Daler Mehndi is a manifestation of American cultural invasion. Pop music didn't originate in India, mate. Why do you think Daler Mendhi has American boyband dance moves-- didn't you notice when he was doing the cowboy / lasso motions? Why would an Indian dance like a cowboy? [Ahem, cultural invasion.]
The bit about the Eastern world wanting to destroy the US was a joke, and I don't actually believe that most of the Eastern world does want to destroy the US. The exception is Iran: in the specific case of Iran, we can discern many things about Iranian popular opinions by looking at the people they recently elected-- like Iran's new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said that "Anybody who recognizes Israel [diplomatically] will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury." I hope the man backs down from that statement, but who knows if he will?
Article on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the "World without Zionism" program: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/27/international/middleeast/27iran.html
By the way... where in the world did you get the notion that Americans are open-minded? Where do you live? How well educated are the people you live among?
It may be that you live among better people than I; where I live, we Americans are bitterly divided partisans whose sole hope for government is that their presidential candidate wins the next election so that their half of the country can strip the rights of the other half.