arrows that bounce off castle walls instead of getting stuck in them

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Sergeant at Arms
noticed the other day when an army of kerghits fired swarms of arrows at my castle - all the arrows stick to the walls, when obviously they shouldn't
I agree that it should be changed. And btw. As far as I remember, defending archers used to(or still does) pretty often hit their own walls from inside. It's ridiculous.
KuroiNekouPL said:
I agree that it should be changed. And btw. As far as I remember, defending archers used to(or still does) pretty often hit their own walls from inside. It's ridiculous.

yeah that is annoying, it's because of the height in which the arrow is fired from isnt it, like crossbows are lifted to head height, so they don't do it as much
Since arrows might get stuck in the cracks of the walls, I think there should be a 10% chance they'll get stuck.
If they change this, as an archer I can't pick up enemy arrows anymore as they get stuck into the wall when I'm standing.  :sad:
Zaakjes said:
If they change this, as an archer I can't pick up enemy arrows anymore as they get stuck into the wall when I'm standing.  :sad:

if they bounce off, pick them off the floor man?
Bailian said:
Zaakjes said:
If they change this, as an archer I can't pick up enemy arrows anymore as they get stuck into the wall when I'm standing.  :sad:

if they bounce off, pick them off the floor man?
Not during sieges. They fall down the wall.
Xzafierk said:
They should probably break if they hit solid stone not bounce of

they should have some sort of system like a so much precent chance theyl break/bounce off/ or get stuck
I Honestly think the arrows should infact break... lets face it, we all know the physics ingame aren't great so the arrows are fired soo fast, like a bullet, that when they hit a solid brick wall, THEY SHOULD BREAK! They're only wooden arrows.

Like a few of people have said, there is always a small chance it will get stuck in the cracks... but the chances of that are slim
Stuboi0 said:
I Honestly think the arrows should infact break... lets face it, we all know the physics ingame aren't great so the arrows are fired soo fast, like a bullet, that when they hit a solid brick wall, THEY SHOULD BREAK! They're only wooden arrows.

Like a few of people have said, there is always a small chance it will get stuck in the cracks... but the chances of that are slim

...unless you have a very cracky castle :wink:
Lol thats alot of arrows :razz: You'll end up with a hole in the wall :razz:... 200- 300 years later "Ah we finally made a hole in the wall with our arrows! Horah- oh... gunpowers been invented... :sad:

Arrows are armor piercing as much so as their bolt counter part.

Bolts weigh more and more commonly found to be made of mostly metal verses arrows which are mostly wood with a tip of metal. If an arrow were to be fired at a castle wall, depending on the speed in which the arrow makes contact and the angle at which it collides, it will in fact either break or deflect off the wall. (Much so with actual plate armor, which is why crossbows were known for a period of time as knight killers)

However, bolts will not break upon such impact but are more likely to bend or deflect aswell.

Thats what I believe. Given the size, weight and velocity of the items we are talking about.

Correct me if I'm wrong. :smile:
Maksim125 said:
I agree with you and arrows should bounce of the steel shield to instead of getting stuck.

I agree, you also shouldn't be able to kill a well armoured soldier with arrows (or at least, very difficult) such as plate armour
Different bows have different amount of piercing damage. The Hunting Bow and Short Bow aren't exactly supposed to damage plate, realistically speaking, but a war bow or a long bow still can pierce plate as long as it is a direct hit, if it skims the armor or at a bad angle it will ricochette.

So yes and no Bailian, bows can damage an armored soldier. Just depends on the armor and the bows being used.

This might make the use of crossbows more appealing. We can assume that all crosssbows can pierce plate armor right?
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