Auto-sim issues

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When I have to 'storm the citadel' to capture a fief, the typical troop scenario is something like this:
I send: 18/19 Imperial Elite Cataphract/Vlandian Bannerknights/Sturgian Druzhinnik Champions/similar elite level troop;
and the defenders are: militia troops.

If I go personally to lead the assault with these mismatched troop strengths I lose nobody. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

But if I auto-sim the battle, I will ALWAYS lose 2-4 of these absolute elite troops in their top tier armours fighting militia with hunting bows and barbed/normal arrows, low level swords, and no armour to speak of.

This is clearly glitched.

The same thing plays out when you auto-sim fighting a bandit troop or some deserters/looters you encounter. Equally rubbish equipment. Yet they also manage to take down some ELITE troops. Almost never do I lose some recruits/tier 2 or 3 troops. Always the elite.

So, what is the point of training troops to this level if they can still be killed by guys with pitchforks wearing tattered clothing?

Anyone have thoughts on how you deal with this? I know troops are easily acquired and cheap to train, still... in history once a well-trained and equipped force of 300 kept an entire army at bay for a few days.

I remember vividly once taking on a small group of errand Knights (5 or so) with my merry band of 50 or so recruit/tier 2 troops in Warband and getting utterly crushed - this is as it should be!
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so i dont know how exactly it works in bannerlord. but in warband, if you had terrible tactic skills you easily lost high tier troops in simulated battles or if you got knocked out. i know that tactics increases your troops damage in simulated battles in bannerlord, but dont know if it does anything to improve their survivability besides that. but basically, if you send troops, they rely entirely on your tactics skills. they dont get any commander boosts and are less coordinated than if you lead them directly, is what i think the game is trying to say
When I have to 'storm the citadel' to capture a fief, the typical troop scenario is something like this:
I send: 18/19 Imperial Elite Cataphract/Vlandian Bannerknights/Sturgian Druzhinnik Champions/similar elite level troop;
and the defenders are: militia troops.

If I go personally to lead the assault with these mismatched troop strengths I lose nobody. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

But if I auto-sim the battle, I will ALWAYS lose 2-4 of these absolute elite troops in their top tier armours fighting militia with hunting bows and barbed/normal arrows, low level swords, and no armour to speak of.

This is clearly glitched.

The same thing plays out when you auto-sim fighting a bandit troop or some deserters/looters you encounter. Equally rubbish equipment. Yet they also manage to take down some ELITE troops. Almost never do I lose some recruits/tier 2 or 3 troops. Always the elite.

So, what is the point of training troops to this level if they can still be killed by guys with pitchforks wearing tattered clothing?

Anyone have thoughts on how you deal with this? I know troops are easily acquired and cheap to train, still... in history once a well-trained and equipped force of 300 kept an entire army at bay for a few days.

I remember vividly once taking on a small group of errand Knights (5 or so) with my merry band of 50 or so recruit/tier 2 troops in Warband and getting utterly crushed - this is as it should be!
Honestly auto simming is really bad if you user specialized army that needs a specific place to be recruited from. Otherwise we wouldn't even feel the loss of 2-4 of the soldiers, a single big battledrop and I can get tripple that ammount to its max tiers.
i think they need to tone down the losses of killing the last defenders for sure. its almost always one on one combat. its not like those storming are at a disadvantage in those scenes, they are just killing a few guys who desperately scrambled into defensive positions

there is again something i dont know how works in bannerlord but knew how it worked in warband. how you positioned your troops in the party list was important, those listed first were most likely to die. those listed last would be reinforcement if there was no room. if it works the same way, you would want to list your best troops last, though at the same time not list your worst troops first or they will be slaughtered first thing in large battles and flee

honestly, there is just a lot in bannerlord that is not very logical. i dont like it either how troops targeting is numerically prioritized instead of more random / whatever is sensible in the moment. at least, i think that is how it works. always found it odd how the death cam on the enemy side always follows the next insta targeted guy. i swear those guys fall dead one by one the moment you spectate them in sieges, only when they go into hiding they are forgotten about. while scrolling back to your team those guys are completely safe unless an enemy archer lost sight of all other prioritized targets and happen to target them instead. it would also just be better if the death cam scroll starts inverted next to ally vassals and companions, so you can spectate the enemy vassals

there are so many little things like that in bannerlord where im wondering, wouldnt the devs want that themselves? why is it left like that? feels like it should only be minor code tweaking, or even might have been a mistake to implement it the way it is implemented in the first place
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Isn't been stated that loosing high tier troops in sim battles is intended?

i dont remember that, but i think the game treats the citadel battle as dangerous, almost as if you are the defenders who are most at disadvantage. they either have to crank up the difficulty of the offensive attack or tone down the losses in its simulation, those dont reflect each other. the simulation is always a bad choice in that fight. you are spared much more simulating an open field battle against another vassal
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