aquatic ideas

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i'd like to see some lakes and ponds,both in the travelmap and battleground. and maybe some more rivers. if you end up in a fight in a lakeshore, the battle area would actually be something like half water, half land. same would apply to seashores.

maybe these ponds and lakes could be deep enough so you could actually drown in them. wouldn't it just be cool to fool a couple of vaegirs off a cliff and to a watery grave below.

maybe rivers you can now see could actually have parts where there is too much current or they are too deep to pass.

and waterfalls! i want waterfalls!!

and maybe make it so that sometimes two rivers unite in the battleground and a bigger river is formed.

and swamps! (i think this is suggested allready, so i won't go on about them)

and last but not least... shouldn't there be a slot for water, beer, wine or other liquids since there is a food slot.

now i need to go and take a piss...
Laurence of Arabia said:
Please though, we need not know about the status of your bladder.


Please keep us informed and up to date of your bladder status and your bowel movements if you can.
slavetrader said:
maybe these ponds and lakes could be deep enough so you could actually drown in them. wouldn't it just be cool to fool a couple of vaegirs off a cliff and to a watery grave below.

I think the bigger consensus seems to be for less exploitable AI rather than more methods to slaughter them utilizing their stupidity.

But if not, then I don't see why we shouldn't be able to lead the AI over landmines and fireball traps.
land mines.. fire balls
were not in 19th century boy
and fireballs...!!!

and by the way, not only AI would die in whirpools and stuff, your fellas would too(they wouldnt be with you had they gone to school once)

also, since some rivers cant be crossed, adding ferries to the map woud be cool, so there are additional quests like bring some more wood to build ferry, and you would also have to pay some 50gold to get on other side, and if ferryman is sleeping, 150 or you wait till morning...
JohnathanStrange said:
Needs more ducks. And fish. Maybe some ships.

Ships, definitely. Wouldn't it be fun to commission a ship at Zendar and sail out to meet the sea raiders on their home turf?

The way I would envision this in a reasonable implementation is to allow water transport, and have a special "sea battle arena" (not sure what the battle areas are technically called). The ships would, of necessity, be stationary -- perhaps a horselength apart, "bridged" in a couple places by gangways. No mounts allowed. The arena itself could be quite small, and a watery grave simulated by having a very long drop to the bottom that would kill anyone who fell from the ships.

Or at very least, a "beach raid" arena would be nice. Half water (shallows), half land, with the sea raiders' spawn point being aboard their longboat. Would lend a lot of flavor to fighting these waterborne beasts.
I see the ship battle as being somewhat similar to the ship battles in heroes of might and magic only in 3D (obviously). Does anyone know what i'm talking about. I apologize but i find it difficult to explain.
I fully support the cliffs and deep water idea. Nothing better than parking a sumpter horse at the edge of the cliff, and then shoving it a few centimeters forward. :smile:
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