April 1st

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Well, there actually seem to be more people buying into it than I expected. :lol:
I had Maethori PM me asking if I realized the admin board was visible a bit ago; haven't responded yet of course since I'm officially not here.
Many of the ones that are saying they know it is a joke are unsure.  Lep and Cal and those know, but a good portion of them are like:

"haha thats funny.  Huh?  Isn't that funny?  Yeah ... hehehe I thought so 2!!11!"


Umm... yeah, Oops. Posting while "banned" gives it away a bit, but nobody seems to have run with that.

I'd say give it at least another hour to run before announcing that it is indeed all for April Fools. We can leave the board up for the rest of the day though for stragglers to have fun reading. :smile:
I already came out ... I was grabbing that to send to him in a PM and then hit post out of habit.

I tried to delete it and clean things, but no chance.  :oops:

Come and join the chatting ... don't make me take the heat alone.

This was AWESOME everyone - congrats for pulling it off!!!

Hats off to Mr.  Bubbles for joining the fun :wink: 

(since we had not heard anything at all from him, I was seriously thinking he had something of his own up his sleeve - possibly even something aimed at us admins  :shock: - the life of a paraniod is not easy... :grin: )

Anyway - I think this turned out even better than last year - we really need to save a couple of the main threads and put them in a "TaleWorlds" museum or some such - this was a blast

Great ideas everyone - lots of fun pulling it off!  :smile:


Sorry I ended it early guys ... I had every intention of letting it simmer and give everyone a chance to join in the fun.  :oops:

I was deleting as fast as I could when I realized I might still save it, but no chance.  :sad:

For a little extra fun I just set calandale and jerky with the fake administrator tag, posted about it in the Community board. :smile:
What say we lock this thread and move it to the Anachronists Guild, lock the "Announcement" thread by Ingolifs there, then delete the fake Admin board?
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