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Grandmaster Knight
As I'm sure any person on this board who played ARMA would know ARMA II will be out within the next month or two, and seeing there is no topic on the game in this forum I began worrying.

But any way this is the load-down for ARMA 2/II:

ARMA 2 is set in the fictional world of 'Chernarus': A fictional ex-soviet state based on the Czech Republic and is 225 S/KM in size but the whole country is not included. The war this time comes from the element of civil war: The Government in power is facing a insurgent and terrorist threat from two of the countries' leading powers: The ChDKZ (Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star) and NAPA who are a Nationalist Party who have resorted to organized violence. The Governing army is called The CDF (Chernarussian Defence Force) and it has support from two world powers who have a military prescience in the country to help the CDF. These forces are : USMC (United States Marine Corps) and RAF (Russian Armed Forces).

The Team you will be playing as is the Force Recon team code named: Razor Team, a five-man battlehardened team who's aim is to help in the elimination of the insurgent threat.

The combat is a revolution in FPS and simulation. You will have a VAST array of Military Hardware at your disposal: 73 weapons, 53 vehicles, 167 vehicle variants on land, sea and air. The A.I is also revolutionist as there are no scripts, no predetermined paths, A.I share information, provide covering and suppressing fire for other A.I and Players, They use cover in a way never seen before as the World is so big it would be impossible to script all the cover points for the A.I, instead it uses it's own intelligence to determine the closest cover, the amount of protection that cover would provide and if the enemy can hit them while they are in cover and if the A.I can shoot back. Basically whatever you can do... The A.I can do it to.

Finally the simulation itself is built on ten years of experience and the recent military tactical simulator created by BIS (Bohemia Interactive Studios) who are developing ARMA 2 which is used by the US military to train its staff on tactical situations. The bullets fly the same speed as they would, they are the same weight, same stopping power and same material effectiveness as they would be.
The guns are exactly the same characteristics as they would be in real life: Same recoil, same length, same R.O.F, same well... Everything!! The weather is also simulated to have an effect on game play: realistic rain, fog, winds etc. Realtime days and nights. And finally a populated world full of civilians, animals and everyday life.

((I will right more when I can be bothered.))
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