Available or in the works...?

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I am loving Mount & Blade immensely. The "realistic" feel of its gameplay really makes me want to see it used to bring history alive however, rather than just playing in a fantasy setting (not to knock the current setting mind you!). I am wondering -- a quick search did not reveal -- if any of the following exist or are in the works:
  • China, esp. the turbulent period at the transition between the Jin/Southern Song dynasties and the Yuan dynasty (circa 1230 CE)
  • The Timurid Empire, esp. in its initial expansionary period (circa 1370-1400 CE)
  • Any of the Crusades
  • The Moorish conquest of Spain (circa 700-750 CE)
  • The Reconquista (ouster of the Moors, circa 1490 CE)
  • The Norman conquest of England (1066 CE)
Any of these settings would probably lend itself admirably to M&B's gameplay mechanics...
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