Attack of the captions!

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Ancient Whale

Knight at Arms
This is similar to Eagle's idea, but not a competition. I got this idea from another board and so I take no credit for this. The rules are: I begin by posting a picture. After ten additional posts, the eleventh poster will post a picture of his own. If two consecutive days pass without anyone posting a caption, you can post a picture. If ten captions have been posted and you have a nice idea for a caption, but no picture, go ahead and post the caption, no-one will lynch you. There will be no winners or losers, which is the main difference from this and the stickied Caption Contest. This is just for fun.
So here's the first picture.

"The vaegir experiments of flying horses proved disastrous when they realized their navigational features were miserably lacking."
Vaegir Guy - "Hey guy's I think im starting to sli-- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
Marnid - "Hey? Where'd the Vaegir guy go?"
You - "I dunno. Move, dumbass. I'm startin to slip, here."
'And the fossils you can see on your right are believed to be about 12 seconds old. Extensive research has shown that they were the result of some harebraned vaegir antics.'
Look no one posted a new pic or caption for past few days, so here are my pic:


As knight of dark was about to finish his skull crushing hammer, but suddenly awful beated up of red hair warrior caught something that would dreadful haunt him for rest of his life... Not being able to move his body, as warrior of dark were walking over his head, darken him with shadow from the chained skirt of that warrior... Suddenly, red haired warrior would even wished he would have gone blind when he thought as he was screaming, "OMG!!!!!!! I can see ur ball! EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! ARGH! MY EYE!!!!"


Eagle out...
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