Are horses supposed to affect travelling speed?

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Lord Blade

Cause I've noticed that while riding, I'm not moving any faster than I was on foot on the map (now that I've finally managed to get a horse again).
Read my ideas about map travel.
It also explains current situation in depth + comments from Armandan.
Map travel confuses me, before my army got wiped out, I was averaging 7 speed, now its about 5.1 my only guess is that trained troops move faster...makes sense i suppose!
Yeah, the better troops are faster. An army of peasants and milita is pretty slow, but a full stack of men-at-arms or knights can move pretty quick.

Also, running through trees slows you down. Aren't too many of them tho.
Balor said:
Read my ideas about map travel.
It also explains current situation in depth + comments from Armandan.

Yes, read that thread. There's interesting stuff indeed.

I assume speed on the world map depends :

1) Pathfinding skills (your character's)
2) Horseback (both your character and party members)
3) Average troop speed (from Balor's thread and Armagan's reply)
4) Troop type (I was unaware of this though it makes intuitive sense that elite units are faster than new recruits. don't know if it is applied though).
5) Terrain (though as noted it's mostly grasslands)

I've read somewhere in the forum (sorry I can't find it now and couldn't confirm the post even if I could) that having extra horses in your inventory speeds your world map travel. True?

My speed on the world map varies it seems even if my party is the same! So I'm really not certain of anything with a high degree of confidence.

Welcome information and your thoughts.
Yeah, I started a new character and enlisted a gang of peasants but the river pirates kept running away and I was too slow to catch them! Once I had a smaller group of trained guys and a couple extra horses I was moving really fast.
I've read somewhere in the forum (sorry I can't find it now and couldn't confirm the post even if I could) that having extra horses in your inventory speeds your world map travel. True?
It helps negate the penalty for having loads of stuff in your inventory, yes.
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