At Learning Limit

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What is this???
Sometimes (actually, always) my char just can't learn any more skills.
If i click on a skill, it says "At learning limit".

The reason i posted it in the mod forum, is that this seems to appear only when i run a mod, created from the module system.
Mostly this happens when i play as a priest.
And i think it's only the priest, but im not sure.
And i think it only happens when i play a mod made by myself, with the mod system.
Isn't that what it says when the skill's corresponding attribute isn't high enough? You know, like needing to increase strength in order to raise the power draw skill?
I'm too lazy to check and see. :razz:
Well, the plus sign dissappears...
The "skill menu" shrinks, like when you watch the skills of a troop.

And it's not that i need stat points, because if i raise them, the problöem is still there.
By skill, do you mean the center column, or the column to the right with weapon skills?
The weapon proficiencies in the right column get capped at certain levels (so you can't increase them by spending points, but they still increase with use) based on your weapon master skill.
The skills in the center column can't be increased if the corresponding attribute isn't high enough, of course.

If neither of those is the case, then I have no idea. :razz:
It's my warcraft3 addiction that makes me use the word skill :grin:
I mean the center column.

And i'm sure it's not the stats that is too low.
(Stats is another wc3 word :grin: )
Persen said:

Give us some more information. What is the name and value of skill are you trying to raise, what is the value of attribute it is associated with.

If it is for all skills right from the start, then let us know that as well. Basically, tell us exactly how to reproduce the problem.
It's for all skills but some.
At a certain point (don't really know exactly when) the skill menu shrinks, leaving only learned skills visible, like when you view the stats of a npc.

Some skills, like Trainer and Tracking, can still be learned, even though i havn't got any points spent in them.

And it's not from the start, it happens when i reach a higher level (about 5-10).
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