First of all, a warrior needs courage, even if it is dutch. Old Empire seems fitting....
My inventory full of food, my thirst slaked with ale, I set of from Ryibelet Castle, where I have been building my army these past few days.
After dealing with a sally, we attack the walls. I knocked out Ragnar during the sally. His troops must have been confused as we storm the walls to little resistance. Will this mighty battle be a pushover after all? But no, ye gods, from the alleys below arose a fearsome war cry and wave after wave of fierce Nord troops drove us back.
Ragnar recovers and leads out large army to confront my own soldiers on the plain...
This is where the Arbalestiers come into their own. The Nords are cut down as they approach, even their formidable armour and shields are no match for the 100 Arbalestiers of Pellagus. Their charge broken, I send my cavalry in successive waves to cut them down.
Ragnar sends more troops, this time he splits the cavalry along the west flank while the archers and infantry attack the line. I take my cavalry to meet his, multiple charges finally send them fleeing.
The ride of the Valkyries! Unfortunatley, they decided to ride across my line of Arbalestiers. A few of them made it far enough to get cut down by a cavalry charge.
Yield all you like, bub, you're my prisoner. I successfully took 5 towns for you arsehole and you refused to grant me a single one of them! How did you think this was going to end, eh?
Just 572 left, eh? That's more like it...
It's raining, but here's Pellagus with a song and a smile and a bloody great axe to storm the walls.
Sargoth is in the hands of the Kingsdom of Pellagus. Promotions for everyone! Then the chamberlain suggests the drapes need dry-cleaning and gets a slap.