Anyone know how to tweak this?

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A while ago, someone posted a tweak to allow the player to join either side in any battle they came across.  I'd like to plug this into my new install, but can't seem to find it now.  I've searched every likely phrase I can think of and read through TheMageLord's tweak thread, but have come up empty-handed.

Anyone know where I can find this?
tommylaw said:
if you want to join a battle on the side of a hostile faction (i.e bandits), you can take away the restriction on who you can join in a battle:

look in menus.txt for this:

mno_pre_join_help_attackers  6 2204 2 1224979098644774912 144115188075856296 2190 3 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774912 432345564227567629 2204 2 1224979098644774914 144115188075856110 2190 3 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774914 432345564227567629 30 2 1224979098644774913 0 2147483678 2 1224979098644774915 0  Move_in_to_help_the_{s2}.  4 1303 1 0 2133 2 144115188075856032 144115188075856110 2133 2 144115188075856033 144115188075856296 2060 1 864691128455135276  .  mno_pre_join_help_defenders  6 2204 2 1224979098644774912 144115188075856296 2190 3 1224979098644774913 1224979098644774912 432345564227567629 2204 2 1224979098644774914 144115188075856110 2190 3 1224979098644774915 1224979098644774914 432345564227567629 30 2 1224979098644774915 0 2147483678 2 1224979098644774913 0  Rush_to_the_aid_of_the_{s1}.  4 1303 1 1 2133 2 144115188075856032 144115188075856296 2133 2 144115188075856033 144115188075856110 2060 1 864691128455135276  .

simply replace both bits in red with 0 so it should look like this:

mno_pre_join_help_attackers  0  Move_in_to_help_the_{s2}.  4 1303 1 0 2133 2 144115188075856032 144115188075856110 2133 2 144115188075856033 144115188075856296 2060 1 864691128455135276  .  mno_pre_join_help_defenders  0  Rush_to_the_aid_of_the_{s1}.  4 1303 1 1 2133 2 144115188075856032 144115188075856296 2133 2 144115188075856033 144115188075856110 2060 1 864691128455135276  .

I have no idea if this works or if it is compatible with 1.010/1.011. If you try it, please leave a notice if it works or not : )

Hope this helped : )
That is it.  It works on 1.11, and is savegame compatible. 

Many thanks.  You have ninja skills indeed.
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