Archery, Training, Shields

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Does archery ever get usable?
I'm level 6, power draw 3 and can't hit more than about 6 coconuts at 10 yards

Does the trainer skill work in this?
I've yet to see any of my villagers get any points.

What with my non existant archery skills and the fact that small round shields can deflect an arrow from the foot area, as well as absorb about 40 arrows before breaking, a fight between me and 12 bandits can take an hour.

I really like the idea of this mod and I want to carry on with it but I like playing as a horse archer and at the moment that doesn't look like it's going to be any fun.

Can I change any of the above myself?

hehe, you are in VII Century, england, no too horse archer here.
The great weapon hun (and steppe people like sarmatians, and most late mongols) was compound bow. You can meet in Brytenwalda, it is expensive but good. You have horse archer skill, but it is most difficult hit now, and you need most skill than Warband (it was too easy).

About arrows and shields:

in items.txt you can change shield resistence and damage bows if you wish, or you can download alternative items for Brytenwalda with it change, most look to native
OK so lots more practice and a hunt for that compound bow is in order. I may stand out in the VII century but I've got a horse and I've got a bow and I'm going to use them.

Again, does trainer skill work as it does in warband?

I've had problems with it as well; my archers seem to generally be so useless that I don't even recruit them...but I get hit every now and again by some Welshman for 45pts+ so clearly some of the archers have very good stats.

Archery dmg is still high from what ive seen, it's just the accuracy has been reduced to a VII Century realistic point.
second time watching the video i noticed they said they used plywood for the renticular shield

no wonder lol

but the effectiveness of arrows would really be just to mess up the shields and maybe get a few guys in the eye. Throwing weapons like javalins and franciscas did the same thing purpose: f*ck up shields Side effect: dead people lol.

im planning on weakening the shields by half hit point to see what that does cuz these are a bit strong.
The closest coconut almost fills the screen. I center on it. The first arrow hits the ground at my feet. Keeping my bow steady I keep the coconut centered. The second arrow hits the ground at my feet. As does the third and the fourth. At last the fifth arrow hits, again, training did not go so well. Level 6, Power Draw 3, Archery 128. By the time I get to 20 yard targets I'll be training my grandchildren.
sherbs said:
The closest coconut almost fills the screen. I center on it. The first arrow hits the ground at my feet. Keeping my bow steady I keep the coconut centered. The second arrow hits the ground at my feet. As does the third and the fourth.
Aim higher.
It doesn't really matter where I aim. I can fire five arrows at a target without moving the mouse and one will go left, one will go right, one will go high and one will go straight into the ground. Not every time of course but when it does, it cracks me up. Hunting boars was an experience  :roll:
I don't know. I got a bow in the arena fights and was nailing people with it (for minor damage) with skill of ~50 and PD=1.
Bows, as well as the other weapons do really low damage and power strike/throw/draw skill becomes critical. Perhaps with a very high PD it becomes effective. Fighting someone with decent armor is really an endurance test. Generally I like it, but perhaps it is lowered too much where armor, though more rare, has its old stats values.
as i said, the main thing that they changed with bows was the accuracy. I would suggest using the item editor to make a new bow not used by the troops to act as your 99 accuracy bow. Also, remember having a higher PD then the bow requires is a basic requirement. As a horse archer with 3 PD, stick to a 0 or 1 PD bow. If you are using a 3, that's your main problem. The training bow(tournament) is a 0 PD and I believe 99 accuracy, so thats as good as you are getting accu wise.
I tried to edit the coverage radius of the shields myself, but I didn't do that kind of tweaking before, and without python knowledge will take me ages... :sad:

But seriously, shield coverage need to be nerfed, at last, to Native levels.

Edit: In fact, I'm currently playing with the plain item_kinds1.txt from the repository. I prefer the weapon behaviour of the mod, but my archers need some love.
There are some variables to missiles and shields in the module.ini.
I don't know how they work but it looks easy enough to adjust. Like this one:

#missiles with damage > shield_penetration_offset + shield_penetration_factor * shield
#will penetrate.

shield_penetration_offset = 30.0
shield_penetration_factor = 3.0
Has anyone tried?

(Remember fiddling with module.ini file pretty much dismisses you from reporting bugs.
We don't want to deal with peoples own mistakes  :smile:)
Yep, I know about that, but that strings are about shield penetration from missiles, like, how many force need a bolt to ignore a shield, effectively piercing it and hitting the target behind it.

What needs to be nerfed is the shield coverage, the "forcefield" that irradiates with higher Shield skill, and that make that a warrior with a tiny buckler that hardly cover his forearm are fully protected, and can't even be hit in the feet.
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