At least it's not Tihr I suppose...

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Knight at Arms
I rebelled against the Nords in my current game, so I haven't visited Ragnar for a while...


Not quite sure how I'm going to deal with this one, unless I can tempt the Sleeping Bear out to fight on the plains.  :lol:
no problem
well at least not impossible

1.get some good archer i'd recommend elite ranger[at least 70]
2.besiege the town,and wait till he'll attack you,that's won't take a long,when you face him,at evry batlle place you troops at the start point,and go take him,then take the archer
4.retreat!.and in the next battle place you troops behind the start point[if there's a hill it's better]
and go kill them and when they get close to your troops, his cavarly will already lose thier horses and themselves-
by the fire of your archers ,now go to the edge of his infatry line [from the direction of his start-point]
and they all will try hit you while your archer shoot at them back,you do it well and they won't try kill your troops
the einherjar for example has very wick armour the same as the skald
now do it untill he lose most of his troops[it's less hard against the nords due to their slow cavrly]

i hope you get it,and my english not ruin waht i'm trying to say

That's fantastic. If you win this battle, they'll have to declare Pellagus Day in Calradia!

I'm not very familiar with the Nords - do their elite troops have shields? If they do, you're rightly buggered.  But it's a great test of generalship  :smile:

Josef_the_Pretender said:
That's fantastic. If you win this battle, they'll have to declare Pellagus Day in Calradia!

I'm not very familiar with the Nords - do their elite troops have shields? If they do, you're rightly buggered.  But it's a great test of generalship  :smile:

The best infantry with shields.

Take some pictures if you're going to slaughter.
I joined up with the Vaegirs in my most recent game, without checking who they were at war with. Which was EVERYONE. Within a week of pledging, we'd lost four castles and a 1500 hundred man army from the Rhodoks was sitting on another castle. I hired every mercenary I could get to, took back three castles, busted up the siege party from the Rhodoks and picked off their lords one by one. Thankfully the other Vaegir nobles finally got off their bums and pinned Elder Graveth and a few other lords down.

Now, how does this relate to the topic at hand? Queen Katilus laid siege to my castle right after. Not one of the less well defended castles, MINE. She also brought her 550 troops. Including something like 50 crusaders/paladins and 30 blademasters. Thankfully, I had picked up lots of prisoners from the Rhodoks and had some elite troops in reserve at my castle. They opted for a head-long charge, which I had hoped for. I positioned my guys against the edge of the map and cleaned house.
Einherjar are heavily equipped soldiers with throwing weapons and two-handed axes, and it appears that he has no Obudshaers or Champion Huskarls.

Which means lots and lots of archers are your friends. Einherjar'll reach them fast, but they'll die fast as well, since the arrows will slice through their unshielded ranks. If he had replaced those Valkyries with Champion Huskarls, then you might have a pretty big issue. Then again, cavalry would defeat him pretty badly out on the plains, unless he had Obudshaers as well.

Actually, thinking about it, if he had a mix of Einherjar, Champion Huskarls, and Obudshaers, you'd be pretty screwed.
Josef_the_Pretender said:
Ha ha, nothing to worry about then. Have at them, Pellagus. The forum awaits news of a resounding victory
I'd like a story of a crushing defeat awell. But that's personal taste I guess  :mrgreen:

Mythos said:
273 einherjars? Excuse me, I'm going to go cower in terror now.
That's what I thought.
Ha ha, I've got about 200 Arbalestiers/Elite Arbalestiers spread around various castles, I'm going to take the lot plus any cavalry types and try and lure him out onto the plains. Providing I kick his arse, I'm going to take Sargoth while he watches.  :grin:
with a garrison like that.. tihr couldn't fall to 2000 dark knights ^_^

I have been trying to get sargoth for 50 game days.. its a pain because of the siege tower.. my army is berserkers king berserkers and Einherjars with 5 squire templars (my babies) :smile: so my men get arrows rained on them for 5 mins while we push the ****in tower.. so by the time I'm on the wall like RAWRGHOGH!!! all berserking an ****.. 10 seconds later I notice... I'm alone :sad: so I'm not gonna bother with sargoth for a while what with the dk's on my doorstep :neutral:

First of all, a warrior needs courage, even if it is dutch. Old Empire seems fitting....

My inventory full of food, my thirst slaked with ale, I set of from Ryibelet Castle, where I have been building my army these past few days.

After dealing with a sally, we attack the walls. I knocked out Ragnar during the sally. His troops must have been confused as we storm the walls to little resistance. Will this mighty battle be a pushover after all? But no, ye gods, from the alleys below arose a fearsome war cry and wave after wave of fierce Nord troops drove us back.

Ragnar recovers and leads out large army to confront my own soldiers on the plain...

This is where the Arbalestiers come into their own. The Nords are cut down as they approach, even their formidable armour and shields are no match for the 100 Arbalestiers of Pellagus. Their charge broken, I send my cavalry in successive waves to cut them down.

Ragnar sends more troops, this time he splits the cavalry along the west flank while the archers and infantry attack the line. I take my cavalry to meet his, multiple charges finally send them fleeing.

The ride of the Valkyries! Unfortunatley, they decided to ride across my line of Arbalestiers. A few of them made it far enough to get cut down by a cavalry charge.

Yield all you like, bub, you're my prisoner. I successfully took 5 towns for you arsehole and you refused to grant me a single one of them! How did you think this was going to end, eh?

Just 572 left, eh? That's more like it...

It's raining, but here's Pellagus with a song and a smile and a bloody great axe to storm the walls.

Sargoth is in the hands of the Kingsdom of Pellagus. Promotions for everyone! Then the chamberlain suggests the drapes need dry-cleaning and gets a slap.
Very Nice :grin: Nice tactics :O And nice graphs... I play it on lowest graphs because my PC is ancient, but gonna buy new laptop soon.. I hope :roll:
I lost about 70 troops of my original 316. Most of them were lost in the siege, mainly the captains, halberdiers and cavaliers who formed the brunt of my infantry. The arbalestiers lost a few during the siege tower run, but they were incredible, I even sent them in on the last battle on the wall, they piled in and saved the day. The weirdest thing was during the plains battle how many mounted troops Ragnar had. Lucky those Nord horses are fed on pies otherwise I wouldn't have been able to run rings around them.
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