Area Specific Battle Damage Effects

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I realize it's probably too late in development for this feature or it might already be planned. I ruthlessly scanned the forums to see if this one had already been suggested but I couldn't find it so here goes.

I really like how hitting the enemies in the head with arrows or bolts does extra damage. I thought that it would be pretty cool if for example when you shoot them in the legs they could limp or crawl, or if you hit them in the shield arm then they wouldn't be able to block with their shield.

I understand that programming is a very difficult thing to do and like I said it's probably too late in development but I think that this would be a great feature if it ever got implemented.
i agree!! it would be so funny to shoot bandits in the foot and watch em hop around or fall over :grin::grin:
Yeah, I think it would be great. I hope it gets added to the game, that is of course if it's possible. :wink:
I'm relatively sure that I have seen this suggestion before. Not often, but once or twice. it's a good suggestion though.
Can 'O' Soup said:
I'm relatively sure that I have seen this suggestion before. Not often, but once or twice. it's a good suggestion though.
Okay then, it would be awesome if it got implemented, least I think so.
I have many times shot river pirates in the "family jewels" with a javalin and they still come after me...if it were me, i would not be moving but shreaking in pain laying on the ground shivering.

it's funny to see though. :razz:

This guy agrees
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