Attempting to Run Game Crashes System after Clicking Play

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I can run the game and get as far as the small box that has the register your key, play, etc.

Upon clicking Run I get a small white window and my mouse says D3D on it. Some short time later my screen resolution and color displays go whirling into the dark ages and I get a message saying my driver has failed. Moments later my monitor goes standby and video dies entirely.

I reboot to a system check and a microsoft dialogue once windows loads informing me I have recovered from a critical error. I have tested Direct 3D via Dxdiag and its working fine. My drivers are brand new. I have the latest DirectX. I have the latest XP Home service pack. My system is up to date and exceeds the requirements for the game.

I don't think I've ever seen a game that could successfully completely knock my video out. I have tried disabling virus protection and checked the rather large thread on "thread counts", neither apply here and I'm fairly sure I'm the only person that is suffering a critical crash upon hitting play.

Any advice would be grand.
The exact error is "the NV4_Disp" driver has stopped working properly. Reboot your machine to restore display functionality.... or something to that effect.

I just saw it when attempting to run the game windowed mode again. I am typing this to you with 8 colors! Excuse me while I reboot. (Good news is my monitor didnt crap out that time... hehe)
Well, this game looked fun but I'm about ready to give up. Been trying different things listed on the forums including Security Task Manager (which if I tweak with it, i can get the game to run in windowed mode but its severely garbled, i can only imagine thats the game though).

Any other attempt results in full screen or window mode total crash as my vid drivers die and my system requires an immediate reboot.

Not healthy on my system to keep trying and ican't find anyone with a simular problem or any advice for me.
Well, this'll be my last post to my progress. Hopefully someone will be able to offer me support with this bit of knowledge, but if not I officially give up.

Firstly, I used Security Task Manager and disabled -everthing- that wasn't required to run my PC. This only worked on windowed mode previously, but when combined with manually closing with CTRL ALT DEL, I got the game to run in full screen (note that i can only seem to run the game once up to this point, a second load will cause my critical crash from earlier). The problem was, however, the font was garbled and unreadable. Alot of graphics were also suffering from this problem, but some of them (such as the skull archway on one of the menus) was showing fine. Through random clicks and presses, I got to the face screen. The face showed up fine, but again, i couldnt read any of the garbled boxes (their graphics were garbled too). Somehow I found my way into the game which looked wonderful, by the way, and ran at 150 FPS (funny, fps text was fine). However, I couldnt figure out how to play or what to do since all the menus i could find through random button clicking were garbled and unreadable. I couldnt do anything since the box that appears when you approach a Npc or door is unreadable, so im not sure what it was trying to tell me.

I updated my graphics card drivers (again) as I realized a new version in the last week or so came out. I then did the previous steps and ran the game, praying.

This time the fonts are mostly readable but all the graphics are garbled. The first screen brought hope, a big large garbled box.. but under it, START A NEW GAME was clearly in front of me. I awed and prayed and hit it, then found myself at a totally destroyed and garbled screen. The archway with the skull that previously stood there was nothing but a hurricane of garbled doom. The button I pressed, which I imagine said OKAY or continue - i may never know - was gone entirely.

... I updated to 77.77 Nvidia Forceware. I have a GeForce FX 5200 256MB card. Athlon XP 3200+ with 512MB DDR.

I have Direct X 9.0c, the latest version. Sigh, help?
Your card should be able to support M&B with no problem.
Last time I saw NV4_disp errors it was down to corrupted driver installation. It might be worth uninstalling the nvidia drivers and restarting. When Windows gives you the 'found new hardware' wizard exit and re-install the latest drivers. Make sure you have the driver install program on disk (nvidia usually stores in a directory on the hard drive with the version under it).
Possibly worth checking the refresh rate if that doesn't work, I've known nvidia drivers crash when changing resolutions at high refresh rates.
Well, I've done the driver thing and it seems to be installed fine.

I'll check into the refresh rate thing, though I'm not entirely sure if you mean within M&B or my vid card settings.
Well, the game actually runs consistently now by the way. I am not gettin vid card crashes anymore since switching drivers around (i forgot about my previous post and previous accomplishments).

At this point my problem is garbled text and HUD and whatnot. The game itself graphics are fine, but the rest (including NPC speach which doesnt show up at all) is unreadable.

Only time I've seen this is when the game is using some kind of special effect on the text, which M&B doesn't as far as I can tell.

It still sounds like it could be a driver problem.

Do you get a problem in other games, or just M&B?
It might be worth running the Direct Draw and Direct 3D tests from dxdiag, just to make sure there isn't a problem there. Make sure that full acceleration is enabled there too.
Is it a manufactured PC or home built?
Who is the manufacturer of the graphics card?
What operating system are you using?
What is the make and model of the motherboard?
Archonsod said:

Only time I've seen this is when the game is using some kind of special effect on the text, which M&B doesn't as far as I can tell.

It still sounds like it could be a driver problem.

Do you get a problem in other games, or just M&B?
It might be worth running the Direct Draw and Direct 3D tests from dxdiag, just to make sure there isn't a problem there. Make sure that full acceleration is enabled there too.
Is it a manufactured PC or home built?
Who is the manufacturer of the graphics card?
What operating system are you using?
What is the make and model of the motherboard?

Originally, with my old drivers, I had NO problem with any game to date. (Includes Half-Life 2, Doom 3, EverQuest 2, BattleField 2, Halo: CE, etc etc and other high performance games - I run these games on medium to high settings fine). I could not run M&B, so I changed my graphics drivers to 77.77 Nvidia drivers. M&B runs, but the garbled text and graphics occurs in npc speach, menus, and popups. I downloaded FEAR demo recently (after having switched to 77.77). It suffers from the exact same problem as M&B now (which part of me wishes I could remember my old drivers so I could switch back and see how FEAR handles). My other games remain fine though, and Fear, like M&B, runs great once in the game... only with FEAR I can still play since nothing is garbled once in game, only loading and the menu's (which makes it impossible to load a game unfortunately).

The Direct 3d and Direct Draw tests work great, no problems there.

It was an e-Machine, however I have upgraded it considerably since purchase. Graphics card, ram, and soundcard are custom.

I am using a GeForce FX 5600 256MB card. Honestly, I wish I could remember who manufactured it. I want to say direct product of Nvidia, fairly sure.

I am using Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2.

EDIT: Time to admit a goof, I have a GeForce FX 5200 256MB. I dont even know if there is such a thing as a 5600. Oops, dunno why I've been saying 5600. When I saw in in DirectX i smacked myself in the face.
I can get the game to run fine in windowed mode now. Text and graphics are 100% readable and FPS is extremely high.

Unfortunately you cant play like that, since your mouse will click something offscreen and the game no longer is primary window, therefor you're no longer controlling it.

Okay, couple of things it would be worth doing at this point.

1. Download a decent system information tool. Belarc system advisor or Everest are both free downloads. This should tell you everything about your system from the make and model of your motherboard to the BIOS version of your video card.

2. Check manufacturers' websites. Google is your friend! Check the specs on the motherboard, graphics card etc, especially for drivers, updates and BIOS updates.

It may be that your card isn't 100% compatible with Nvidia's drivers. The manufacturer should either have a BIOS update or their own set of drivers available. Either one should fix the problem.

Third option is to re-install the older drivers. Couple of ways you could go about this. First, if you still have the driver disc that came with the card uninstall the current drivers and re-install from the disk.
Otherwise try downloading an older driver from the net. A couple of places have them archived, and Nvidias own is
WinXP/2000 for GeForce:

Win9x/ME for GeForce:

As a last ditch attempt, it may be worth re-installing direct x. I have seen this problem caused by a bad dx installation before (although it was much easier to spot).

It seems to me that the drivers are having problems with the card. I doubt that its down to corrupt drivers at this point, which leaves two possibilities, either the drivers aren't working with the card, or there is a problem somewhere else in the system which is screwing up the driver. Only other thing I've seen that can throw out these errors is physical damage to the card, although this would likely cause a problem with Windows before you tried any game. If the above doesn't work, then I would advise you to contact Nvidia support and see if they can shed any light on the issue. As far as I can tell, the 77.77 drivers should run fine on any Geforce card.
lol, this is funny. Several old drivers refused the run the game at all, something about REF.

I found one that ran the game and to my amazement the menu worked perfectly! I created my character without issues and prepared to embark on the wonderful journy that is hopefully Mount and Blade. Then, to my disgust, once i loaded into the game I suffered from the crashed driver problem. Before it was the menus and text that didnt work and the game that ran fine, this time it was the exact opposite.

yeesh, some divine entity hates me.
the same thing happens to me, except it crashed for me when I go to create my character, although if I do it super fast I can manage to get in the game world, but if I do it slowly it crashes and I get a no signal msg on my monitor
Specs please?

And if you're getting no signal it may well be monitor related. If you can tell the make & model of your monitor it would help. Also, check the monitor properties (you can get to them through the display page) and see exactly what monitor windows is using.
Ok the origin of your problem can be almost anything. Here is some advice anyway:

1. Install Everest ( and check your temperatures during stress, your motherboard temperature should not be higher than 40-45 and your cpu temperature not higher than 50~60 during high stress. You can use to stress your cpu.
2. Remove the old nvidia drivers (77.77 in your case). The non-beta drivers still tend to have issues with some games. Use this app to remove them cleanly. Then install the 78.11 drivers. Don't worry, they're highly stable, faster and more reliable.
3. Oh and Yeah, I had problems too with older drivers.
77.77 drivers haven't caused a problem so far.

Temperature wise it may be worth checking the actual temperature of the graphics card. Nvidia cards have protection against too high a heat.
Also if you're overclocking either the CPU or GPU try resetting it to normal speed and see if that helps.
the game worked fine for awhile and I went on vacation and bought a 550W power supply and a pci slot fan, and it stopped working and I have tried removing the fan but still no go. The monitor is a 19" LCD Princeton and windows just has it listed as a plug and play monitor.

AMD 64bit 3200
1 gig pc2100 ram
radeon 3600 128mb
sblive xgamer 5.1 soundcard

the game should fly, like it use to but it just acts like everything is overheating.
Is it the entire system that shuts down?

It could be an oversensitive trip on the power supply. Is it just M&B or does it occur in other games too?
Its hard to test without specialist equipment, but it could be the draw on the supply when the graphics card starts sucking is too much.

(edit) Just occurred to me, if its only M&B with the problem it might be worth re-installing it to check if the problem reoccurs. Assuming you haven't already tried it that is.
its just M&B, and I have tried reinstalling and redownloading but still no dice, another thing is when I went on vacation I downloaded the game onto another computer and used the same serial #, would that change anything? If i remember correctly you can have 2 computers using the same #
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