Awful Indian Pop Artist

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N'Sync, eat your hearts out.

Sheesh, if this is what the Eastern world thinks American culture is like, it's no wonder they want to destroy the USA. It will take many a warehouse full of kittens and drugs for me to get over the PTSD I got from watching the music video on this site.
Hey leo.

He may appear crap to you, but a lot of people actually enjoy the stuff this guy churns out. Not really my taste but although Daler may not be agreeable to you, but then again when it comes to music, people have different tastes. Just learn to live with it.

And what's all that got to do with how people from the East view America, or did I miss a Freudian afterthought somewhere in your comment ?

And how the hell would you know what people in the East think of the good ol' USA ? Have you actually visited any countries in the 'East' and live there for a protracted amount of time to make an informed opinion about the local sentiments ?

And when you say 'East', that's kind of a big sweeping geographical generalization, won't you agree ??...considering that it encompasses all the many cultures with their various customs and perspecitives which in many instances have little in common with each other, much less some common policy towards USA.

It's a good thing the majority of people in the US are a heck of lot more open-minded than you.

Try not to be such a ****.
chill out Harr. We always take the piss out of bad music :smile: No need to get all defencive espeically if you dont even like it :razz: Like the people who like trance we absolutly ripped them but they didnt exactly go AWOL :razz: just dont get worked up about someones opinion.

and heh, pretty awful :grin:
man i love daler mehndi! he's the funniest dude.

aren't the roughly translated lyrics to the song 'tunak tunak tun' ; 'i love to roll in my riches and make love to my many women' or something of equal affect.
my indian friend could of been pulling my leg, or acting like he knew when he didn't, though.

his songs and video clips are a good laugh.

i remember discovering them on the good old internet 2-3 years ago and watching them really high and nearly passing out from laughter. tee hee.

good stuff.

you guys really need to lighten up and see the funny side of his music. it doesn't sound that awful, it's happy, it has a cool indian feel to it, and is good fun.
btw, i just double checked, you guys in no way 'owned' the trance thread. me and some other dude came to a civilised conclusion to our misunderstandings, and the rest of you made single posts of 'trance is good' or 'trance sucks'.

Daler Mehndi is a manifestation of American cultural invasion. Pop music didn't originate in India, mate. Why do you think Daler Mendhi has American boyband dance moves-- didn't you notice when he was doing the cowboy / lasso motions? Why would an Indian dance like a cowboy? [Ahem, cultural invasion.]

The bit about the Eastern world wanting to destroy the US was a joke, and I don't actually believe that most of the Eastern world does want to destroy the US. The exception is Iran: in the specific case of Iran, we can discern many things about Iranian popular opinions by looking at the people they recently elected-- like Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said that "Anybody who recognizes Israel [diplomatically] will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury." I hope the man backs down from that statement, but who knows if he will?

Article on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the "World without Zionism" program:

By the way... where in the world did you get the notion that Americans are open-minded? Where do you live? How well educated are the people you live among?

It may be that you live among better people than I; where I live, we Americans are bitterly divided partisans whose sole hope for government is that their presidential candidate wins the next election so that their half of the country can strip the rights of the other half.
@ Harr-the-Ruskie ... Cool down about 200 degrees and then post. It is fine to disagree with comments that someone makes and their opinions. It is not fine to then flame/attack them.

@ manboy ... I think that I might be one of the 'dudes' that you were referring to, in regards to the 'Trance' thread. :razz:

While I couldn't watch the video (don't have realplayer installed and don't care to install it) ... it seems that this thread was for light humor. Everyone relax.

The thread is called "MY NEW INDIAN GOD" or something similar.

I think the best thing about Daler is that he can split into four (Or was it five? Can't remember) different elemental mages and cast amazing spells, all the while dancing in such an awesome way that it makes my head swim.
well if you gonna call me Jörn you might as well use the proper ö :razz: (hold alt and press 0246) or just call me Juno ^_^
Honestly , im not flaming , but i can't see a logical reason for threads like this. How the hell can people accuse music of *sucking* or being *bad*

I suppose it doesnt occur to people that people who have entirely different cultures may (just possibly) might have different perspectives on things...

I just think you should be more open minded about things in future.
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