thrall. They can be enslaved, or sold, or killed without discretion. They have no legal rights or status unless they can convince another Clan to adopt them. In extremely rare circumstances, the banished Orlanthi may be allowed to return to their original clan, usually when the banishment was self-imposed. After all, Orlanth let his brother Humakt back into the Storm Tribe after Humakt exiled himself to absolve the Storm Tribe from his future sins.

Death is typically used to punish Orlanthi who commit High Crimes, usually intentionally but sometimes unintentionally. It is rarely used to punish Orlanthi who commit Misdemeanors, and such a punishment only occurs after multiple Misdemeanors. The punishment of Death is always carried out with a sword that is used to decapitate the offender. The blade is always wielded by one of the Clan's Thanes or Weapon Thanes, typically by the Clan's oldest or most prominent worshiper of Humakt.

Wergild is typically used to punish Orlanthi who commit Misdemeanors. The price of Wergild varies depending on a variety of factors, including the social status of the plaintiff/defendant, the degree of the crime, the strength of evidence in favor of either side, and the judgment of the Clan Ring.

1*/5 Wealth would be a Thrall's Wergild
2*/10 Wealth would be a Cottar's Wergild
3*/15 Wealth would be a Half Carl's Wergild
5*/25 Wealth would be a Carl's Wergild
10*/50 Wealth would be a Thane's Wergild
20*/100 Wealth would be a Ringmember's Wergild
50*/250 Wealth would be a Chieftain's Wergild
100*/500 Wealth would be a Tribal King's Wergild
200*/1000 Wealth would be a King's Wergild

*Denotes the typical share of the Clan Ring

Goddess of Rape is seriously a very good read, I highly recommend it!

What does it Mean to be Orlanthi? Hermeneutic Challenge in King of Dragon Pass

King of Dragon Pass Manual is probably the second biggest spoiler for this BoP after playing the actual game yourself!

What happens to Orlanthi after they die?

Orlanthi Pantheon

The King and Queen
Orlanth and Ernalda

The Lightbringers
Orlanth, Chalana Arroy, Issaries, Lhankor Mhy, Eurmal, Flesh Man*†, Ginna Jar*

The Thunder Brothers
Kolat, Urox, Humakt

Orlanth's Children
Odayla, Barntar, Vinga

The Storm Tribe (Other)
Donandar*, Elmal, Heler*, Mastakos*, Voriof*, Yinkin*

The Earth Tribe
Esrola, The Grain Goddesses (Esra, Pelora, Suchara, Usara), The Animal Mothers (Entra, Nevala, Uralda, Isbarn), Maran Gor*, Babeester Gor*, Asrelia*, Ty Kora Tek*, Voria*, Kero Fin*

The Lowfires
Gustbran*, Mahome*, Oakfed*

The Unholy Trio
Ragnaglar†, Thed, Mallia

The Rebels
Vadrus†, Molanni, Iphara, Gagarth, Valind, Daga, Lanbril

*Rarely worshiped minor deities

Orlanth (Bargaining, Combat, Leadership, Magic)
Youngest son of the Storm King Umath and the Mountain Kero Fin, Orlanth is the founder, ruler, and protector of the Storm Tribe. We worship him as the Storm King, Lord of the Middle Air, and the Breath of the World. In the Godtime, Orlanth killed the Bad Emperor Yelm and liberated the world from the tyranny of the Fire Tribe. With Yelm gone, Orlanth was free to marry Ernalda of the Earth Tribe, ushering in the Storm Age and bringing freedom and prosperity to all Orlanthi. When the Storm Age ended and Chaos emerged, Orlanth undertook a perilous quest to save the world by bringing Yelm back from the dead, which is why our people still honor him today as Orlanth Lightbringer.

Ernalda (Animals, Leadership, Magic, Plants)
Daughter of Asrelia, Ernalda is Queen of the Earth Tribe, protector of the Family, and the Allmother. Kept prisoner by the jealous Yelm, she taught the goddesses of the Fire Tribe to calm their wrathful husbands. After Orlanth slew the Bad Emperor, Ernalda was free, and she and Orlanth wed in a union that merged themselves and their two tribes forever. She fell into the Underworld during the Great Darkness, but was saved by Orlanth and the Lightbringers.

Chalana Arroy (Magic)
The Goddess of Healing. In the Godtime, she traveled with Orlanth to the Underworld, and so we honor her as one of the Lightbringers. Gentle and generous, Chalana Arroya was renowned for healing both her noble allies and her hateful enemies. As such, her followers are sworn to heal the sick and wounded wherever they may be found, regardless of their creed or country.

Issaries (Bargaining)
As the God of Trade and Communication, Issaries is worshipped by Orlanthi merchants and traders. He joined Orlanth's quest into the underworld, which is why we honor him as a Lightbringer.

Lhankor Mhy (Custom)
The Knowing God, Lhankor Mhy is the God of Knowledge and Writing. He served as a Scribe for the Bad Emperor Yelm, and joined the Storm Tribe after Yelm was slain. He became the Lawspeaker for the Storm Tribe, and joined Orlanth on the Lightbringer's Quest. His followers compile and maintain ancient texts, preserving the wisdom of our forebears.

Eurmal (Bargaining, Magic)
The Trickster of the Strom Tribe and God of Disorder and Illusion. He stole Death from the Underworld and gave it to Humakt, before stealing it again and giving it to Orlanth. Condemned by the mortals for his crimes, Eurmal was saved by Orlanth in return for help. He would journey alongside Orlanth into the Underworld as part of the Lightbringer's Quest, a quest that he singlehandedly saved on multiple occasions.

Flesh Man (Custom)
Like us, Fleshman was one of the descendants of Grandfather Mortal. Driven mad by all the death he had seen since his ancestor's demise, Fleshman urged Orlanth to spare Eurmal's life in exchange for his help during their journey into the Underworld.

Ginna Jar (Magic)
No one knows exactly who or what Ginna Jar is. Some say it was the Lightbringer's Wyter, a guardian spirit who kept the heroes from harm. Others claim Ginna Jar is the spirit of Arachne Solara herself. But, we all know that Ginna Jar deserves the utmost respect for her role in the Lightbringer's Quest.

Kolat (Magic)
The first son of Umath, and Orlanth's eldest brother. Wild and unpredictable, Kolat is known as the Wind Father, and he is mainly worshiped by Orlanthi shamans.

Urox (Combat)
The second son of Umath, also known as the Storm Bull and the Desert Wind. The fearsome Urox fought bravely against the forces of Chaos during the Great Darkness, and he famously slew the Great Devil Wakboth by crushing him under the Block, thereby enabling the Gods to defeat him in the Underworld. His followers fight Chaos wherever it may be found.

Humakt (Combat)
The fourth son of Umath, Humakt is the humorless God of Death and Oaths. After stealing Death from the Trickster Eurmal, Humakt slew Grandfather Mortal and brought Death to all his descendants. When Orlanth stole Death to defeat the Bad Emperor, Humakt killed him and sent Orlanth to the Underworld. There, the two came to a new agreement, and Humakt has served the Storm Tribe ever since. His followers are dedicated to the eradication of the Undead.

Odayla (Animals, Combat)
Orlanth's son, God of the Hunt and the Wild Storm. Odayla tracked the Sky Bear and wrestled him into submission before donning his skin. Ever since then, his worshippers have been known as Bearwalkers, and their knowledge of hunting is unsurpassed.

Barntar (Animals, Bargaining, Plants)
The son of Orlanth and Ernalda, Barntar is the God of Carls. He invented the Plow, and the rules by which we harvest from the Earth. He was killed by his uncle Vadrus in an event known as the first Kinslaying. This terrible deed set in motion a series of events that would lead to the end of the Storm Age, and the beginning of the Great Darkness. Like the rest of the dead, Barntar was saved during the Lightbringer's Quest.

Vinga (Combat, Leadership)
The daughter of Orlanth, and a goddess of storms and warfare. In some stories, Vinga sprang from Orlanth's loins during the God's War to help Orlanth fight against the forces of Chaos; in others, Orlanth himself turned into Vinga to defeat the demon Erladivus, for it was prophesized that no man could defeat him.

Donandar (Bargaining, Custom)
Donandar is the god of good minstrels, good music, and good fortune. He is rumored to walk the earth in guise of a humble traveler, which is why Orlanthi are always eager to welcome minstrels into their homes.

Elmal (Combat, Leadership, Magic)
Elmal is the Sun God of the Storm Tribe and Father of Horses. Once a servant of the Bad Emperor Yelm, Elmal joined the Storm Tribe after Chalana Arroy healed his blindness. When Orlanth departed to the Underworld, Elmal guarded the Storm Tribe from the forces of Chaos. Upon Orlanth's return, Elmal dutifully relinquished his power and continued to serve as Orlanth's right hand.

Heler (Combat, Plants)
A former member of the Water Tribe, Heler fought against Orlanth on many occasions before Orlanth saved Heler from the belly of the Dragon Aroka. As former enemies became allies, Orlanth finally convinced Heler to join the Storm Tribe.

Mastakos (Animals, Combat)
Mastakos is Orlanth's charioteer. Just as he is sworn to protect Orlanth, he also protects travelers and wanderers from harm.

Voriof (Animals)
Voriof is the god of boys, shepherds, and sheep. He is usually described as the son of Orlanth and Esrola, but some priests of Lhankor Mhy say that he is actually the son of Heler and Esrola. Rowdy and rambunctious, he is known for his frequent quarrels with his siblings.

Yinkin (Animals)
Son of Kero Fin and Orlanth's playful younger brother, Yinkin is the Cat God of Alynxes. Yinkin and Orlanth grew close inside the cave of Kero Fin, and Yinkin swore loyalty to the Storm Tribe after being rescued by Orlanth. The Orlanthi have treated Yinkin and his noble kin with the utmost respect since then, which is why dogs are forbidden from our hearths and our tulas.

Esrola (Animals, Plants)
Manifest Mother Earth, Esrola is the sister of Ernalda. The earth is her body, and with it she bore the four Grain Goddesses (Esra, Pelora, Suchara, Usara) and the four Animal Mothers (Entra, Nevala, Uralda, and Isbarn)

The Grain Goddesses (Plants)
Four of many daughters of Esrola; Esra the Barley Mother, Pelora the Wheat Mother, Suchara the Rye Mother, and Usara the Oat Mother. We are especially greatful to Esra, for she provides the barley with which we brew our beer.

The Animal Mothers (Animals)
Four of many daughters of Esrola; Entra the Pig Mother, Nevala the Sheep Mother, Uralda the Cow Mother, and Isbarn the Goose Girl. Uralda earns our greatest respect, for her herds are the source of all that we hold dear.

Maran Gor (Combat)
Ernalda's youngest sister, Maran Gor is the Goddess of Quakebeasts. In the Godtime, she helped shape the earth by striking it with her mighty club, causing great earthquakes to split the ground.

Babeester Gor (Combat)
When Ernalda was slain by the forces of Chaos, Babeester Gor was born from her dead body. The goddess of Revenge, Babeester Gor is dark, ruthless, and terrifying, and her worshippers are rightly feared for possessing the same qualities.

Asrelia (Magic)
An ancient goddess, Asrelia is known to us as the Giver of Plenty, for she bore three great daughters who still provide for our people today; Ernalda, Esrola, and Maran Gor. Unlike her greedy sister Ty Kora Tek, Asrelia shares her wealth freely with those who are able to find it beneath the surface of the Earth.

Ty Kora Tek (Custom)
Asrelia's dour sister, Ty Kora Tek is called the Keeper and Holder, for once she has her hands on you, she never lets go. She hoards over all manners of untold wealth, including the souls of dead Orlanthi. Unlike her sister Asrelia, who is generous and merciful, Ty Kora Tek is greedy but fair – if you challenge her to a game of chance, she may be willing to take you up on it if the offer is tempting. Just don't be disappointed if you lose.

Voria (Plants)
Voria is the goddess of Spring, and the daughter of Ernalda and Yelm, before she wed Orlanth. Barefoot and beaming, her appearance heralds the beginning of Sea Season.

Kero Fin (Magic)
Kero Fin is the Goddess of the Mountain Kero Fin. She is the First and Greatest Mountain, and she is the Mother of Mountains. Standing over eight miles tall, she is can be seen from every corner of Dragon Pass. Together with Umath Storm King, she gave birth to Orlanth.

Gustbran (Custom)
God of the Forge, Gustbran is the Bonfire. He is the patron of smiths, and he forges the arms and armor of the gods.

Mahome (Custom)
Goddess of the Hearth, Mahome is the Common Fire. She serves Orlanth and the gods, and prepares the food for their feasts.

Oakfed (Magic)
Oakfed is the Wild Fire, and is often worshiped by Shamans with a penchant for anger and violence.

Umath's fifth son, and Orlanth's former brother, Ragnaglar was driven mad when he was thrown into the Sex Pit by Orlanth's jealous uncles when they fought against Umath and the Thunder Brothers. With the Unholy Trio, Ragnaglar conspired to summon the devil Wakboth into Glorantha. He was killed by his brother Urox, but the kinslaying only served to strengthen the forces of chaos.

A former member of the Storm Tribe, Thed fell victim to a terrible crime. Ragnaglar forced himself upon Thed in his madness, but when Orlanth learned that his brother was responsible, he refused to exile him from the tribe. In response, Thed went to Orlanth and asked him to recognize her as the Goddess of Rape, so that all of Orlanth's kin might suffer the same injustice. With vengeance in her heart, she became the chief conspirator behind the plans to summon Wakboth into the world.

A former spirit of healing, Mallia learned how to kill after the death of Grandfather Mortal. Soon, she became known as the Mistress of Disease, and she relished in the slow torment of her victims. She joined Ragnaglar and Thed to help summon the devil Wakboth.

Known as the Ill Wind, Vadrus was the third son of Umath, and Orlanth's wicked and deceitful brother. Jealous of his brother's marriage and throne, Vadrus killed his nephew Barntar and was maimed by Orlanth in return during the Great Darkness. Vadrus was completely destroyed by the Devil Wakboth when he tried to use Chaos to usurp Orlanth. His daughters (Molanni and Iphara) and sons (Gagarth and Valind) still plague the Orlanthi to this very day.

First daughter of Vadrus, Molanni is the Goddess of Still Air. With her husband Yelm, she gave birth to Daga, the God of Drought

Second daughter of Vadrus, Iphara is known as the Goddess of Fog.

King of the Wild Hunt, and the eldest son of Vadrus, Gagarth is troublesome patron of thieves, outlaws and bandits.

The youngest child of the Ill Wind, Valind is the God of Winter. Known as the Winter King, he surrendered to Orlanth after the annihilation of his father, and inherited the North Wind. But, nevertheless his power still plagues us every Dark Season, as his ice demons descend upon the world, bringing death with them.

The son of Bad Emperor Yelm and the traitor Molanni, Daga is the God of Drought. Orlanth imprisoned him in a Brass Jar, but he escapes from time to time to harass and oppress our people.

The King and Patron of Thieves, Lanbril was scorned by the gods for his weakness. Angry over the slight, he enacted vengeance by stealing from the gods who had spurned him. No one knows his face, for he is a master of disguise.






Orlanthi Names

Aage, Aaric, Aegir, Aesir, Aevar, Afi, Age, Ake, Alaka, Alberich, Alebard, Alf, Alfarin, Alfarinn, Alfgeir, Alfrigg, Alfrothul, Alusad, Alusar, Alvis, Alviss, Amald, Amhlaoibh, Amund, Amundi, An, Anatyr, Ander, Anderson, Andgrath, Andrin, Andvaranaut, Andvari, Angorri, Angortar, Angorus, Angtyr, Annar, Ansgar, Antonor, Aransand, Aren, Arenus, Argandos, Argrand, Argrath, Ari, Aric, Aricin, Arick, Arik, Arild, Arkell, Arkellor, Arkellos, Arkii, Arkin, Arkyn, Arlest, Arlestos, Armod, Arnbord, Arnborn, Arneot, Arngeir, Arni, Arnlaug, Aros, Arrick, Arrin, Arvakl, Arve, Arvid, Asart, Asbiom, Asbjom, Asborn, Asgard, Asgaut, Asgeir, Asgerd, Asgrim, Ashart, Ask, Askel, Askell, Aski, Askos, Askul, Aslak, Aslandar, Asolf, Asran, Asrod, Asvald, Atli, Aud, Audolf, Audun, Auliffe, Avaldamon, Avang, Avareen

Bakli, Balder, Baldr, Baldur, Balmung, Baranthos, Baranwolf, Bard, Bardi, Barngrad, Barngrados, Barngradus, Barntadus, Bastakos, Baug, Beini, Belkar, Bender, Benderos, Benevus, Berendor, Bergelmir, Bergthor, Bersi, Bevevorl, Bifrost, Bionbyr, Biorn, Birger, Biturian, Bjame, Bjami, Bjolf, Bjomolf, Blyn, Bodil, Bodmod, Bodolf, Bodvar, Bofrost, Bolik, Bolli, Boltar, Bolthor, Bolverk, Booth, Bor, Borg, Bori, Bork, Borngold, Bothe, Bothi, Braggi, Bragi, Branbrig, Brand, Brander, Brandgor, Brandig, Brandr, Branduan, Brangbane, Branstock, Brede, Bren, Brenos, Brian, Brisingamen, Broddi, Brokk, Brol, Broltor, Brondolf, Broost, Broostos, Broyan, Broyanus, Bruni, Bruth, Bruthos, Brygghel, Brynjolf, Bundros, Burnaby, Burr, Busby, Busbyr, Butari, Butaros, Byrgaros, Byrggar

Cadby, Canute, Carr, Cauley, Cawley, Chernan, Cnut, Cnute, Colymar, Cort, Cortie, Crosby, Crow

Dag, Dain, Dana, Dan, Dane, Dangmag, Dangmar, Dangmarus, Dangmet, Dangmorl, Danhy, Danmag, Danwyr, Darby, Darkal, Darkot, Darndrev, Darndrevus, Darrold, Darroldus, Dastandros, Dastandyr, Davin, Davyn, Daylanal, Daylanor, Delling, Dellingr, Den, Denby, Denny, Derby, Derek, Derik, Desemba, Desiderio, Desrad, Destoral, Destorus, Digby, Dikibyr, Dilfaran, Domos, Donanor, Dorasor, Dorasorl, Draupnir, Drelfon, Dreng, Drenyan, Drogar, Drogaral, Duartr, Dunorl, Dunorlus, Durev, Durevor, Durin, Duruvan, Dushi, Dyre, Dyri

Eggther, Egil, Eigil, Eikki, Eilif, Einar, Eirik, Eistein, Eitri, Eldgrim, Elgan, Elganus, Ellisif, Elmalandti, Elmalanth, Elmalanti, Elmalkar, Elmalos, Elnor, Elusu, Elvis, Enar, Enastakos, Enastar, Endal, Endalos, Enderorl, Enderos, Enent, Enerin, Enestakus, Enfreenos, Enfrew, Engarnus, Engattar, Enjosorl, Enjoss, Enjossi, Enothan, Entarios, Entaros, Eonislar, Eonisorl, Eonistaran, Eparikondos, Eric, Erick, Erik, Erland, Erling, Erp, Errol, Eryk, Esbjorn, Eske, Eskil, Estavar, Estavorl, Estavos, Eyfrod, Eyjolf, Eystein, Eyvind

Fafner, Fafnir, Faltikor, Faltikus, Fantarl, Fantarlos, Farad, Faradorl, Farangar, Farnan, Farnantyr, Fasolt, Faste, Fedarkor, Fedarkorl, Fedarkos, Fell, Fenris, Feren, Filbar, Finn, Finnbogi, Finoval, Finovarn, Firborl, Fistivos, Fistivus, Fjall, Flesso, Floki, Flosi, Forseti, Freki, Frekor, Frey, Freyr, Freystein, Fridleif, Friedar, Frithorf, Frithorl, Frode

Galm, Ganger, Garaystar, Gardar, Gardi, Gardrostan, Gardrostandos, Garet, Garm, Garnath, Garnathorl, Garnen, Garrath, Garrathos, Garrett, Garstal, Garstalos, Garth, Garzen, Gastar, Gaute, Gavial, Gavrenad, Geir, Geiri, Geirleif, Geirmund, Geirolf, Geirrod, Geirstein, Gest, Gilby, Gils, Gimle, Gizur, Gjallar, Gjest, Gleipnif, Glistenheath, Glum, Glynndar, Gnup, Gordangar, Gordangorl, Govoran, Gralor, Gram, Grani, Grenjad, Greyfell, Grim, Grimkel, Gringle, Gris, Gristeld, Grivton, Grivtonus, Gudbrand, Gudbrande, Gudlaug, Gudmund, Gullinbursti, Gulltopp, Gultar, Gungir, Gunlaug, Gunnar, Gunnbjorn, Gunnlaug, Gunnolf, Gunther, Gustand, Gustandos, Guttorm, Gyffun, Gymir

Haaken, Hafgrim, Hafleikr, Hafnar, Hagen, Hahlgrim, Haki, Hakon, Hal, Haldelor, Haldelos, Halden, Halklel, Hall, Hallarax, Hallbjorn, Halldor, Hallfred, Hallvard, Haloric, Halvard, Halvdan, Halvor, Hamar, Hammer, Hamund, Harald, Harbard, Harbardos, Hardbein, Hardeli, Haren, Harev, Hargart, Hargran, Harkalor, Harmast, Harmastos, Harnafel, Harnal, Harnkorl, Harnkorlus, Harold, Harran, Harrandor, Harry, Harsaltar, Harsaltaros, Harsaltor, Harst, Harstal, Harvald, Harvar, Harvarnos, Hastein, Hastur, Hauk, Havelock, Hedin, Hedkoral, Heimdal, Heiolf, Hel, Helamal, Heleric, Helgan, Helgi, Helkan, Heltyr, Hemrid, Hend, Hendorl, Hendrick, Hendrickos, Hengall, Hengallos, Heorl, Heortarl, Heortarlos, Hermod, Hermund, Herrick, Herryk, Hersi, Hervald, Hevdurorl, Hilario, Hindal, Hingot, Hiord, Hiordos, Hoder, Hodr, Hodur, Hoenir, Hofstarend, Hofstaring, Holmstein, Honir, Hord, Hoskuld, Hrafn, Hrapp, Hreidar, Hreidmar, Hrimfaxi, Hroald, Hrodgeir, Hrolf, Hrolleif, Hromund, Hrosskel, Hrut, Hugi, Hugin, Hunbogi, Huranth, Hurbi, Hurborl, Hvergelmir

Ilgalad, Illig, Illugi, Im, Indrodar, Ingan, Ingard, Ingardos, Ingemar, Ingemur, Inger, Ingharr, Inghram, Ingjald, Ingmar, Ingolf, Ingram, Intagarn, Intagarnos, Invarth, Iristhus, Irnar, Iskalli, Iskallor, Isleif, Isolf, Isrod, Issarorl

Jafoskor, Janar, Janstan, Janstanorl, Jarang, Jarangkar, Jaranil, Jarastan, Jarenst, Jarkorl, Jarlan, Jarlandor, Jarlor, Jarlorl, Jarltyr, Jarnandar, Jarnandaros, Jarolor, Jaronak, Jarosar, Jarosaros, Jarstak, Jarstakos, Jarstan, Jenest, Jistin, Jolgeir, Jon, Jonatan, Jonrik, Jonrikos, Joram, Jorator, Joratoros, Jordarn, Jormungand, Jorund, Jostharl, Jostharlos, Jotaran, Jotisan

Kagrad, Kagradorl, Kagradus, Kagradyr, Kalf, Kallai, Kallarni, Kalman, Kamil, Kangharl, Kangharlos, Kare, Karendrus, Karganar, Kari, Karli, Karos, Karr, Kartyr, Kartyrus, Keldan, Kell, Kelsey, Kelsig, Kenstran, Kenstrel, Kentvent, Kentventos, Keros, Kerr, Kestald, Kestaldos, Ketil, Khelborn, Kiarr, Kiollsig, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkjabyr, Kirnan, Kistrald, Kjarr, Kjartan, Kleng, Knud, Knut, Knutr, Kodran, Kol, Kolbein, Kolbyr, Kolgrim, Koll, Kolli, Kollsvein, Kollus, Koranth, Koreng, Korengorl, Korlaman, Korlamandos, Korlmar, Korlmaran, Korlmhy, Korlmhyor, Kornos, Korol, Koroldos, Korstard, Korstardos, Korstardus, Kort, Koschei, Kost, Kotkel, Krogar, Krossbyr, Kuanbyr, Kudranor, Kulbrandor, Kulbrast, Kurash, Kurashorl, Kuschildar, Kuschile, Kylan

Lagmann, Lambi, Lamond, Lamont, Lang, Lanka, Leidolf, Leif, Leik, Leikan, Leikorl, Levru, Lhankpent, Lhankpentos, Lidskjalf, Lismelder, Lodmund, Lodur, Loki, Londar, Londrorl, Londros, Loricon, Loricondros, Lunt, Lyting

Mabar, Magan, Magne, Magni, Magnild, Magnor, Magnus, Maklan, Makt, Malan, Maltus, Maltyr, Mani, Manis, Maniski, Mar, Markaldor, Markalor, Mastakor, Mastos, Mikhil, Mikkel, Miltros, Minartyr, Minaryn, Minaryth, Minlan, Minlin, Miolnir, Miran, Mjolnir, Modi, Monrorl, Morgan, Moros, Mosdorl, Mosdorlos, Munin

Nagelfar, Narden, Nidhogg, Nidhug, Nisk, Niskisal, Njal, Njall, Njord, Njorthrbiartr, Norbert, Norberto

Odaynor, Odd, Oddleif, Oddorl, Oddus, Oddvar, Odell, Odin, Offir, Offirus, Ohorlan, Oilibhear, Ola, Olaf, Olav, Olave, Ole, Oleif, Olen, Olend, Olende, Olin, Oliver, Olmarn, Olof, Olvaerr, Olvir, Olyn, Om, Omolf, Onund, Orand, Ordag, Ordagorl, Orendal, Orendalos, Orfal, Orkarl, Orlarn, Orlaront, Orlarontos, Orlav, Orldag, Orldarmon, Orlev, Orlevor, Orlgandi, Orlgandus, Orlgard, Orlgardos, Orlkarlman, Orlkarnor, Orlkarnos, Orlkarnth, Orlkarth, Orlkensor, Orlkensorl, Orlmakt, Orlyg, Orm, Ormalakor, Ormasal, Orngerin, Orstalor, Orstaloros, Orstanal, Orstandor, Orstandrin, Orstanor, Ortossi, Ortossus, Orvan, Os, Oscar, Osgood, Oskar, Ospak, Ostein, Osten, Ostlan, Osvif, Othin, Ottar, Ovaegir, Ovansha, Ove, Oysten, Ozur

Parzel, Penterdan, Penterest, Perandal, Perandos, Petrad, Poverin, Poverla


Radorm, Ragnar, Ragnarok, Ragnor, Rainer, Randalor, Randalyar, Randan, Randanos, Randel, Rangard, Rangor, Rangorl, Ranos, Rantyr, Ranulf, Raskogr, Rastoranth, Rastorlandor, Rastorlanth, Rastoron, Raud, Rauthuell, Raynor, Regin, Reidar, Reider, Reist, Renath, Renedalus, Renvald, Renvard, Rig, Rigsdan, Riodhr, Roar, Robasan, Robasart, Roganvarth, Rognvald, Rolf, Rollo, Roscoe, Rostakos, Rostakus, Rostalos, Rostandor, Rostandos, Rostandus, Rostarlor, Rostarlos, Rothwell, Rotland, Royd, Rungnir, Runolf, Rurik, Rutland

Saehrimnir, Salinarg, Salinart, Sarask, Sardal, Saronil, Saronorl, Sarostip, Sarotar, Sarotaros, Sart, Sartan, Sartar, Sartark, Sartarnos, Sasar, Siggeir, SigMt, Sigmund, Sigmundorl, Sigurd, Sigurdhr, Sigvard, Sijur, Simbal, Sindri, Sinfiotli, Siv, Skagi, Skalfar, Skov, Skovari, Soran, Starkval, Styr, Surtr, Sutherland, Suthrland, Svaldifari, Svan, Svann, Svart, Svartkel, Svein, Svend, Sverting, Svewn, Sveyn, Swen, Swendar, Syver

Tait, Tajei, Tamar, Taren, Tarkal, Tarkalor, Tarkaloros, Tarkalus, Tarnkappe, Taros, Tatoukal, Tayte, Temertad, Temertain, Terasarin, Terasorl, Terje, Thandren, Thangbrand, Thialfi, Thjalfi, Thor, Thorald, Thorarin, Thorbert, Thorbiartl, Thorbjorn, Thorbum, Thord, Thorfinn, Thorgils, Thorgrim, Thorhadd, Thorir, Thorkel, Thorlak, Thorleif, Thorleik, Thormod, Thorolf, Thorstein, Thorualdr, Thorvald, Thorvid, Thrand, Thrasi, Throst, Thrym, Thurlow, Tiu, Tjasse, Toltar, Tonalandar, Tonalang, Tor, Torald, Toran, Torgeir, Torger, Torgny, Torkan, Tormakt, Torrad, Torranus, Torvald, Torvall, Torvath, Trigg, Tron, Trond, Trudord, Trygg, Tryggr, Trygve, Turfeinar, Turpin, Tyr

Ugbjom, Uigbiorn, Ulfmaerr, Ull, Ulmer, Umathkar, Uni, Unstandos, Unstandran, Ura, Urdaylan, Urenstall, Urenstand, Urorl, Utgard

Valenstor, Valenstus, Vali, Valstarkor, Valstatch, Valthjof, Vamastal, Vandarl, Vandarlos, Vandrad, Vangarn, Vanir, Varanor, Varmand, Varmandorl, Varsenkarl, Varsens, Varthanis, Vastos, Vastyr, Ve, Vegard, Vegeir, Venharl, Venharlon, Veoslin, Verlain, Verlarnos, Vestar, Vestein, Vidar, Vifil, Vigrid, Viking, Vili, Vinin, Viturian, Vogarth, Volsung, Voranth, Vori, Voskandor, Voskandoras

Willandring, Willem, Wilms, Wilmson, Wray, Wybjorn, Wyborn

Yaransor, Yavorkan, Yend, Yeresetus, Yerestarn, Yinin, Yinkarn, Yinkorl, Ymir, Yorsar, Yorsarth, Yuhorl

Aiffe, Ailena, Ailrene, Alana, Alusa, Amalda, Anakara, Andara, Angore, Aransa, Aransanda, Arene, Areni, Arkella, Arkilla, Arlesta, Arriki, Asharti, Ashgora, Aska, Askula, Askulesa, Aslanda, Asrelika, Asrella, Asri, Avara, Avareena, Aviala

Babessa, Barana, Barelda, Baresta, Barntarda, Barthosa, Bataska, Belkara, Belkari, Belvera, Belveriki, Bendrassa, Beneva, Benevalda, Bevara, Bevaralda, Bolanara, Bolika, Brastala, Brena, Brenalda, Brenessa, Breni, Brenna, Briga, Brola, Brolessa, Broli, Broya, Brutha, Bruthi, Brygelda, Brygga, Bundra, Bundralda, Butara

Camilka, Chala, Chalkara, Chalmora, Chalrana

Danga, Dangi, Darna, Darni, Dastandra, Dayla, Dengarna, Derekessa, Desrada, Desranalda, Devina, Dilfara, Dorasa, Dorasola, Doressa, Drenyan, Drenyani, Drevessa, Drevi, Druva, Druvaki, Dunora, Dushi

Eestari, Elgane,  Elgessa, Ellisa, Ellisifa, Elnor, Elnoressa, Emer, Emeralda, Enasdela, Enassa, Enastara, Endala, Enderos, Enena, Enent, Enerin, Enestaka, Enestali, Engarna, Enika, Enitessa, Enjossa, Enjossalda, Enothea, Entarios, Entarosa, Entra, Entraki, Entrassa, Eonislara, Eonistarana, Eonistaranalda, Epara, Ereltha, Erissa, Ernaldessa, Ernaldesta, Ernaldinna, Ernaldissa, Erryni, Eskara, Esmonra, Esmora, Esraki, Esrana, Esrolki, Esroska, Estaki, Estala, Estava, Estavalda

Faltika, Fantarla, Faradessa, Farana, Farane, Faressa, Farnane, Fedarka, Feracessa, Feranessa, Ferena, Feressa, Flesso, Frekora, Frieda, Frithorf, Frostarva

Gagoressa, Gannara, Garastara, Gardrossa, Gardrostana, Garnatha, Garneneva, Garstala, Garstale, Garzeena, Gastara, Gavreni, Gora, Goranki, Gordangara, Gorgara, Gori, Gorivara, Gorthana, Govora, Grali, Griselda, Grisgora, Grisnalda, Gusta, Gwyntarla, Gylenda, Gylende

Halda, Handerika, Hargrilla, Harkala, Harla, Harlesta, Harlii, Harma, Harme, Harte, Harvaralda, Hastura, Helera, Helga, Helgana, Hemrada, Hemradi, Henna, Heorlanda, Herva, Hervaranda, Hinalda, Hindala, Hindaranda, Hiorda, Hoffi, Hofstaralda, Huma

Ilgalanda, Ilgarra, Illigi, Indrodara, Inganna, Ingarda, Inge, Insterid, Intagalda, Intagana, Invara, Irisalda, Irissa, Iristha, Irnara, Isarla, Isbarna, Isbarnessa, Iskalla, Islara, Ivari, Ivarne

Jaffinalda, Jafoksa, Janara, Janari, Janeressa, Janerra, Janessa, Janstana, Jarana, Jaranelda, Jarangi, Jarangor, Jareen, Jareena, Jareka, Jarla, Jarna, Jarndornessa, Jarola, Jaronaka, Jarosari, Jarrigana, Jarstana, Jenessa, Jenesta, Jeraki, Jerasella, Jerernalda, Jeresrola, Jistirra, Jonari, Jonarika, Jonrika, Jora, Joressa, Jostharla, Jotti

Kadi, Kadonessa, Kalia, Kallesra, Kallyna, Kallyr, Kallyra, Kanganalda, Kangorlii, Kanortosa, Kara, Karalda, Kareena, Karendra, Kargangora, Kargra, Kedra, Kenistrella, Kera, Kernalda, Kerossa, Kes, Kesra, Kesri, Kestaldi, Ketti, Kettingarra, Keva, Kevessa, Keviki, Kierston, Kirnina, Kistra, Kistranoye, Kollana, Kondosa, Korenga, Korengora, Korli, Korlinalda, Kornossa, Korole, Kostii, Krogarna, Kudranii, Kulligora, Kullina, Kurassi
Leika, Leikan, Leikarna, Leikesse, Lekirassa, Levru, Lharnki, Lismelda, Lismelder, Londralda, Loneralda, Loricca, Lyzal

Maggara, Mahomessa, Maklarni, Malanii, Maldri, Manalda, Maniskalda, Maraki, Marani, Margorra, Marlesta, Metala, Metisa, Mikara, Miltrenalda, Minara, Minaressa, Minarika, Minarytha, Mirani, Monra, Monralda, Mora, Morganeth, Mosari, Mosdarla, Murna, Myara

Nala, Nalda, Naldara, Naleranda, Nalglanda, Nali, Nalthana, Nanda, Nandara, Narlesta, Narroya, Natalina, Nataska, Natmora, Natrika, Natyr, Naviala, Nedalki, Neela, Neva, Nevaki, Nevalessa, Nevana, Nevessa, Niquena

Odruva, Olenda, Olinara, Onelisin, Orana, Oranda, Oranika, Orenda, Orengarri, Orkarla, Orkassi, Orngerin, Orngerina, Orstala, Orstalli, Orstalora, Orstana, Orventa, Orventikiki, Oslessa

Parzella, Peleika, Pelenalda, Pelessa, Pelki, Peloressa, Penta, Pentessa, Peranda, Petressa, Pranjalli

Rana, Ranalda, Randala, Randella, Rangora, Ranni, Rarna, Rastoressa, Rastori, Redalanora, Redalessa, Redalki, Redalli, Redesra, Renatha, Renathika, Rendala, Renedala, Resthana, Riga, Rigsdalla, Rika, Riotika, Roitina, Roitini, Rolla, Rostaka, Rostala

Salina, Salissa, Saroosa, Sasara, Satari, Satorii, Scathach, Senessa, Simbina, Skovaki, Skovara, Skovarki, Skovi, Sora, Sorana, Sorandessa, Sucharki, Suchessa, Swena

Tamara, Tara, Tarena, Tarenki, Targora, Tarkala, Tarki, Tarla, Tarri, Thandrana, Thanelda, Theya, Tonaki, Torvalla, Torvi, Tovalda, Tykorki

Umathkara, Unstarna, Uraldessa, Uraldiki, Uraldina, Urika, Urossi, Usaressa, Usarkii, Ustarna

Valena, Valensta, Valesra, Valgora, Valki, Valstari, Varanelda, Varmanda, Varsena, Varsene, Vela, Velessa, Venharla, Veosa, Veosina, Verlaine, Vina, Vingalda, Vingassa, Vingora, Vingore, Vingori, Vinina, Vininna, Vinkarli, Voranaga, Vorelki, Vorella, Voressa, Voskanda, Voskandora, Votena, Voteneva


Yanioth, Yarana, Yaransor, Yenda, Yendessa, Yeresta, Yerestalda, Yerestia, Yesrala, Yrsa
Lore from the Game (God Time)

In the beginning, the great powers of the goddess Glorantha's Cosmic Court created the world. These eight gods and goddesses lived on the perfect mountain. We call the mountain "The Spike," because it nailed all reality together with perfect Truth and Justice.

But of course the world itself was not composed only of these noble qualities. It was made of a changing mix of the original Elemental gods and goddesses. Darkness came first, at the bottom of the world, just above the great nothing. Water came next, moving in an endless ocean around the Darkness. Earth came to lie upon the waters, square shaped like the Earth Rune, floating strongly and anchoring all that was to come. Then came Sky, hanging above all, shining down with its Fire half on everything below it.

The gods of the Cosmic Court and the original Elementals were distant, all powerful, nearly too huge for people our size to worship, much less talk with or even see.

So smaller but still powerful gods fit into the spaces which the early gods left open. One of these mighty gods, bright-faced Yelm, thought of himself as the best god of all. He set himself on the Spike as if it were merely the throne to his palace. For a time, Yelm's claims of perfection went unchallenged and Yelm's Fire Tribe lorded it over everyone.

Then our ancestors arrived. When I listed the original elements, you noticed that Air wasn't there, didn't you? Air wasn't there yet, but all creation had been holding its breath, waiting for our arrival. Umath blew into Yelm's would-be empire and showed the Sky gods that they weren't the only powers who soared above the Earth.

And while Yelm and his kind just hung there, motionless in the sky, the Air people flew with the power of the Storm, roaming the entire world, making friends, beating enemies, shaking up gods and places that had grown stale and stupid under Yelm's thumb.

Yelm was too stick in his ways to fight back. Umath's most powerful son, Orlanth, showed Yelm that sitting on the throne of the universe wasn't any good if you couldn't fight to keep your seat. Yelm didn't just fall out of the sky, he ended up in Hell because the sword in Orlanth's hand was Death.

From there, things got crazy. The gods of the Waters invaded the Earth, and then the Water gods invaded the Air and turned it blue before Orlanth pushed them back. The gods of Darkness came up from below and overran much of Yelm's old territory, and Orlanth had to fight them too. Orlanth won all the battles, and life was good, but then the Spike exploded from all the stress caused by these wars and the new power of Death. Chaos came into the world and reality really began to shake to pieces. Everyone had bad times in the Great Darkness. So many gods died that every soldier and army in history carries weapons made out of dead gods' bones. We nearly all died too.

It took powerful magic to put the world together again, but Orlanth and the Lightbringers finally succeeded. We helped. But that's another story.

In the old days there was no death or violence. There was simply no need for it. There was more than enough room for everything to grow without limit, and everything did. Voria was born the first time when earth peeped above the ancient sea. When Ernalda was grown there was the Green Age. When she had enough golden grain to hoard then there was the Golden Age.

When people had not enough food, they began to quarrel over it. Then the goddess invented gold, and tried to use it to pacify her people. It only gave them more to be greedy for. Greed became so great that even the gods were infected, especially Yelm, who wanted all the gold for himself.

Fighting broke out among the gods, at first for greed but later for revenge, anger, and hatred. This was called the Gods War.

There was a god named Eurmal who did not have much going for him. He was less than a stickpicker, because he had no kin, no friends, and no place to live. He had no ring.

Eurmal always desperately wished to impress his betters. When the Gods War became very violent he was hiding in the dark place, and he saw something which he had not seen before. So he took it.

He went to the first person he saw, who was Grandfather Life, the first person. Eurmal asked Grandfather if he wanted to try out this new thing.

Grandfather would have refused, but he had previously passed up chances to be Master of Thunder and Lord of Mirror-polishing, and he was sorry he had lost those powers. He agreed to try out Eurmal's new find, and so Grandfather Life became Grandfather Mortal when he died. He was the first person to ever die, and because of that all of us descendants must die.

Eurmal went then to Humakt to show him the Death thing. Humakt was a god, and he did not have any misunderstanding about it. He used it first to sever his ties from his kin, and so he absolved his king for the heinous deeds which he, the God of Death, would do after that. Orlanth was so moved that he has always respected Humakt for his honor and fierce code, and gives him a place on the Ring even though he is a foreigner.

When Orlanth saw the new thing wielded by Humakt, he wanted to use it in one of this contests against the Emperor. He took it to the Weapon Contest. Yelm loosed his far-flying arrows. Then Orlanth wielded Death, in the shape of a sword, and so the Emperor was the first God to die. Howling, the Emperor fled on the trail which Grandfather had taken, and hid in the Underworld.

One day Orlanth scolded Eurmal and so Eurmal tricked Orlanth with a copy, and took back the sword, Death. Then Eurmal lost it in a guessing game as part of a wager with Warlord Elf. Elf enchanted it to be an axe, and cut down his dwarf foes.

For a laugh, Eurmal tripped Warlord Elf and the weapon fell into the hands of Ironman, the dwarf hero. He then cut down the elves. Eurmal offered to make many copies for him, and greedy Ironman agreed. Confused by so many, Ironman did not miss the original Death which Trickster stole.

Then many gods got a hold of the weapon, and they were quick to use it. In this way the power of Death was passed among all of the tribes and all of the gods who wished to wield such a thing, and Death was held prisoner without honor.

When Orlanth and the Lightbringers reached the edge of the world, they had to enter into the Underworld to continue their travel. At that place, where sky, earth, and sea meet, Orlanth gave up his possession and attachment to Death, and he named Humakt to be the honorable wielder of it. In this way, Orlanth gained entry into the Land of the Dead, and with that judgment Humakt gained control of Death once again.

Orlanth was not content with the way that things were. He felt he too deserved a part of the leadership of the world, but his desires were refused by Yelm. Nonetheless, he kept trying.

Orlanth would go to the Emperor and challenge him in some art of skill, trying to prove that he was worthy of command in that realm. They had many contests. Three were most important.

First, the young Orlanth challenged Yelm to a dancing contest. Yelm performed a courtly ballet. Orlanth took along his rattle, and did a whooping war dance. The gods who judged it were so shocked by Orlanth's behavior that they awarded the prize to Yelm. Orlanth went away angry and disappointed.

The next contest was one of magic. Yelm displayed all the wonder and glory of the magic of Being. Then Orlanth displayed the magic of Becoming. The gods, staid and conservative, did not like this idea and so awarded the prize to Yelm.

There was also a context of music. Orlanth made a type of instrument which had not been seen, ever. When people heard it they laughed out loud. This was part of Orlanth's plan, for there was not enough laughter among the lords of the world. But the judges did not accept Orlanth's music, even though many of their servants did.

In that way, Orlanth was rejected every time by the Emperor of the World.

Orlanth seethed and raged and roamed the world, until finally he got another chance with a new contest. This was a contest of weapons. The Emperor had never held a contest of weapons before, but he wanted to show off his great bow. Yelm took his bow and shot far-flying arrows to the edge of the world, and the judges acted as if he had already won. Orlanth then took out the Sword, called Death, which was a new weapon. With it, Orlanth proved that he was superior. The judges fled in terror, leaving the field to the Storm God. This ended the contests. Orlanth not only had command of weapons, he had command of the world.

This is the story of the perfect world. The sacred truth is that this story does not have a beginning or an end. but since I am telling you this story here in the world, instead of in the Sacred Time, let's start with a beginning.

Back when the Storm was new in Glorantha, Umath ripped a place between the Earth and the Sky for us, his children. Umath was a mighty warrior, but he was only one big powerful god. Like a warrior who does not know how to be a king, Umath never learned how to bring his children together. Finally Umath took too many wounds from all his battles, and gave leadership of the Storm Band over to his sons.

For a time, Umath's sons Kolat, Urox, Vadrus, Humakt, and Orlanth contested for leadership, but the outcome was never in question. Umath had led the Storm Band because he was strongest. Orlanth was also the strongest, but he became a leader because he understood how all the clans of the Storm could be stronger as a single tribe. Only Orlanth had the power and compassion to hold us together.

For many generations, Orlanth ruled with majesty and justice. For a change, all his kin did their best to live up to his example. Urox helped Uralda fight off the Giggling Ticks and didn't even smash her fences. Vadrus was so busy blowing leftover pieces of Yelm's imperial court off the edge of the world that he usually forgot to come back to Orlanth's hall to cause trouble. When the people required Orlanth or another Lawspeaker to mediate for them, the unjust parties always gave up their claims before undergoing the tests!

Most all of our enemies were too scared of what we could do to them to cause trouble. The Blue Tribe fought us in the War of the Gods, but in the Storm Age, Heler kept the whole world fresh and clean with gentle rain. He made the crops grow strong, so that all people enjoyed Ernalda's bounty instead of having to fight for survival.

The Fire Tribe had snubbed Orlanth till he knocked down Yelm, but in the Storm Age, Mahome the Hearth Fire contentedly worked to cook the finest meals for Orlanth and Ernalda's great table.

Of course there were some who refused Orlanth's hospitality, enemies who stayed enemies. But even though the Dark Tribe was much stronger with Yelm gone, they could only run and hide when Orlanth came dancing with his lightnings. Other enemies are not even worth mentioning - they fell beneath Barntar's plow and Vinga's spear, or simply turned and ran from Humakt.

But there were worse enemies, enemies who started as kin, who brought kinstrife and evil to the perfect world and started the Great Darkness. Their cursed names do not belong here. The sacred truth is that there was no end to the Storm Age. The sacred truth is that the Storm Age exists unchanged in the Godplace. If we are good Orlanthi, we can join Orlanth in the perfect world of the Storm.

Sometimes in war it's easy to make a mistake and think that because things have got a little better, they're going to keep on getting better. The Gods War was like that for us. Orlanth beat Yelm and became King of the Gods, so we were finally on top. Life was harder for some people, but for our Storm Tribe times were good. It was too bad that with Yelm gone the world was a darker place, but there were plenty of other stars in the sky, and we controlled the lightning. Now we call this period the Storm Age.

Then Chaos came into the world and everything got much worse very fast. All the fighting between our gods and the weaker gods of the other tribes had weakened the power of Law. Ragnaglar began kinstrife which was the fatal flaw for the world. Inner rot destroyed the world. The Great Mountain exploded and Chaos smashed through the hole it left behind. This was the start of the Great Darkness.

Most stories about the Great darkness tell about how our armies fought against Wakboth the Devil and his Chaos armies. Even with Orlanth and Humakt leading us, these were doomed battles. To save his people, Orlanth fought alone against Wakboth and was smashed into 24 pieces - any lesser god would have been smashed into all 25. With his allies Thed and Ragnaglar, Wakboth easily conquered Umath's Camp, the home of our tribe, and that was not even the worst of our losses.

But telling the stories of how the armies and heroes and devils fought make it sound like just another war. It was worse than a war. We name it the "Great Darkness" but there were lights we have wanted to forget, terrible dark lights exploding at the center and the edges of the world, and always coming closer. In the time it took a warrior to polish his sword, at least one star would surely fall from heaven, never to reappear. In the time it took a woman to unhook her blouse to nurse her child, the baby grew fangs and roared with the voice of the Devil. Chaos squirmed into everything. A stray thought could lead demons to your doorway. An unkind word might accidentally destroy the listener. Innocence didn't help, neither did strength, because Wakboth twisted all things inside out. That's why even Orlanth was beaten by the Devil.

But Orlanth was only beaten, not destroyed. The only god strong enough to send Orlanth to Hell was Orlanth. And that's why the Lightbringers' Quest took the Devil and all its Chaotic allies by surprise. They understood how to sacrifice others, but Chaos is unable to understand the power of sacrificing oneself for the good of the tribe.

The Beginning

The Lightbringers’ Quest was the final quest that ended the Great Darkness and allowed the world to be remade. There were many heroes in the Great Darkness, and the world would have been a worse place if it wasn’t for their sacrifices. But without the Lightbringers, there would be nothing. Many cultures in Glorantha, even those which otherwise do not worship the Orlanthi gods, acknowledge the Seven Lightbringers and the role they played in saving the universe.

The Lightbringers’ Quest began with Orlanth the Storm King, who had slain Yelm with Death and plunged the world into the lesser darkness that would lead to the Chaos Age. Orlanth knew that all of the suffering that had befallen him and others was his doing, and that he was the only one who could fix his mistake. He set out to find the Underworld, where the Dead Emperor languished, and restore him to his place in the sky. He was joined by six others: Issaries the Talking God, Lhankor Mhy the Knowing God, Chalana Arroy the Healer, Eurmal the Trickster, Flesh Man, and Ginna Jar.

Flesh Man was a mortal. He had seen Eurmal slay Grandfather Mortal and the destruction that Old Death had unleashed. As a result, he was quite insane. But he could see that alone of all the gods, Eurmal was comfortable in the Disorder of the broken world. So he chose to follow Eurmal.

Ginna Jar is a mystery. That she was a Lightbringer is an indisputable fact, but no one knows exactly who or what she is. She has been identified as dozens of different entities: as the wyter of the Lightbringers, as the ghost of the goddess Glorantha, as the ghost of Ernalda, as the nascent Arachne Solara, as an aspect of Sedenya or even some combination of the above.

They are the Seven Lightbringers, and they are featured in every version of the myth. They are sometimes joined by other gods and heroes, but they always leave the Lightbringers or die before the end. The events of the quest itself can also vary heavily, but they always follow the same outline. The quest is divided into four parts: the Westfaring, the Long Descent, the Hall of the Dead and the Dangerous Return.

The Westfaring

This is the journey the Lightbringers made from the center of the world to the western edge. This is where the heroes of the quest meet each other and eventually form their company under the advice of Ginna Jar. They journeyed overland before coming to the sea. They traversed the Western Ocean on the back of Sofala the Turtle Queen, fighting Chaos on the way. They arrived at Luatha and overcame its violent residents, finally reaching the Fortress of Dusk and entering the Underworld.

The Long Descent

This is the journey the Lightbringers made into the Underworld. Following the trail of Yelm’s blood, they encountered many horrors in the Hells they passed through. Here, each Lightbringer found an obstacle they couldn’t overcome and suffered great losses, but they each learned a valuable lesson for it. Despite impossible odds, they managed to find their way to the Hall of the Dead.

The Hall of the Dead

Orlanth boldly approached the Dead Emperor, who sat on his throne surrounded by the other dead gods who had followed him. Orlanth made his bid for friendship; Yelm made his demand for atonement. Orlanth made his demand for recognition; Yelm made his requirement for proof. Orlanth made his promise of the future; Yelm made the demand for trial by combat.

Orlanth began with the Song of Truth, and the dead who still cared for him were free to prepare him for the tasks to come. First was the Trial by Combat, where he fought the Keepers of the Gate, the monsters that were keeping the dead imprisoned. He slew them all.

Orlanth made his Promise of the Future, and said it would be like the past. “Which past?” demanded Yelm. Orlanth replied, “Like all of them.”

Orlanth then suffered the Requirement for Proof: an acid shower made of the hatred of all of his foes. He would have died then, if he wasn’t supported by those who still loved him. Thousands of mortals in the Middle World suddenly woke from a terrible nightmare, and prayed to Orlanth that it would not be so. Orlanth emerged alive, and all those present could see that he had changed.

His Proof accepted, Yelm made his Statement of Recognition, proclaiming that Orlanth and everything he stood for had a place in the universe. Orlanth returned the Emperor’s Demand for Atonement, and made his obeisance before the other gods. Orlanth would be High King of the gods, and Yelm would be the Bright Emperor, and there would be no more conflict between the two.

Then Orlanth surprised everyone and made his formal bid for friendship. Both deities were reluctant to do this, but even though it would not be necessary to repair the world, it would make things easier. Urged by Issaries and Lodril, Chalana Arroy and Dendara, Yelm accepted Orlanth’s friendship.

At that moment Arachne Solara appeared, and laid great plans between Orlanth and Yelm, which the two gods swore upon. All the other gods joined them, as they knew that the alternative was to become nothing.

The Dangerous Return

Arachne Solara weaved a net, and every god grabbed part of it. Kajabor and his armies approached, but they were swiftly defeated by the gods. The assembled gods then left the Underworld and emerged at the Gate of Dawn. Arachne Solara cast her web over the universe, catching every single thing inside of it. The Sun rose, and Time was born. The gods strode across the world, bringing life and light to everything. Mythology ended, and history began.

The Lightbringers’ Quest is the most important myth cycle in Orlanthi religion. In the First Age, Harmast Barefoot became the first mortal to embark on the Lightbringers’ Quest, performing the Heroquest to resurrect Arkat. Now the quest is recreated by the Orlanthi at every Sacred Time to bring about the new year.

Lore from the Game (History)

Time is the Cosmic Compromise. It was birthed at the Dawn, by Arachne Solara, at the climax of Orlanth's Lightbringers Quest. Before that, things did not always happen in a single order. Sometimes things happened different ways at the same time. Sometimes a thing would break, then fall, then it would be whole again. It's hard for us to imagine how things were back then, for we are the children of time and can no more imagine a world without it than we could breathe in a world without air. The gods understood things back then, but now even they are bound by time. They cannot intervene in our world now, with limited exceptions. Instead of doing things themselves, they watch us do things for them. We call on them for aid through prayer, ritual, and heroquesting. If this Compromise is ever broken, Chaos will come back into the world. Now things always happen in one order, in one particular way. That is what we call history.

History is a continuing cycle. Bad people rise up and offend against the Compromise, and against Orlanth's ways. Some of us fall prey to the wiles of these bad people, and join them. But, they are always proven wrong, and they are always destroyed. A good period comes, until the lessons of the last disaster are forgotten, and bad people rise up once again.

The period at the start of history was called the Dawn. It was not as good as the wondrous Storm Age, but it was still good.

Then, the bad people rose up. People moved from Dragon Pass to a place called Dorastor, to try to turn back the Compromise and return to the God's Age. They planned to do this by making a god of their own. Good Orlanthi argued against it, but weak ones joined in. They created a being they called Nysalor. We remember him as Gbaji, the Chaos god. His birth made the sun stop in the sky. He was finally destroyed by a man named Arkat, who was a good Orlanthi but betrayed us by turning into a troll. This happened about a thousand years ago. This was called the First Age.

The bad people of the second age were called God Learners. They were sorcerers from the far west, where they don't believe that gods and spirits are real, and regularly rob them of their life force with cruel magic. The God Learners tried to enslave all peoples, and to promote the worship of their own fake deities over everyone's real gods. They made a parody of the god Mostal, who is the Maker. To hurt Mostal more, it was constructed without respect or dignity, and so although it could do almost anything that a real god could do, it was not living. It was Zistor, a huge monster, made of gleaming metal and wires. It had an island called Machine City. Everyone in Machine City worked to make themselves into better parts of the machine, or to make the machine better. And that way Zistor grew. And somewhere, sometime, the machine belief of Zistor became a god. And then that occurred, then Orlanth could act, by himself. For as everyone knows, every god and goddess of Glorantha is bound by their promises at the Compromise. None of them may ever step our of their natural being, unless the destruction of the universe is imminent. Orlanth helped our ancestors destroy Zistor and the Machine City. Many of our ancestors died in this war, but there could be no better death than to die stopping bad people from destroying the world. This happened about four hundred years ago.

There were other bad or foolish people during the Second Age, like the Empire of Wyrm's Friends, who thought they could befriend dragons. They learned their lesson when the dragons ate them all. That happened about two hundred years ago.

We are living in a good time, then. We reckon that it is now the Third Age. We know that if we are not vigilant, bad people will rise up yet again. Is the Pharaoh, who drove us from our homes in Heortland, part of a new wave of dangerous enemies, or is he merely another unjust ruler? Is the strange Red Moon that rose in the sky about a hundred years ago a harbinger of bad times? We don't know yet. So, we wait and watch, and meanwhile tend our herds, plant our fields, and raid our neighbors, as any good Orlanthi should.

From the beginning of time, Orlanth and the dragons have been enemies. Orlanth slew the mighty dragon Aroka and Sh'hakarzeel and many of their lesser cousins. In their turn, the dragons had ever after plotted against Orlanth and humankind, who had robbed them of their ancient world.

We good Orlanthi know better than to trust dragonkind, but 800 years ago the people who lived here made the mistake of making friends with the dragonnewts. The dragonnewts are one of the Elder Races; they walk like men but are lizards, like the dragons. They are very unpredictable, and even though they are our neighbors here in Dragon Pass, it is stupid to try to befriend them, as this story will explain.

It all started when Eurmal found a new way to betray us. He found a foolish man, and Eurmal split his tongue, the way that a bird's tongue can be split to make it talk. And Eurmal also split the man's brain, and his heart. That way the man would understand dragon speech.

The man, Rostand the Speaker, enjoyed the effect. The dragonnewts, which were always something to fear, spoke to him and he understood. He found his way to a dragon, and instead of eating him the dragon taught him a song!

Rostang then taught his friends and family his secret. They passed the secret along to others. Soon it was not really a secret at all. It was easy to understand the dragon speech, and to learn to do new magic from them.

Orlmandan the Red, a righteous priest of Orlanth, protested this. He was unhappy that everyone was so willing to befriend the enemy of the god. The dragon lovers did not agree, and instead they stopped going to Orlanth's sacrifices. Naturally the spirits of reprisal for the god came to exact vengeance, but the dragon friends used their spells to banish the spirits. Orlmandan the Red was unlucky enough to lose his temper, and the Ring of Dragons slew him with fire.

The region filled up with people from all over, who had heard of the wondrous new magics taught by the dragons. Before anyone knew what was happening, some people started to build a new nation with dragon laws and dragon thoughts. These people did not always agree, and fought among themselves. The nation of the winners became very powerful in no time at all, and was called the Empire of Wyrm's Friends.

During this time, a man named Obduran the Flyer taught people how to be a dragonfriend and an Orlanthi at the same time. This was a marvel to the people of Dragon Pass, and some of them began sacrifices to Orlanth again, although they continued sacrificing to the dragons. This custom spread anyplace that dragon friends went. So many people followed it that Obduran the Flyer sat upon the high council of the Empire of Wyrm's Friends. The ways of the dragon thinkers spread, even though most Orlanthi priests did not like it.

Not all Orlanthi were impotent against the power of the Empire of Wyrm's Friends. When the Empire tried to take over the Orlanthi land of Ralios they encountered great resistance. A great hero named Alakoring Dragonbreaker drove all of the traitors out of his land. The traitors came back with dragonnewt allies, but Alakoring destroyed them too. Alakoring took his war to other lands infested by the Empire. His enemies woke up the Diamond Storm dragon, and sent it against Alakoring. But when the clouds of battle lifted, it was Alakoring who was alive. He has been worshiped as a dragon slayer ever since then. Even though Alakoring was finally killed by a cowardly elf, the elf took on the dragonslayer's example and went on to make war against the Empire of Wyrm's Friends, too.

The Empire of Wyrm's Friends' arrogance made other powerful enemies. The God Learners, another bad lot of people, tried to steal their magical secrets. The Dragon Empire also fought with the great empire to the north, called the Dara Happan Empire. But in the end, the Empire destroyed itself instead of falling to outside conquerors. Each generation of leaders was worse than the last. In order to gain supplies for their terrible projects, they became evil conquerors. The people had ignored Orlanth's warning to avoid all contact with dragonnewts, so it took a dragonnewt betrayal to show that Orlanth had been right all along.

Overnight, the dragonnewts betrayed the Empire and slew and ate all of its leaders. Suddenly, everyone forgot how to speak the dragon tongue. Then the dragonnewts slew and ate many other people. You can never predict what a dragonnewt will do, because dragon thoughts are very different from rightful thoughts.

People from all around decided to march into Dragon Pass and kill the dragon menace forever. From the four quarters, an army of a million people called the Invincible Golden Horde marched into Dragon Pass to kill the dragonnewts.

Then the dragons sprang their trap, for at last they had enough people in one place to make a good meal. This incident was called the Dragonkill War, not for what happened to the dragons, but for what the dragons did. The sun was blocked out with their wings as they swooped down and consumed the best of manhood from all across the continent. They ate so much that they have been sleeping it off ever since.

That happened a little over two hundred years ago. For most of that time, people have been too afraid to go back to Dragon Pass. Do not think that the dragons are all gone because you cannot see them. Not all of the mountains around us are ordinary rock, some of the mountains are vast, sleeping dragons! They are too powerful for anyone but a god or hero to fight. Even the sleeping dragons' dreams are dangerous. We would be fools if we were not worried about the dragons rising again. But we are Orlanthi, and we will not fall for their tricks again. Next time, we will listen to our priests.

Dragon Pass is our new home. We did not come here because we wanted to. We came here because we had to.

We used to live in the land of Kethaela, to the south of Dragon Pass. Kethaela was a good place. Our part of it was called Heortland, after the legendary King Heort, who battled the darkness and gave us our laws. In Heortland, there was plenty to eat, because there were good pastures for our herds and good land to plant. Sometimes our clans fought one another, but that is the way of things.

Kethaela used to be ruled by a king called The Only Old One. The Only Old One reigned for almost eight hundred years. When the Empire of Wyrm’s Friends came, he pledged loyalty to them, but still ruled justly. The people of Orlanth were happy under the Only Old One.

In the last centuries of his reign, Kethaela was isolated. It was impossible to sail the seas, which were closed by a long and mysterious curse. To the east, there were the Storm Mountains. To the north, there was Dragon Pass, which was shunned after the Dragonkill War, in which a million soldiers from all over the continent were eaten up by dragons. But the land had much magic, and it was prosperous.

That isolation ended when a stranger tried to take over the land. His name was Belintar. We knew that he had powerful magic, because he swam ashore from the ocean, which was closed and utterly impassable. Belintar, who did not worship gods anyone knew of, claimed sacral kingship. We protested, supporting the ancient rights of the Only Old One. Not all Orlanthi were so righteous as to speak out against Belintar, and civil war ensured.

Shamefully, the forces of the newcomer won the fighting. Monsters were slain, mountains were made, and rivers changed course. Then Master Belintar again declared himself to be the sacral king, which he called the Pharaoh. He declared Kethaela to be a place called the Holy Country. It was holy, he said, because he ruled it.

Those of us who had fought the foreigner were gravely affronted by this declaration. Orlanth was holy. Ernalda was holy. Belintar was not holy.

We were beaten but unbowed. We refused to acknowledge him as king, though this made things hard for us in what used to be the best of all lands. When his body wore out, Belintar announced a Tournament of the Masters of Luck and Death, to decide whose body Belintar would take over. We laughed and jeered, calling it a sinister trick. We were attacked, persecuted, robbed. We faced a difficult choice. We could submit to the Pharaoh and remain in Heortland, but as little more than thralls. Or we could strike out for haunted Dragon Pass, risking our lives but retaining our freedom.

Since I am telling you this in Dragon Pass, you know what choice we made.
Sacred Time, 1329 ST (Start of Turn 0)

CC's and Reports are available on the Tool.

Sacred Time is the period of rebirth during which great ceremonies are held. We cast oracles and spells to protect the land. All our people participate in the Lightbringers' Quest and other reenactments of creation. This massive release of energy rejuvenates the cosmos. Failure to complete these acts would probably result in Chaos seeping again into the world.

Children are initiated into adulthood at age 15 during Sacred Time. We also tally births and deaths not already discussed by the Clan Ring during the previous year.

You should allocate the land available in your Tula. If you have extra land, you can allocate it as Fallow, Farmland, Pasture, and Wildland. Battles that take place on Fallow land favor neither the attack nor the defender. Clans who attack Farmland are more likely to steal Trade Goods, whereas Clans who attack Pastures are more likely to steal Herds. Defending Clans are more likely to fully respond to enemy attacks on your Farmland and Pastures. If a battles takes place on Wildland, it's easier to sneak up on the defending Clan, but it's also easier for the defending Clan to stage a successful ambush if they were expecting an attack.

You should pay upkeep to maintain your available Spirits and active Temples.

You should use Magic to perform Sacred Time Rituals that will help your Clan throughout the year. Typically, Magic held in reserve is 2-3 times as powerful as Magic used during Sacred Time, but Magic used during Sacred Time lasts for the entire year.

You cannot take any other actions during Sacred Time, because Sacred Time only lasts for two weeks, and everyone is involved in the ceremonies.


Sacred Time, 1330 ST (End of Turn 0)

There is no Dragon Pass Report during Sacred Time.
Sea Season, 1330 ST (Start of Turn 1)

CC's and Reports are available on the Tool.

Sea Season is the first season of the new year. It is a time of gentle days, long evenings, and quiet rains. It is a time for birth, love, and new life; although it's often a hungry time for the people, our herds begin to fatten and give milk. This is when the ravages of Storm Season are repaired, and Voria breathes life anew into our world.

Farming is the central axis around which Orlanthi society revolves. Sea Season is the time of sowing, when the Carls and Cottars plow and seed the fields of our Tula. One (or more) Ring Members should always be assigned to guide the planting of our fields during Sea Season, lest we fail to gather an adequate harvest during Earth Season.

If we're low on Food, Sea Season is also a good time for Foraging and Hunting. However, neither method is as reliable or productive as Farming, and relying on these methods too frequently can deplete the natural bounty of our Tula.

Many of our Cows are pregnant during Sea Season. Thus, Herding cannot be used to provide Food for our clan, but it can be used to protect our Herds and guide newborn calves into Glorantha.

Our Cottars will Craft Trade Goods during Sea Season. We produce the most Trade Goods during Dark Season. We produce the second-, third-, and fourth-most Trade Goods in Fire, Storm, and Sea Season, respectively. We produce the least amount of Trade Goods during Earth Season.

Due to the (typically) mild weather, Sea Season is good time to perform a wide variety of tasks, whether inside or outside of our Tula. However, no more than 25% of our Fyrd should be assigned to tasks that would take them away from the Tula during Sea Season, for Wisdom tells us that we need to ensure the Harvest. Our people, especially the Carls, will be upset if we overextend ourselves in this important time for the Clan. But, sometimes bad times demand bad actions, and although Orlanth taught us about Wisdom, he also taught us about Honor, Independence, and Justice.

The Clan Moot occurs every Sea, Earth, and Storm Season. This is a formal meeting of all the adults in our Clan. Chieftain's are elected, disputes are raised, judgments are made, and Wergild is paid. The Clan Moot is the heart of Orlanthi politics, and every man and woman has a voice in the future of the Clan. One (or more) of our Ring Members must be assigned to preside over the Moot - this Ring Member is often called upon to perform one of the following skills, including Bargaining, Custom, Leadership, Deception, Diplomacy, Poetry.

Sea Season, 1330 ST (End of Turn 1)

Dragon Pass Report is a work in progress.


Grey Axe (Teo): Brand, the Clan Law-Speaker, smiles as he recounts the moving poem of Dastandyr, a Lysang Bard who visited the Grey Axe Tula and offered to honor the Clan for nothing more than a show of hospitality. "Dastandyr generously voiced an epic poem in praise of our Weapon Thanes," he beamed. "His words rang true throughout the Chieftain's Hall, and they still resonate in the hearts of our warriors!"

Gwynna (Almalexia): TBD

Hillhaven (Grimmend): God-Talker Natyr solemnly speaks of a dream she had about a strange group of people. "They walk on both two legs and four, wear skin that is both naked and furred, and howl at the Blue Moon every night when it descends into Magasta's Pool at the center of the world. They live like beasts in their home, south of our Tula, and those who seek them should be wary."

Hiord (Pixel): TBD

Jerending (Ektor): Indrodara, a Ring Member and experienced tracker, warns the other clans about a strange people who boldly stole cows from their Tula. "We followed their trail, and soon learned these were no mere bandits, but crafty shape-shifters. They sought to trick us into thinking that wolves were responsible for our misfortune!"

Kardvari (Lumos): TBD

Lighthearth (Marowit): TBD

Old Owl (Draorn): TBD

Six Brothers (Harkon Haakonson):

Tanahart (Comrade Crimson): Orust, the Tanahart Lawspeaker, expresses disappointment in his failure to secure a marriage between Barelda and Skovi of the Lysang Clan, two Vingan Weapon Thanes who wanted to become Love-Husband and Love-Wife. "We offered to set aside our differences and give them a hefty bride price in exchange for the marriage," he lamented "but the Lysangs refused to listen to our reasonable offer."

Varmandi (Councilor Crassius Curio): TBD

Anmangarn: TBD

Apple: TBD

Bachad: TBD

Badger: TBD

Black Spear: TBD

Lysang: The Lysangs mock the Tanahart Clan's attempt to secure a marriage between Barelda and Skovi.

Mule Deer: TBD

Namolding: TBD

Orlundi: TBD

Peluski: TBD

Red Fox: TBD

Turtle: TBD

Wildcat: TBD
Fire Season, 1330 ST (Start of Turn 2)

CC's and Reports are available on the Tool.

Fire Season is when Elmal and his fiery steed fly high, grazing the roof of the Sky Dome. The weather is hot and dry, and as the crops are ripening, the Fyrd is free from the toils of the soil, allowing them to take up arms if they are called to battle. Although no Clan fights all of the time, all Clans fight some of the time, and this is the time when we are most likely to fight; for Glory, Honor, Justice, Survival, Cows.

Fire Season is the time of raiding, when the Carls and Cottars have enough time to put down their plows and join the Weapon Thanes in glorious battle. The entire Fyrd can travel outside the Tula during Fire Season, although such an act may leave us vulnerable to raiding ourselves. Whereas the cattle raids of cooler seasons are primarily determined by Combat, a larger, coordinated raid requires the use of thoughtful Strategy.

If we're low on Food, Fire Season is an okay time to Forage and Hunt. However, neither method is as reliable or productive as Farming, and relying on these methods too frequently can deplete the natural bounty of our Tula.

Our Herds have given birth, which means our Cows will be producing Milk. Thus, Herding can be used to provide additional Food for our Clan if we need it. It can also be used to foal new Horses for our Clan, for Fire Season is when Elmal Horsefather shines brightest in the Sky.

Our Cottars will automatically create the second-most amount of Trade Goods during Fire Season. A Ring Member can help us make even more Trade Goods by Crafting.

With long, hot days and cool, breezy nights, Fire Season is a good time to perform a wide variety of tasks. Seeds have been sown for the harvest, and our people have a lot of spare time to travel outside the Tula. Sometimes, we spend Fire Season raiding. Other times, we Trade, or Explore, or perform Diplomacy. It is a time of exciting opportunity for our people, when we remain unburdened by the labor that goes into farming.

The Tribal Moot occurs every Fire Season, at the stead of the Tribal King. Back in Heortland, we used to attend our Tribal Moot every year. But, Pharaoh broke our Tribe, and so we have not been to a Tribal Moot in many years. It's been a long time since we've thought about making a new Tribe, and successfully doing so would require many Seasons of effort - it is a careful process that requires Custom, Diplomacy, Leadership, Magic, and Ritual.

Fire Season, 1330 ST (End of Turn 2)

Dragon Pass Report is a work in progress.


Grey Axe (Teo): Njall the Trade Thane proudly announces the presence of a strange neighbor he encountered while exploring Dragon Pass. "We went exploring, and encountered a strange people who we spoke with in the tongue of Issaries. Horse-bodied but with a man's torso, they called themselves Horse-Men, and they spoke of their Kingdom, Beast Valley, and their King, the fearless Iron Hoof. They had Thralls with them, but the Thralls weren't Orlanthi so we didn't help them."

Gwynna (Almalexia): TBD

Hillhaven (Grimmend): Magni the Clan Law-Speaker mentions multiple Spirit encounters throughout the season. "No doubt Kolat favors us, for many Wind Spirits have congregated on our Tula," he proclaims.

Hiord (Pixel): TBD

Jerending (Ektor): TBD

Kardvari (Lumos): The Kardvari have no announcements to share.

Old Owl (Draorn): Miolnir the Sword Thane boasts of his daring raid against the Peluski. "With Yinkin's tread, we stole from the Peluski. Our Weapon Thanes were a silent dread, cautiously and cleverly making their way upon and away from their Tula without a word spoken among them."

Six Brothers (Harkon Haakonson): TBD

Tanahart (Comrade Crimson): Arnheim, the Tanahart Sword Thane, speaks proudly of a recent contest of strength between themselves, the Elkenval, and the Mule Deer. "We hosted the Elkenval and the Mule Deer on our Tula, and many friendships were made between us. Every Clan proved their skill on this day during our skirmishes, and a select few who we took in as Weapon Thanes proved their worth in personal combat." They seem eager about the prospects of an even bigger tournament next Fire Season, and wonder who else might join them in these feats of strength.

Varmandi (Councilor Crassius Curio): TBD

Anmangarn: The Anmangarn speak ill of the Six Brothers, Kardvari, and Varmandi. "These newcomers are becoming a problem," they complain. "They act like Tribes without paying Orlanth the proper respect. If something doesn't change, it will be anarchy!"

Apple: "Don't trust the Hiord Clan if you know what's good for you," they warn. "The Red Fox told us they're plagued by Bad Spirits, and we think they tried to trick the Spirits into plaguing us instead!"

Bachad: The Bachad speak of a great battle, fought between themselves and the Gwynna, with the Hillhavens and the Namoldings supporting each respective side. "The Gwynna and their Namolding allies thought to overcome us, but the  Hillhavens came to make peace, and earned our friendship and respect when they decided to defend us against the Gwynna. Together, we drove them off our Tula and sealed our friendship in a bond of blood!"

Badger: "I don't know what they're talking about," they protest in response to the Orlundi's comments. "We Badgers are nothing if not reliable."

Black Spear: TBD

Elkenval: A new Clan has arrived in Dragon Pass! They call themselves the Elkenval, and say their Wyter is the spirit of an Ancient Stag, Hart-Hearted and Many-Antlered. They praise the Generosity of the Tanahart Clan, who sheltered them on their journey into Dragon Pass. "They asked nothing of us, and showed us favor in exchange. Let every clan know that we now consider the Tanaharts to be friends.

Lighthearth: The Lighthearth issue a warning. "The Grey Axe, Hiord, and Varmandi Clans thought to rob from us. We killed their warriors, and we won't hesitate to kill anyone else who comes to our Tula with ill intent."

Lysang: TBD

Mule Deer: TBD

Namolding: TBD

Orlundi: They ruthlessly mock the Six Brothers, and tell other Clans to take advantage of their gullibility. "They thought it was wise to listen to a badger, but anyone knows when you listen to a badger you'll only find yourself at the bottom of a hole. Next time, they'll probably listen to a bird!"

Peluski: The Peluski curse their ill-luck, and swear to make the Old Owl's sorry for their actions. "You'll come to regret your boasting soon enough!"

Red Fox: TBD

Turtle: TBD

Wildcat: TBD

Earth Season, 1330 ST (Start of Turn 3)

CC's and Reports are available on the Tool.

Earth Season is when Ernalda and all of her sisters and daughters bless us with the bounty of the earth, and every able hand is expected to help bring in the grains that we toiled so hard for in Sea Season. It is a time of cool mornings, pleasant days, and cold nights, when the Orlanthi prepare as best as they can for the coming Dark.

Earth Season is the time of the harvest, when the Carls and Cottars join together to reap the blessings of Ernalda. Only 15% or fewer of the Fyrd is typically expected to travel  outside of our Tula.

Farming is the central axis around which Orlanthi society revolves. Earth Season is the time of the harvest, when the Carls and Cottars join together to reap the blessings of Ernalda. One (or more) Ring Members should always be assigned to gather an adequate harvest during Earth Season, as our very survival depends upon securing enough Food to last through Dark Season.

If we're especially concerned about the harvest, Earth Season is a fair season for Foraging and a good time for Hunting. However, neither method is as reliable or productive as Farming, and relying on these methods too frequently can deplete the natural bounty of our Tula.

Many of our Cows are pregnant during Earth Season. Thus, Herding cannot be used to provide Food for our Clan, but it can be used to protect our Herds and guide newborn calves into Glorantha.

Our Cottars will Craft Trade Goods during Earth Season. We produce the most Trade Goods during Dark Season. We produce the second-, third-, and fourth-most Trade Goods in Fire, Storm, and Sea Season, respectively. We produce the least amount of Trade Goods during Earth Season.

Due to the (typically) mild weather, Earth Season is a good time to perform a wide variety of tasks, whether inside or outside of our Tula. However, no more than 15% of our Fyrd should be assigned to tasks that would take them away from the Tula during Earth Season, because Wisdom tells us that every able hand should be ready to help gather the harvest. Our people, especially the Carls, will be upset if we overextend ourselves in this important time for the Clan. But, sometimes bad times demand bad actions, and although Orlanth taught us about Wisdom, he also taught us about Honor, Independence, and Justice.

The Clan Moot occurs every Sea, Earth, and Storm Season. This is a formal meeting of all the adults in our Clan. Chieftain's are elected, disputes are raised, judgments are made, and Wergild is paid. The Clan Moot is the heart of Orlanthi politics, and every man and woman has a voice in the future of the Clan. One (or more) of our Ring Members should be assigned to preside over the Moot - this Ring Member is often called upon to perform one of the following skills, including Bargaining, Custom, Leadership, Deception, Diplomacy, or Poetry.

Earth Season, 1330 ST (End of Turn 3)

Dragon Pass Report is a work in progress.


Grey Axe (Teo): TBD

Gwynna (Almalexia): TBD

Hillhaven (Grimmend): TBD

Hiord (Pixel): TBD

Jerending (Ektor): TBD

Kardvari (Lumos): TBD

Old Owl (Draorn): TBD

Six Brothers (Harkon Haakonson): TBD

Tanahart (Comrade Crimson): TBD

Turtle (JudgeAlfred): TBD

Varmandi (Councilor Crassius Curio): TBD

Anmangarn: TBD

Apple: TBD

Bachad: TBD

Badger: TBD

Black Spear: TBD

Elkenval: TBD

Jerending: TBD

Lighthearth: TBD

Lysang: TBD

Mule Deer: TBD

Namolding: TBD

Orlundi: TBD

Peluski: TBD

Red Fox: TBD

Wildcat: TBD
Moose! said:
Only 10% or fewer of the Fyrd is typically expected to travel  outside of our Tula.
However, no more than 15% of our Fyrd should be assigned to tasks that would take them away from the Tula during Earth Season, ...
So, can I send 20% of my Fyrd to raid the friendless Gwynna?  :iamamoron:
Reptors are out for those not on the Discord. Obviously feel free to ask any questions, point out any omissions, raise hell about any complains, and make fun if I made grammatical or spelling errors

Global will be slowly updated over whenever? Discord or PM me events you'd like to share with other Clans, too (or hell, feel free to post about it). If I have questions for you I'll let you know!
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