Are initial relations between nobles and notables set yet?

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I think I misunderstood below explanation from Bannerman, I thought he was describing the existing mechanic.
The mechanic that I mentioned does currently exist, and it functions as I described. I left out some relevant info that would have made it more clear though. There's also currently a mechanic that will increase or decrease notables' power passively each day based on various factors. For instance, one factor is that if the notable supports the clan that owns their fief, they will get +0.2 power per day. There are other daily gains/losses too, inlcuding a penalty that gets stronger as the power of a notable gets higher. The point at which all of these +/- factors balance out is where the notable's power will eventually stabilize. That's the system that Apocal described above. Both of the mechanics that Apocal and I described already exist in the game, they're just not explained anywhere in game, which is why they're easy to miss.

SadShogun's suggestion (I think) is to add a new daily power loss in situations where the notable supports a clan that does not currently own their fief. That's what I believe he means when he says this:
An alternative to this one (which is micro-management free) is that the notables who do not support you passively lose power (so they get replaced by ones that support you.)

So the hope would be that the suggested daily power loss would eventually lead to the notable's power dropping below 100, causing them to disappear after awhile. However, one of the issues that I pointed out in my response to SadShogun, is that if the other daily power gains that notables get are too strong, then they will simply overcome the extra daily loss and the notable's power will never fall below 100, and thus they will never disappear. The new loss would have to be strong enough that sum of all of the daily power gains/losses is negative, meaning their power will consistently drop each day towards 100.
The mechanic that I mentioned does currently exist, and it functions as I described. I left out some relevant info that would have made it more clear though. There's also currently a mechanic that will increase or decrease notables' power passively each day based on various factors. For instance, one factor is that if the notable supports the clan that owns their fief, they will get +0.2 power per day. There are other daily gains/losses too, inlcuding a penalty that gets stronger as the power of a notable gets higher. The point at which all of these +/- factors balance out is where the notable's power will eventually stabilize. That's the system that Apocal described above. Both of the mechanics that Apocal and I described already exist in the game, they're just not explained anywhere in game, which is why they're easy to miss.

SadShogun's suggestion (I think) is to add a new daily power loss in situations where the notable supports a clan that does not currently own their fief. That's what I believe he means when he says this:

So the hope would be that the suggested daily power loss would eventually lead to the notable's power dropping below 100, causing them to disappear after awhile. However, one of the issues that I pointed out in my response to SadShogun, is that if the other daily power gains that notables get are too strong, then they will simply overcome the extra daily loss and the notable's power will never fall below 100, and thus they will never disappear. The new loss would have to be strong enough that sum of all of the daily power gains/losses is negative, meaning their power will consistently drop each day towards 100.
Okay, all clear now! :coffee:
Yes, the power drop has to be strong enough and impactful from the time the player takes control of the town.
I'm seeing it like a one time huge drop + daily decay.
Otherwise, as you said, it will be absorbed by existing balancing mechanic, resulting in a no effect measure.
Could the player prompt them to check/evaluate thier support when the player owns the fief? Like the player just talks to the notable and askes for support and the notable states why not or agrees. Perhaps giving a quest to increase support? I actually greatly prefer to choose to do something and have a result rather then passive daily number checks and random chances.
I like this suggestion a lot.
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