At war against the pope

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after being at war against the papal states, I have -9 relation with every catholic country (meaning that when they meet me they attack me and their cities are closed to me).
I can understand the historical reason etc. The point is that now I  am at peace with the pope, 0 relation, but still at -9 with half world!
Is there a way to mend things with those nations?
You will have to travel to some random lord from every faction you are at negative relation and ask him for peace. Then you will have to pay some 500 dinarii (the amount depends on how much you are in the negative with a certain faction) to that lord and he will settle things for you with his faction, ie. you going back to relation 0. By the way, if you had joined the Papal states instead of Sicily you would now have +100 relation with every catholic state which was especially in the pre lance recruitment versions very interesting as far as recruiting was concerned.
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