Master Knight

I've noticed that the fact that arrows do piercing damage allows them to negate armor a bit too much. In real life, an arrow barely pierces plate armor (if you don't believe me: ). Now, arrows can easily still do 10 damage to plate armor. My suggestion: make bows weaker OR make arrows do cutting damage OR make piercing less effective vs armor OR make plate armor, iron greaves and great helmet stronger. Not just for realism reasons, also for more fun and amore melee-oriented game.
I think the best one is making piercing less effective against armor. No one would rly have a problem with it, melee players will be archered less easily, while an enemy usually doensn't have very heavy armor, so archer players won't be too annoyed either, maybe they will sometimes need 3 shots in stead of 2.
Also, for the multiplayer, I'd suggest to give warriors with two handed weapons (like some of the nord huscarls, or vaegir guards) plate armor, otherwise no one will ever use two handed weapons, because they can't protect themselves vs arrows (edit: or at least a good shield).
I think the best one is making piercing less effective against armor. No one would rly have a problem with it, melee players will be archered less easily, while an enemy usually doensn't have very heavy armor, so archer players won't be too annoyed either, maybe they will sometimes need 3 shots in stead of 2.
Also, for the multiplayer, I'd suggest to give warriors with two handed weapons (like some of the nord huscarls, or vaegir guards) plate armor, otherwise no one will ever use two handed weapons, because they can't protect themselves vs arrows (edit: or at least a good shield).