Arch3r said:It will be included with the next patch.
Very nice, may I ask when this might be?
Arch3r said:It will be included with the next patch.
Arch3r said:I have no idea myself yet, whenever I get time to finish it.
well i checked it all and all the code is correct but ive always had the complie errorArch3r said:Well, it says: Invalid mission_template ID: -1. Which means a reference to the mission template is wrong somewhere, you forgot to assign a variable.
:O think i may have oops'd, the text file you linked to i just saved to the module directory, read your 2nd post wrong...ive put all that in the correct place now its poping up withArch3r said:Apparently it cannot find the codes (that are in the .txt you mentioned in the 2nd link) in, you should recheck if the multiplayer_iv gamemode is there.
theres nothing i can copy from? or an easy way to get rid of them as i wanted to use invasion on one of my factions in my sig mod XDArch3r said:You just have to make all the troops that it cannot find than.
hmm alright ill give it a go, cheersArch3r said:Well, you can CTRL+F find them in mission_templates and comment them out (place ## in front of em) or just copy a troop without equipment/skills (better way) and give them the ID's that are missing when you build the mod.