archery accuracy in 0.71?

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is it my imagination or has archery accuracy been nerfed way down in 0.71? i remember being rather accurate with +6 in horse archery skill and 130 or so profciency points. now: i'm shooting all over the place at those stats but the target... :smile:
haven't noticed any difference - at least on foot. not done much on horseback lately!

Actually since I turned off corpses I'm getting better FPS so actually shooting better than ever.
I'm shooting with far more accuracy on foot as well. Headshots against horses riding at angles, from a distance.

Horse archery seems normal, but I've not tested the higher levels of it yet.
must be my imagination then. or playing a crossbow character too long :smile: however... something seems off with the arrow animations. at times they clearly display the arrow passing the target and i get a hit report... or at other times: arrow animation goes right through and NADA... :smile:
Something to take into consideration is that they made archery less accurate in the dark and in fog.
Slaists, you're completely right. My archer used to be able to go at full gallop, zoom in and have the cursor almost converg to a single point with +8 horse archery and 200 archery skill. Now it's like half a centimeter apart when I zoom in, so there's no more shooting straight across the map...
jnemesis, thanks! must be i'm not imagining after all... yup. my char's archery is at 200 and he's still shooting in random directions at times in v.71. crossbows are much deadlier than bows now (probably, should be that way anyway).
They reworked archery. It's now a lot easier to hit things at short/medium range with archery and a heck of a lot harder with long range.

Skill system was also nerfed. Remember that the old system has a limit of 8 while the new one has a limit of 10. The effects in the new system of 10 also seems less than that with 8 in the old system.

Nerfed skill system makes the leveling up less of a big deal.
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