[ ATTENTION! Mapper needed to fix elevation issue! ]

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Sergeant Knight
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Any volunteers who have knowledge of working with a map editor that works for Warband, you can let us know here and make a whole bunch of people really happy.
Toffey said:

Didn't Corvid fall into a coma because of that editor!? Didn't it drive D'Sparil to drinking? You're mad, man!

Delete your posts, you brainless crickets from a stinking mud-pool!!!  :mad:


I needed a double post for this.

I ROFL'ed  :lol:

But truly, and seriously; volunteers, you are to come and help this mod at once!
Kinda makes the whole idea of volunteering moot, but what the hell, so be it. I demand volunteers.
In secret, every volunteer knows that they're not doing any useful things in life anyway, so there is no reason not to volunteer.

Is there a new editor yet or is it the same crappy one?

Are we still going with the old native improved one?
mor2 said:
Toffey said:
Brilliant idea! I wish I could do it but I'm not sexy enough!
that's ok i'll ride you anyway  :grin:
...say what?
And if nobody (is this login taken? xD) takes care of it then I'll give it a go, HOWEVER: please specify what and where is wrong as exactly as you can - even if I fail it still be useful. And no - I had no time to play the new version yet, although it waits downloaded and installed on HD.
Anyway: more volunteers!
Glad to see this thread up, hopefully someone is really successful on this issue even though it's probably going to very difficult to accomplish.

To me, fixing this problem is going to be huge for continued enjoyment in this mod because those random maps are just a real downer to have. If you want my suggestion on this, I know you're probably close to plugging this mod in the Warband forums, but I'd honestly hold off until this problem is fixed because a lot of people are going to complain about this I think. (since battles are a huge part in any Mount and Blade experience)
Allrighty: as promised, I opened the map etc. Now dear folks: what needs to be done? I do not play TEATRC due to the messages display bug, but for all the joy it gave me, I'll do my best :]
So: what are the bugs??
So in other words: you all folks want the mp to be a bit smoother, so that you will be able to acces only these parts of mountains, which cause the maps to be not too vertical, right?
Also: correct me if I am wrong, but the battle maps are generated on the basis of the terrain on which the battle has started, right? I am not a magican - all help will be appreciated, and the results may vary.
Dziurkacz said:
So in other words: you all folks want the mp to be a bit smoother, so that you will be able to acces only these parts of mountains, which cause the maps to be not too vertical, right?
Also: correct me if I am wrong, but the battle maps are generated on the basis of the terrain on which the battle has started, right? I am not a magican - all help will be appreciated, and the results may vary.

Can't really answer the 2nd part because I'm not a modder, but the first part I can. So the answer is yes, the majority of all random maps within TEATRC have extremly high elevations and from what has been said in the past by the devs this is due to several map errors within the map itself, and it's very difficult to fix. Overall, it makes the gameplay tough to enjoy because these maps are just a downer to me, as it makes maneuvering in them a royal pain, especially if you have Calvary which makes it even worse. Hopefully some brave volunteers can really look into this problem and finally fix it once and for all because in my personal opinion this is one of the main things that needs to be fixed for the mod to enjoy its full potential, but again that's just my own opinion as the mountainous terrain doesn't probably bother other people as much as it does me, hehe. 

It bothers me a lot too.

A few pages back there was a topic on map fixing, and there's the stickied map errors topic.
So we should post in map fix topic, right? What should be posted? The areas where the battles require climbing skills?
I've been thinking about that as well. Why not make the C4 map already, and use it for C3? Without the additional cities, towns and castles, of course - just the topography and the C3 centres. Sooner or later a C4 map has to be made anyways... ~
Shrugging Khan said:
I've been thinking about that as well. Why not make the C4 map already, and use it for C3? Without the additional cities, towns and castles, of course - just the topography and the C3 centres. Sooner or later a C4 map has to be made anyways... ~

That could be a very good idea, but It may feel out of place with having cities missing and all if the map is bigger then Chapter 3. It's good to see at least we're moving in some direction to fix this because this is big issue I think, so hopefully with time a few people can have a little luck with this.

I can only imagine how this mod will take off if the battlefields are fixed because this mod has some very meaty stuff in it.

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