arrows, javalins and shields

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Sergeant Knight
you can take arrows out of a wall and reuse them, same for javelins and other throwing weapons. I would like to see it possible to take the javelin they just tossed at me out of my shield and throw it right back at them!

suggestion is: could it be possible to also take throwing/shooting stuf out of shield (and dont tell me its irrealistic, arrows should break hitting walls so ^^)
I like,  it would need a new key to be pressed, which is another little addition to the complexity, but i think its justified.
GerDeathstar said:
Javelins, throwing spears and the likes were designed to deform upon impact for exactly the reason of not letting the enemy throw them back.

read my full post before posting something pls :s

manekemaan said:
(and dont tell me its irrealistic, arrows should break hitting walls so ^^)
manekemaan said:
GerDeathstar said:
Javelins, throwing spears and the likes were designed to deform upon impact for exactly the reason of not letting the enemy throw them back.

read my full post before posting something pls :s

manekemaan said:
(and dont tell me its irrealistic, arrows should break hitting walls so ^^)

TBH his realism argument does make sense,  since its not a 'yah but that wouldnt happen noob' argument,  its an actual design of the weapon argument,  in that-  its a specific function of the weapon.

EDIT: to post below...  perhaps certain throwing weapons could have a 'deform upon impact' tag, similar to how 'bonus damage to shields' works?
GerDeathstar said:
Javelins, throwing spears and the likes were designed to deform upon impact for exactly the reason of not letting the enemy throw them back.

Only some of them IIRC. A javelin as it is now, basically a sharpened hunk of metal on a stick, won't deform. (aside from the tip becoming a bit flatter, maybe) A pilum, with a special thin piece of malleable metal between head and shaft would deform, but pila aren't in the game, so that doesn't really apply. :razz:

Anyway, I like this idea. Could be really fun. :smile:
Qwertyman said:
manekemaan said:
GerDeathstar said:
Javelins, throwing spears and the likes were designed to deform upon impact for exactly the reason of not letting the enemy throw them back.

read my full post before posting something pls :s

manekemaan said:
(and dont tell me its irrealistic, arrows should break hitting walls so ^^)

TBH his realism argument does make sense,  since its not a 'yah but that wouldnt happen noob' argument,  its an actual design of the weapon argument,  in that-  its a specific function of the weapon.

EDIT: to post below...  perhaps certain throwing weapons could have a 'deform upon impact' tag, similar to how 'bonus damage to shields' works?

I am aware of this but I hope you guys are awere that this is a game? I mean its also impossible to be "knocked out" every single time i get an arrow in my head.
If they add this they should add a chance that the weapon will break upon hitting into a shield/wall, and being pulled out of said shield/wall. And it should only be for javelins and throwing axes and whatnot. Not really darts, arrows, bolts and maybe daggers? I don't know much about throwing knives and whether or not you'd be able to pull them out of wood/reinforced wood/stone/whatever and have them function properly.

Also double post?
Most weapons would probably be stuck enough so that you have to fumble around with it for a while if you want to remove it. Maybe it's be best if there was a bit of a chance that you can't get it out fast enough to be entirely comfortable with doing it all the time.
manekemaan said:
I am aware of this but I hope you guys are awere that this is a game?

yes its a game,  but its a game that bases itself heavily on realistic medival combat,  thats why you dont see duel weilding doubleheaded axemen or samurai doing a bit of sworddancing.
The only reason I don't like it is because the javelins and arrows sticking out of corpses and shields have hit their target and by allowing players to retrieve them, you would be making ranged units less reliant on the ammo they start with (less conservation).Yes, I can already pick up projectiles that missed their target, but compare the 2-3 I find scattered around the battlefield with the 20 sticking out of that one guy's kite shield...same goes for javs

It's just way to convenient, whether it's realistic or not.
CorSelinke said:
If they add this they should add a chance that the weapon will break upon hitting into a shield/wall, and being pulled out of said shield/wall. And it should only be for javelins and throwing axes and whatnot. Not really darts, arrows, bolts and maybe daggers? I don't know much about throwing knives and whether or not you'd be able to pull them out of wood/reinforced wood/stone/whatever and have them function properly.

Also double post?

sorry bout that it was because the first out of those 2 post had nothing to do with the real conversation really.
GerDeathstar said:
Javelins, throwing spears and the likes were designed to deform upon impact for exactly the reason of not letting the enemy throw them back.
you are right for roman army javelins,but most javelins used by other peoples  where not designed to do so,smashing to shield was the aim.

too me throwing weapons feel to weak vs shields,mainy it with spears and axes.
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