
Yup, that's the question! I have always wondered "Mmhh... so, this footman will become a skirmisher or a watchman, which one is better?" at all times while upgrading my units, not only because I'm not sure WHAT they will become after (Or even what the rank means... sometimes it's not that obvious as "archer" or "swordsman"), or what the rank provides the unit with. Soooo... is anyone willing, to some extent, to explain the hierarchy and the characteristics/equipment of the Vaegir/Swedian peasant, and how they raise in rank?
I don't honestly expect anyone to perform such a big task, but if someone knows even just a little bit about it, I'd be happy
Meaning? With whatever little thingy of information you provide, it will be of use!

Meaning? With whatever little thingy of information you provide, it will be of use!