So 4 times in a row i am down to 4 guys at the melee arena and they stop fighting eachother and start chasing me, how am i supposed to defend 4 guys? especially since they can run faster then i can....
Yup thats whats so ****ing frustrating. I would also count it as a bug. In a FFA Arena, people suddenly decide to gang up on you. Once had about 8 people all go for me. Luckily, my 2h sword saved me.
very high athletics, 2h sword(you need good timing, though) and bow. Whenever I have those, I own the arena.
Oh, not to forget - caution. You always need that.
Sometimes when i am in the arena and see the guy back away, i back away and we walk away staring at eachother for about 20 seconds before we charge. It's pretty hilarious.
Its like they recognise you're a threat, so say lets put aside the fact we against each other and nail you. Like Ludial said, use caution and back away qometimes but if you have a staff or a two hander then sometimes the best thing to do is to fight a fighting retreat then blitz past or inbetween them and strike. Hopefully you break through the guys and ones now down.
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