Hi everyone. I'm a long time lurker, first time poster on these forums and I want to begin by saying this is an awesome mod. It seems every part of the game has been enhanced in some way, making for an awesome experience (i love the kingdom management options). My only gripe is that the arena system has been untouched - save for the bet amounts. Is there any way I can remove the random ranged weapons that you can get hosed with and instead turn the arenas into a 100% melee brawl? I've tried the Magelord's tweaks to change equipment to the letter and can't get it to work, even when starting a new game. It seems I can get every other text tweak I've tried to work save for that one.
Oh and a quick suggestion that you might look into. Maybe allowing fighters to use their own equipment in the tourneys similar to 1257, but change the fighting styles of the warriors who join depending on the town you are in. For example, in Tulga, the fights would be full of Khergit style mounted archers with a few warriors from other lands thrown in.
If anyone could help I would much appreciate it. Thanks guys
Oh and a quick suggestion that you might look into. Maybe allowing fighters to use their own equipment in the tourneys similar to 1257, but change the fighting styles of the warriors who join depending on the town you are in. For example, in Tulga, the fights would be full of Khergit style mounted archers with a few warriors from other lands thrown in.
If anyone could help I would much appreciate it. Thanks guys