Artillery Guide

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Hi guys, here is the artillery guide.

There are 3 guys for each cannon, they should be positioned like that.
The left guy is the captain, the guy in the middle is the ranker, the right guy is the sergeant.

As captain you give the commands, as ranker you fire the cannon and as sergeant you aim the cannon.

If you are the sergeant search for this big cannonball.

Aim to it and press "F". After pressing and holding "F" (its working exactly like ladders), you should be able to turn the cannon.
The cannon now is linked to you view. Turn around to rotate the cannon. The cannon will always look to the same direction as you. Dont move around, becouse if you move to far away you need to repress "F"


If you are the ranker, aim for the cannon and press "F". When the loading bar is complete the cannon will fire.

They are very fun, we all stood in front of one and it obliterated us lol. One thing the guide does not mention, is that when you are using it don't stand too close, or it will kill you, like the did in real life.
Awesome! It wouldnt be Waterloo without cannons. Although artillery does make me piss myself. You never know when a lead ball might replace your head.
Heh, Although I did a great job on the realistic bouncing of the cannons.. I think I overdone the damage range of them.
Sometimes whole regiments would get killed by it. I will be decreasing it a bit for the final version of Mount&Musket.

That is where beta versions are for right?  :mrgreen:
The cannons were very fine, well done Bite me and Vincenzo! :smile:

But please move the cannonball further away from the Cannon. IF teh cannon gets oer the ball it gets stuck and can't be moved, only fired.

Also the French arty couldnt even reach the buildings xD (the cannon ball would drop short 2 meters or so, while UK arty was able to rape everyoen inside a building.)
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