Armagan, what about very large models?

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By large models, do you mean geometrically large or just "very high poly"?

Geometrically large models is not possible in the current engine, since the size of the skeleton is fixed.

You can have high-poly models. However, due to the way graphics hardware works, animated high-poly models will have a serious effect on game performance. Static high-poly models are not so much of a problem.
Armagan, any change you'd release more information in general on some of the file formats so that the resident programmers on the forums here could have a go at making tools for anything that you're not supporting? (for instance, the skeleton/animation formats).
Actually I never met a game with models that couldn't be scaled. What will decide if a model can be scaled or not is the terrain and the texture. If the terrain dosnt support it the model will be half way through the ground, so you'll have to scale it in a 3d modeling program (that is not a problem at all), and the texture because scaling both the model and the texture will generate a huge mass with enormous pixels on it. So you have to retexture it in larger resolution, and maybe even remap the texture on the model.

Anyway, that's somethign I going to try when the mod tools arrive. =D
Probably not, the skeleton is probably rigged to the model, or (I don't know nothing about coding) you could edit some file to contain informations about scaling, so instead of editing all the models you could simple add in the character description: character A: scale: 1.2

I saw people doing that in other games and did work, and everything was scaled (everything the character carries too) from armor to weapons.
These models use Armagan's own file formats. Currently the skeletons are fixed at a certain size, so merely scaleling up the model wouldn't do any good, that's why I asked if we could have some info on the skeleton file format to be able to change it later on.

If you have a normal size skeleton in a 2x size model, it's not going to animate correctly, it would probably just end up having one of its legs spaz out. Which, admittedly, would be interesting, but not very good for gameplay.
I did understand that, I mean, I don't know what format he uses (or better, what format he made) but if you can edit the model, you'll be able to edit the skeleton, one way or another, the only requirements to do so is an skeleton that can be interpreted by a regular modelling program (like Maya). If the skeleton isn't hardcoded somehow, it can be scaled inside the program itself.
Oh damn, now that's trouble.

edit: But makes sense when you stop to think about it, if you have only 3 models in the game (male, female?, horse) saving skeleton information for all of them is plain idiocy, if you can make one skeleton for all (each type of model) and put your effort in something else.
tunairaiol said:
I did understand that, I mean, I don't know what format he uses (or better, what format he made) but if you can edit the model, you'll be able to edit the skeleton, one way or another, the only requirements to do so is an skeleton that can be interpreted by a regular modelling program (like Maya). If the skeleton isn't hardcoded somehow, it can be scaled inside the program itself.
It probably isn't hardcoded but the program logic may for example assume there is always only one skeleton at a time.

So we could have either ninja or robot models, but not ninjas and robots at the same time :wink:
Hardclyff said:
tunairaiol said:
I did understand that, I mean, I don't know what format he uses (or better, what format he made) but if you can edit the model, you'll be able to edit the skeleton, one way or another, the only requirements to do so is an skeleton that can be interpreted by a regular modelling program (like Maya). If the skeleton isn't hardcoded somehow, it can be scaled inside the program itself.
It probably isn't hardcoded but the program logic may for example assume there is always only one skeleton at a time.

So we could have either ninja or robot models, but not ninjas and robots at the same time :wink:

I don't think that's the problem, actually, since you have horse skeleton and humanoid skeleton, though it could be that horses are handled different and it actually does just assume a single skeleton.
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