Artems Modding Hub

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Greetings, fellow warriors!
Welcome to my modding hub! This thread is where I’ll be sharing updates on the mods I’m working on.
Some of you may already be familiar with a few of them, while others are still in development and unreleased.
I thought it would be great to create a dedicated space here to keep everyone updated.
I’m also open to any suggestions you might have, your feedback and ideas are always welcome!



Artems Lively AnimationsCinematic CombatArtems Nostalgic Conversations
Changes vanilla idles.
Injury mechanic: If the total HP of an agent is low, their movement speed will be reduced with a new walk and custom idle animation.
Fleeing mechanic: Fleeing agents may now drop their weapons and will have proper fleeing animations.
Fully customiuable via the MCM menu.
Adds new custom one-handed spear & shield animations.
Player to AI matched combat which can happen randomly.
Play to AI executions.
Shield taunt mechanic: You can now press V to make you and your troops perform a shield taunt which increases morale. You can also hold down blocking and press V or the Right Button on the controller to do a Viking Conquest style shield taunt.
Fully Customizable via the MCM Menu.
Custom Camera during matched combat/killmoves (similar to skyrim)
Action cam (similar to Red Dead Redemption 2)
Bleedout States: If an agent has low HP they will go into a bleed-out state. After a certain time they will die.
Mercy Kills: Once an enemy enters the bleed-out state, you may deliver the coup de grace.
Masterstrike System:
This mod changes the conversation camera back to one we had in 2020
Artems You Deserve A Crown TooArtems HuntingArtems Feasts
This mod adds a new dialogue option to your governor, letting you buy a variety of crowns.
New animal parties that roam the campaign map (for now bears, deers, boars, wolves and hyenas)
・Custom spawn behavior (hyenas spawn in deserts/steppes)
・In-Mission Hunting
・ Animal Looting System
- The higher your scouting skill the more loot you will gather
・New Trophies (bear head, boar head)
・Unique AI for each animal type
・Custom Encounter Images
・Custom sound effects
・New Quests
・Custom Animations
・New Items & Gadgets (which you can acquire by completing quests or by using cheats):
- Hunting Leash -> Provides a hunting dog which can either attack the wild animal or follow you
- Hunting Glove -> Provides a hawk that will give you an aerial view
- Hunting Horn -> When used, any wild animal will go to the position where you used it
- Hunting Trap -> Let's you create a trap, which will deal massive damage to any animal
- Boar Spear -> A onehanded spear which you can brace
- Torches -> Keep animals away by equipping a torch and pressing X
・Scarring system when getting killed during Hunting Missions
・Horse scare system
・Custom Killmove when having a spear equipped and fighting against bears
Artems Battle AmbienceArtems Native PlusArtems Espionage
This mod adds audio from MP to SP, such as when you're under fire, capturing walls, loosing walls, rallying troops, loosing/winning the battle aswell as general speeches a la Total War and much more!
This mod adds features from warband to bannerlord. Currently Belligerent Drunks/Assassins, Bandit Ambushes and the option to fight your way out of a sneaking attempt are included.
The difference between this and Warlord Pack is that you're forced into these situations, just like in Warband.
This mod will be a rework of my old Assassins & Espionage mod.
Artems War Elephants
This mod will add War Elephants to Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Join my discord server where I'll post progress updates first:
Discord Link
Last edited:
Some sneak peeks for Cinematic Combats next update:

Sneak peek for Artems Battle Ambience (voices will change due to copyright):

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