Bad hair day

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Sorry to pester you about another problem with my mod but:

I have absolutely no idea why that happened.
As merc said, in .960+,

limit_hair_colors = 1

Hair limiter in module.ini must be set to 1, or else troops with fixed face codes (for example: lords) will have textureless hair.
limit_hair_colors = 1
show_faction_color = 1
show_quest_notes = 1

#You can change the following to 1 for ease in module development
show_party_ids_instead_of_names = 0

Theres the last 5 lines in mine, just incase you can use it.
Ah, i need the faction one too, since the mod currently shows all factions as white.

Where in the file are those lines supposed to be?

Edit: nevermind, just added it to the bottom.
Very last lines

works_with_version_min  = 1000
works_with_version_max  = 1011
enable_quick_battles    = 1

limit_hair_colors = 1
show_faction_color = 1
show_quest_notes = 1

#You can change the following to 1 for ease in module development
show_party_ids_instead_of_names = 0

Those are all the lines BENEATH the load_resource part.

Not sure if its important but there is 3 spaces between the last load_resource line and the works_with_version_min line. Hope this helps/works

[Edit] Ah okay, didn't see your edit :razz:
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