Auto-Resolve when player dies - Question

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Hi, Taleworlds Community!  :smile:

Is it possible to disable the Auto-Resolve function that pops up when playercharacter dies at the battlefield?
I know there are some mods out there containing this feature/improvement but I'd like to play the game without modifying it, because it's great the way it is. Well, except for the Auto-Resolve function of course. :wink:
I asked google, but it just came up with some topics where players discussed mount and blade auto-resolving in general, same results when I used the search function of and other sides.

It would be nice if anyone could tell me, which files to change and what to change in these files, to make the battles go on, even if the maincharacter dies.

Thanks in advance.
As far as I know it's not easy to code battle-continuation... otherwise it would be in every single mod out there for sure :smile: I think we all hate this particular feature of the game. TweakMB had the option to change it, but only for 1.113 I think. So if you get that version of warband, that's what you could do.
There was recently a thread about this in the Forge:,129051.0.html
lovestofeast made a .txt file for 1.131, you just have to copy it over your default mission_templates.txt:
Tooting my own, I made a that has battle continuation and can be freely incorporated into any mod that wants it:
Hey, thx alot for your support kekn06ab & pampl.

@ pampl: that's exactly what I was looking for. Bombastic!
I guess, I should have been searching for "battlecontinuation" isntead of "auto-resolve" right from the start. Thank you.


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