As many names from Bannerlord and Warband as I could get on a single spreadsheet

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You can find the spreadsheet on Google Drive, here!

Basically, it's as the title says - I was trying to track down a list of all the names from Bannerlord, realized there wasn't one, and got to work adding in as many names as I could - names from the spcultures.xml file, as many as I could track down from the wiki, and all the town and village names.

Then I got feature creep on the brain so I did the same thing but for Warband too - the names of every vassal, lady, town, village, and castle. It's all color-coordinated, too, and there's even an index at the front of the sheet.

As a fun note, there's a lot more names in Bannerlord than in Warband. The largest category of names in Bannerlord are Imperial male names, clocking in at 171. The largest category of names in Warband is Swadian villages, at 25.
Interesting to see them in one spreadsheet.
You might add the name of companions to the warband list. There is at least one imperial name there - Jeremus.
Interesting to see them in one spreadsheet.
You might add the name of companions to the warband list. There is at least one imperial name there - Jeremus.
I actually likely wouldn't include Jeremus on the Warband part of the spreadsheet for what I hope is an understandable reason - he doesn't actually belong to any culture in Warband. Warband doesn't have an Imperial culture, but even if it did, Jeremus isn't Imperial, heck, he's not even from Calradia. He's a foreigner who came to Calradia to practice medicine - a type of medicine seemingly foreign to Calradia and, by extension, the bounds of the old Empire. Unfortunately, we've got no idea where he's from, just that he's not Calradian.

The connection between Jeremus in Warband and the name Jeremos in Bannerlord implies some connection, but there's nothing concrete (IIRC, Jeremos isn't even a defined character in Bannerlord, it's a random name from the spcultures file.)
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