Australian Warband & Teamspeak 2 Hosting.

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Hey, I run Greenbridge Servers, an Australian Game Server Provider and community and I'm offering Warband servers at 1.50 per slot. These servers are located on our boxes in Sydney, and are ran on a Windows system, with full TCadmin & WHMCS integration.

Greenbridge Servers has an ABN, and a website.

The head admin of the Australian cRPG server, Phallas (Akkadian) approached us to host Warband servers. This is what he had to say:

9:51 PM - phallas: The service i recieved from greenbridgeservers was great. The server i requested was set up urgently, i was given a trial run of the server before hand. Overall the communication is exceptional, always there to answer noob questions and help out, Also the server it self is stable and resonably priced.

So in reguards to Warband Servers,
Location: Sydney, AU
Slot Price: 1.50 per slot,
  • 10 slots - $15
  • 20 slots - $30
  • etc

We use TCadmin as our control panel, which allows you to:
  • Control multiple servers from one control panel - this includes Teamspeak, and others.
  • Create sub-users with varying amount of control.
  • Stop, start and restart your server, with one click.
  • In-browser file transfer - with a seperate FTP included.
  • Edit your server config file IN your browser
  • Edit your server commandline, allowing you to load a custom config file and module
  • Create support tickets allowing you to ask for and receive help efficiently

Currently, manual setup is required for our Warband servers. Due to this, the server will not be automatically created on payment - it may take up to a day until your server is fully operational.

Our Teamspeak 2 servers offer the best rates with the best quality. 30 cents per slot - it's a bargain that no other hoster will meet!
(NOTE: For existing clients, it's 30 cents. When you have an approved game server, you can use the discount code "clientts2" to have a TS2 server created after you pay.)

If you have any questions, either contact me at [email protected], or add godley001 on Steam, or reply here.

Order Now ->

I run Greetzbridge Servers, a game server provider, internet cafe, unemployment office, and now with permission from the Department of Human Services, Blackmans_barn_of_slavery_. 666_HELLDEMON_666 has confirmed that our servers are in fact +BETTER~ than yours, for one reason ONLY. One, you have an ABN, but is your ABN 666666666 like ours? And two, Demonbridge Servers are renting servers for 10 cents a slot, that's 1 dollar and 40 cents cheaper than you.

You can not compete!
Give up!

Well, thanks for bumping it, but can you at least keep your trolling going in one direction ? you changed your parody name, 3? times.

Not to mention, you seem to not be able to do simple Math.

1.40 - 0.10 = 1.30, you would be 1.30 cheaper.

Thanks :razz:

EDIT: I just failed, epically. My normal price for servers, is 1.40 per slot, and I rebutted on that. Hah. I do believe, I just ate my own words.
I really hope some players take up on your offer. I would love a server located in Sydney as (i am pretty sure) all internode servers are run from Adelaide.
Yeah, currently our only Warband Customer is hosting cRPG servers, a Duel and a Battle, but I'd love to host some more, vanilla etc.
Maybe it is the price?

1.5 Aus dollar  ~ 1.4 US dollar per slot per month

I don't know much about Australian hosting costs but if you compare it to other warband hosts:
  • Jest server has servers in US/EU for 1 US dollar per slot or 0.8 per slot if you pay 3 months up front. Topic:,112495.0.html
  • 22nd (me) have servers in EU for 0.4 pounds per slot ~ 0.62 US dollar. Topic:,111109.0.html

So, that might be the reason?
Yeah, hosting in Australia is Pathetic, We've currently got the worst Network Infrastructure in the First World, and our government is putting in an ISP level filter, which will screw us up even more.
In fact, My Download Cap is 25gigs, and I'm in the fastest growing region away from a capital city.

Generally 1.50 AUD per slot, is a very competitive price, and i haven't seen any cheaper, only equal.

We actually charge 1.40 per slot for Games like CS:S, and as far as I can see, that's actually the cheapest in Australia.
(although i have no doubt I could be proven wrong quite easily, although, you DEFINITELY won't see less than 1.20, and I actually see people paying 2.50 per slot.)

Infact, this place, is THREE DOLLARS A SLOT.
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