Aparantly I'm 'sick'

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Right today in the car my dad was driving me into Manchester so I could go by this coat I wanted. We were driving along happily when some old woman walked out infront and my dad had to do an emerancy stop. As we got closer to the woman whilst stopping the parking sensores went off, sounding like a heart moniter. beep beep beep beep beepbeep. We stopped about 30cm from the woman at which point the woman fainted in shock and the parking sensor was going beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep as if her heart had stop and I burst out laughing.
Everyone outside the car gathered round the old woman and then looked inside the car and saw me laughing and some guy says through the window next to me 'Your sick mate, people like you should get put in a psyciatric hospital' Is he true or can't society take a joke anymore?

I mean jeez the woman was ok in the end. :roll:
Whilst laughing was hardly the best thing to do at the time, i find killing children and recording their screams just a little more sick than laughing at a granny who fainted. It does sound kind of funny, but suppressing the laughter may have been a better plan.
That was good story Jörn. Maybe you aren't all that bad after all.

I probably would have started laughing like a pirate if it happened to me. Maybe not right away but definately after making sure she was ok.
Ilex said:
Laughter is a way for people to deal with hard situations. They should know that.

Laughing and crying are two forms of human behavior of loosening tensions and stress.
I think the problem is the expectations in our society what's a decent form of acting towards certain groups of persons and what not. As soon as you disregard this political correctness you're in trouble.
The reaction of this guy and his statement (without even asking why you are laughing) says much more about him then about you.
Haha i would of been laughing so hard i would be in danger of fainting myself from lack of air.

I don't think that's being sick , it sounds pretty funny , and anyway , who cares what some guy in the street says?
jesus, I was half expecting to see Juno have herpies or something, instead I get this. Dissapointment drive, take a left at let me down ave, and come to a stop at didn't meet expectections road.
now, i believe they would rather see you laughing like there was no tomorrow (to loosen tension) than to suddenly lose all colour in your face and go unconscious (without a blunt object in this case). that way you would cause even more trouble.
why were you banned anyway? or is that your way of saying bye-bye to the forums ^^

Seems very harsh to me...
I mean geez the guy WAS an idiot to not put it in the right thread and dumbass isnt exactly a very harsh word but then again he had his warning so meh.

Funny story though! ^_^
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