Arena Contestants

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Held in the cities of Sargoth and Wercheg and Zendar

Arena Contests featuring the most daring combatants of Calradia from sea pirates to Khergits to Dark Knights allowing our heros to engage in gladiatorial combats against enemies they'd previously only met on the battlefield.

Combined with the often made suggestion that the games be expanded with additional combats vs animals, jousts, target shooting, etc.
I have been thinking that an arena, with gladitorial style fights would be great. You could use your own equipment and there could be special fights such as a group of men against animals, as you said.
Yep, this has been on my mind also. Lions and tigers, large arenas covered with sand and blood. Make the areas more of Colosseum type, these are boring and you can't get the right feeling on these little cottages fighting some dumbass with a wooden sword. And of course, what more difficult fight, the more money you get. So, get 20 denars for killing a rabbit with 15 marksmen, 3000 denars killing lions and master fighters with some barbarians.
okiN said:
First they'd actually have to make animals, though.

Yeah, that would seem to be much more difficult to do well. So I'm not strongly favoring animals - cool as that'd be.

Yet we already have the bandits, pirates, and raiders. Some sort of contests could be arranged, the arena environment changed, sounds added for dramatic effect (like taunts, crowd cheers and gasps, the fighter's breathing as they gasp for air).

One could also set up target ranges for matches. Jousting runs for tourneys. That sort of thing.
This would be sweet, i think it should be held at reyvadin, the vaegir capital, and not wercheg, which is real close to zendar

It would rule to be able to enter the ring in full black and show those sea raiders that ima god :wink:

Jousting, yes need jousting. I wouldnt mind bieng able to knock a dark knight of his saddle horse with my huge lance

Archery, hehe, screw target, just put like Swadian sharpies and vaegir marks on the other end of the field and the team with no men left loses.

hehe, i like the idea of having tournaments in more cities, but if there was more id lose track of them lol

This was mentioned a while back, and I'm completely and utterly for it. Not so much different combatants (which would, admittedly, be very very cool) but different competitions.
For instance, an archery tournament would be AWESOME. And a tourney would be very easy to impliment; both guys get a lance, stick them on horses at opposite ends of a jousting run. One kills the other and wins.
Some larger, more structured contests would be cool (defeat the river pirates, go on to fight the khergits in a different arena, etc, all the way up to dark knights). Different arena maps would be great, to add some tactics; maybe a wall you can defend, or that you have to take (climb the stairs, killing the footmen on them, reach the top and chop up the archers :twisted: )
Another thing that would be really cool, provided we can get a couple of melee attacks, would be an unarmed contest.
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