Arrows with FIRE!

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Col Kurtz

This is my 2nd post 1st suggestion. Quickly scanned throught the posts to see if it has been suggested but couldnt see it so.

Firing arrows that are on fire, and that create an area on the ground, say around 2-3 meter circle, of fire which will reduce the health of "ANYONE" who is in it.

So here is my question. Has the developer created this game engine or is he using a allready made one? Either way, can the engine handle that?
Flaming arrows = Hollywood... Outside sieges of course or very special cases.

Try to explain where the fire comes from. Do we need to light each arrow individually with flint and stuff or do we carry a cauldron of heated rocks with us?
I agree flaming arrows will have no place in an open battlefield, but as you said, there are uses incase some form of seige mod comes out. The area of damage would also be useful for catapults (though they should have little to no accuracy ability, just guess the range and fire!)
Can't we just set strap flasks with oil onto prisoners, set them on fire and force them to run into the midst of the enemy? ::grin: (I was gonna draw a comic about this, but its 2am and im friggin tired)
Tarrak said:
Flaming arrows = Hollywood... Outside sieges of course or very special cases.

Try to explain where the fire comes from. Do we need to light each arrow individually with flint and stuff or do we carry a cauldron of heated rocks with us?

Most of this stuff comes from Hollywood. River Pirates, Forrest Bandits, Throwing axes, being attacked by vicious bands of men and the waking up with just a bad headach cause they thought you were dead.

Most of the fun stuff you like to do in this type of game comes from "hollywood" or as i like to call it, "entertainment/books/" Even very old books and novels.

Any ways, its just a suggestion and i think it would fit the era. They did use fire in such a maner, and had fuels to make it burn really well. I would say it wouldnt be usefull against a small group, they would just walk around the fire. But if launched into a large group on a highly flamable surface ie grassland, i think it would work

Im not saying constantly firing 24 flaming arrows. More like, you buy a small quiver of say 4 flammeble arrows drenched in fuel. And yes flint off a dagger could start it. But i dont see why anyone would want to animate that. I mean if your that determinied to turn this into a sim it would start loosing its enjoyment.
I am afraid I agree, flaming arrows are pretty much useless on a battlefield. Also, you shoot arrows, you don't fire them :razz:
Also, I hate the bloody annoying "gamey" things that people suggest:
and that create an area on the ground, say around 2-3 meter circle, of fire which will reduce the health of "ANYONE" who is in it.
THIS IS SUCH A STUPID THING TO SAY. Have you ever shot a flaming arrow and hit 5 people with it? No, didn't think so. Has anyone in the history of time (in the case of flaming arrow as opposed to ordinary), NO, didn't think so. You watch to many films and play too many unrealistic RPG style games.

This could I expect have a place in sieges, and how it would work is that you shoot the arrow onto a thatched roof or some such thing, and it would catch alight. Also, we could introduce PITCH, the coolest defensive weapon ever. When in your castle or town, you can custom place pitch ditches around your base and shoot them with fire arrows in order to burn people alive.[/quote]
Tarrak said:
Flaming arrows = Hollywood... Outside sieges of course or very special cases.

Try to explain where the fire comes from. Do we need to light each arrow individually with flint and stuff or do we carry a cauldron of heated rocks with us?

Fire arrows used to be made by wrapping soft tissue around the arrow, pouring alcohol over it and setting it alight at the tip. When it hit a target the alcohol would splash on the ground, with fire still burning on hit, burning that and the surroundings. This could also be used on buidlings.

I like the idea of fire arrows. The only way it could be used effectively though is in seige. it would also mean having bear in your equipt items and tissue, possible flint also.bow, arrows, tissue, flint and beer. you'd need to link 2 together, otherwise it wouldnt fit in lol :razz:.
Talon68 said:
I am afraid I agree, flaming arrows are pretty much useless on a battlefield. Also, you shoot arrows, you don't fire them :razz:
Also, I hate the bloody annoying "gamey" things that people suggest:
and that create an area on the ground, say around 2-3 meter circle, of fire which will reduce the health of "ANYONE" who is in it.
THIS IS SUCH A STUPID THING TO SAY. Have you ever shot a flaming arrow and hit 5 people with it? No, didn't think so. Has anyone in the history of time (in the case of flaming arrow as opposed to ordinary), NO, didn't think so. You watch to many films and play too many unrealistic RPG style games.

This could I expect have a place in sieges, and how it would work is that you shoot the arrow onto a thatched roof or some such thing, and it would catch alight. Also, we could introduce PITCH, the coolest defensive weapon ever. When in your castle or town, you can custom place pitch ditches around your base and shoot them with fire arrows in order to burn people alive.

i think you'll find wat it means is a fire spread on ground. not in the air or sumit.
okiN said:
Despite what one might think, beer isn't a flammable substance.

alcohol is flammable. you can't buy alcohol on M&B...unless they made it special for M&B. If they stuck with bear you might have to extract the alcohol or sumit.

But trust me, alcohol is flammable.
Yes we all know that alcohol is flammable but the fact of the matter remains, Beer is not flammable. Thus, your post is rendered pointless.

Also I dont think that extracting the alcohol from beer is very M&Bish. Can you imagine going into the tavern...

You - one beer please!
Keeper - Coming right up.
You - ah great thanks
*You quick open your inventory, whip out the bunsen burner, filtration paper and test tubes and sit there for a while extracting the alchol whist your men rest*

Brilliant idea... :roll:
Despite what one might think, beer isn't a flammable substance.
Maybe you gonna be suprised, but here in the Eastern Europe we got many centuries old tradition of moonshining. With proper equipment it could reach over 90 percent pure ethanol. Even these days every 5 year old child here knows the recipe :wink:

Yeah, flaming arrows are very obsolete.
dannydeath75 said:
Fire arrows used to be made by wrapping soft tissue around the arrow, pouring alcohol over it and setting it alight at the tip. When it hit a target the alcohol would splash on the ground, with fire still burning on hit, burning that and the surroundings. This could also be used on buidlings.

I like the idea of fire arrows. The only way it could be used effectively though is in seige. it would also mean having bear in your equipt items and tissue, possible flint also.bow, arrows, tissue, flint and beer. you'd need to link 2 together, otherwise it wouldnt fit in lol :razz:.
Tell me, do you know how fast the arrow reaches the highest speed and how fast it stops?
Well let me tell you. The arrow reaches it's highest speed the moment the arrow leaves the string. A distance of about the lenght of the arrow minus the flaming part (or head). This is not that dissimilar from how fast it decellerates if it hits normal soil.

So if the alcohol will spill out on impact with the ground then you can also expect the poor archer to have his left hand drenched as well, and thus burned badly.

Col Kurtz, you do know that brigands and highwaymen were rather prolific in the medieval period. Or even worse, roaming bands of unemployed mercs. In Pictish lands it was even required for certain young men to go out and do this as a rite of passage into the ranks of warriors. This was carried on in Ireland for centuries later, and Scotland was certainly not free of it either. So we can remove the river pirates and forest bandits from your list.

Throwing axes? Heard about the Francisca? Well that is pretty much the weapon we have in the game, it is even shaped in the correct way (head angled a bit upwards) and of the right size.

Playing dead is certainly not historical as you would at least have been looted completely. But in certain places gameplay and realism can't really connect, and in this case the realistic 'short spread' in abilities and HP has caused the situation where you eventually (actually sooner than later) WILL lose a fight. It would be a gamekiller if we were killed, and it would be too frustrating if we had to reload that often in the early game.

And if it is so bad why make it worse?
dannydeath75 said:
alcohol is flammable. you can't buy alcohol on M&B...unless they made it special for M&B. If they stuck with bear you might have to extract the alcohol or sumit.

But trust me, alcohol is flammable.
Manitas said:
Maybe you gonna be suprised, but here in the Eastern Europe we got many centuries old tradition of moonshining. With proper equipment it could reach over 90 percent pure ethanol. Even these days every 5 year old child here knows the recipe :wink:

I'm well aware of the fact that ethanol is flammable, and so are many hard liquors. This, however, is irrelevant; the issue here is whether or not beer is flammable.

It is not. :neutral:
okiN said:
Manitas said:
Maybe you gonna be suprised, but here in the Eastern Europe we got many centuries old tradition of moonshining. With proper equipment it could reach over 90 percent pure ethanol. Even these days every 5 year old child here knows the recipe :wink:

We were talking about beer, though. Moonshine isn't beer. :neutral:

and to quote this is say...


You get the idea though. currently, there is no alcohol in M&B, therefore the closet u got is bear/ale.
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