Artificial Intelligence

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Sergeant at Arms
Old Guard
Hello folks!

I think a thread concerning what changes could be done to the ai in order to improve its combat performance aint such a bad idea.
so here it is: i will - on a regular basis - add things here by editing this first post, also (which i hope there will be many) with your suggestions.

- infantry units with long reach weapons (above 110) would perform alot better if they stayed out of opponents range. in order to achieve that, the ai of that unit has to know what weapon(s) (with what reach) the opponent(s) currently facing has/have.
right now, it often attacks while running forward (which is not bad in all situations coz of the speed modifier). it should also be able to swing while backbedaling (it rarely does this, only when someone is VERY close).

- as i gathered from the first 4 replies here:
it would make sense to not treat the entire army "as one". instead the AI should be able to distinguish different types of troops in order to increase its efficiency:
while archers dont get too close harassing/skirmishing the enemy, the infantry should move forward with their shields (if applicable) constantly up and faced towards the enemy (archers), also they should stick together when advancing (when they know whats good for them).
the cavalry in the meantime should not just charge forward to be the happy first one to encounter the enemy but rather try to get to the enemies flank.
these adjustments would lead to a bigger army also being of a bigger threat.

thats all for now (as i said, regular basis :wink: )

this thread was by no means created with the intention to point out how bad the ai is. it is not.
its more of a try to brainstorm things that could be done to the ai to increase the "fun output" of this already most entertaining game!
I'd also suggest improved AI for infantry when dealing with cavalry. For example, using the landscape better, hiding behind trees/rocks or top of hills to reduce the effectiveness of cavalry.
I don't know how hard it would be, but it would be cool if they could use more advanced tactics. Like if they could use the classic "pincer" attack where they distract you from the front with those annoying archers while their horsemen circle around behind you. I think that would be pretty great :lol:
When they have a shield in their inventory (and a one handed weapon, duh), they should automaticly equip it, and have it up all the time, facing the enemy archers. (this does not apply when attacking)
The enemy troops should stand together, instead of scatter around the field. It isn't difficult to kill a lone soldier, but it's very difficult to kill a few standing together. The Ai should avoid let its soldiers getting caught behind the enemy lines alone.
Another idea is that the AI shoul detect when fight mounted is bad. Example = when the enemy is waiting on a river or in a hill. In this case, the AI shoul order dismount, and have its missile capable troops to fire at distance before enter in melee.
well. :???: hello?
im new. no, its not me, bearhugger. i am the person that hijacked bearhuggers comp, its soo easy to break in. hehehe hohoho.

anyway, good thing i wrote in here, isnt it? now this topic is on top again (top-ic). you dont get it? well. me not either.

while youre here, reading this dumb post, why dont you tell us about 0.700? what has been imroved. are there also things that are worse than before?
and, please only things concerning AI.

aaaahhh, iiiieeee, not all of you at once!
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: post reply
Bearhugger said:
well. :???: hello?
im new. no, its not me, bearhugger. i am the person that hijacked bearhuggers comp, its soo easy to break in. hehehe hohoho.

anyway, good thing i wrote in here, isnt it? now this topic is on top again (top-ic). you dont get it? well. me not either.

while youre here, reading this dumb post, why dont you tell us about 0.700? what has been imroved. are there also things that are worse than before?
and, please only things concerning AI.

aaaahhh, iiiieeee, not all of you at once!
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: post reply

I hope you die.
@ Svart = Cut it out. :evil:

@ Bearhugger = We are still actively trying to find all the changes that were made in this update. As AI changes are very hard to 'know for sure' ... they will probably be the last things we know/talk about.

There have (I'm fairly sure, anyways) been some AI changes though ... the enemy is much harder for me to defeat and acts much more intelligent. But that is just my opinion and considering the other changes that were made ... it is hard to know for sure.
One thing I have noticed about the AI is if there are two or more enemy attacking you (on foot) you they generally come at you from the front only. Instead, one should come at you from the front and the others should try to circle to your flank or rear.

I did a test (in .632 so maybe not relevant now) against a couple of dark knights. I killed both their horses and as we were on our own away from the mass of fighting I decided to offer them an honourable death and dismounted to continue the fight on foot. Each knight started out far apart (I could only keep one in sight at a time initally) but as they closed on me they clumped together. If one had circled me while the other kept my attention they should have taken me but instead I was able to kill them both quite easily as they came at me in line formation basically.
I'm for all of these AI tactics additions, but I only really care about them as long as one thing remains true: all enemies in the game have differen AI skill levels. For example, ThVaz's idea is great, but I don't want to see peasants and river pirates using those tactics. It seems that armagan already has this in mind. In the training room there are 4 levels of AI strength represented there. I hope that gets carried to all the enemies in the game.

Sorry for the interuption. Carry on with all the good ideas!

=$= Big J Money =$=
Big J Money said:
Sorry for the interuption. Carry on with all the good ideas!

That wasn't an interuption at all. Personally, I think that is a very valid and well made point.

I do not want peasants and river pirates having the same combat tactics that knights and sea raiders have. Peasants should be a breeze to defeat in comparison to knights ... and that is when disregarding all equipment.
It's a good point. I said, let peasants fight like all the enemies fight now - in loose and chaotic formations, without any other consideration than smash the enemies by simple brute force.
But the more organized armies should have good tactics. I say, a cavalry charge isn't a good idea in very situations. And the mounted enemies ALWAYS attack first because they are faster than their dismounted fellows.
The AI using even simple tactics would add too much to the game. Think in the enemy infantry luring you while all the cavalry charge your forces by behind.
You would want to have some control over your armies tactics. The possibility to lead the cavelry ONLY to a flank whilst the rest of the army advanced for example. These commands could become available as you improve your tactics skill perhaps? Nothing too complex otherwise it would ruin the simplicity of the game tho.

I think someone suggested once that it would good to have a "leader" inside the enemy army. If they had tactics they were using on the battlefield, one would assume the "leader" would be commanding it. Killing the leader could result in a break in the tactics of the enemy army. However the leader would be well defended by his troops (Assuming the AI advanced to that level).
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