Arena weapon choosing?

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I love this game im definitly gonna buy it. Im new to it still so ive just been fighting in the arena and gaining money. My question is how do (if i can) choose what weapon i want to use in the arena? because when I read the description of a fight it never tells me what weapon im gonna be using. I would definitly stay out of a tournament fight if I was on horse with a lance.

This little nub needs guidance please!
Well i like how its a challenge, believe me im getting sick of these easy games like WoW and EQ and all. but don't you think the tournament guy would tell you ahead of time what weapon you would be using?

I'm not trying to get it to change because the tournament is probably not that big of a deal when u get higher lvls (only lvl 3).

Anyway the game rules keep on doin what ur doin.
I would definitly stay out of a tournament fight if I was on horse with a lance.
fighting with a horse and a lance is difficult and very annoying, if you don't know how to do couched lance. Once ypu learn how to do it, tournament fights with a lance are much easier.
To do couched lance, simply ride forward without clicking the attack button, and the lance will be lowered. Than just ride towards an enemy, and youll do couched lance damage, which is usually pretty high and will probably kill with one hit.
No problem, and next time you need help with something, there are good guides on the forums, like this.
There should be enough of information to help you with fighting and stuff :wink:
Also, welcome to the forums!
Janus wants to mod in the ability to choose the weapon, for some penalty.

Dont know if thats still actual though.
Jerky said:
Once ypu learn how to do it, tournament fights with a lance are much easier
Indeed. I cheer everytime I start off with a lance, cause I know the fight will last less than 20 seconds.

Lances are easy to use (once you know how :smile: ), and devastating weapons.
Bow is the best if you have decent archery

Unless your fighting as a foot archer, and theres swordmen on the opposing team, and they get close enough to hit you. Than they'll just keep htting you when you try to shoot him. Unless you have a teamate alive, your probably dead :roll:
But yes, with a good archery, they won't get a chance to hit :twisted:
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