Anyone else do this? Or am I just a wierdo?

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I've sorta gotten to the point in M&B that combat was fairly easy no matter what. So, I came up with a personal challenge, and I've found that I'm starting to get really invincible. Here's what I do:

I "train" myself, by equipping light armor or clothes, a relatively slow one-handed sword, no shield, no mount, and heading out to find trouble. At first, I got slaughtered, of course. However, I just got more determined, and I've found that I can now parry like a madman, turning to catch flanking attacks and counter. I know openings now, and am able to get into blind spot against horsemen reliably, and have really upped the challenge for myself.

So, my question is, does anyone else have little challenges they come up with for themselves? If so, do share, it'd be interesting to see what everyone does.
I'm trying to attempt the "rabble attack", where one is armed with only stones and clubs and wears either no armor or very light armor (and of course, no horse).

This could turn out to be quite interesting...
Honestly? I think you guys are crazy.

I like seeing how many people I can run through with my lancer in one pass through the enemy, or seeing how many headshots I can get with my horsearcher while letting my charger plot through anybody I haven't gotten to. But taking it all off just to make things harder? I have better things to do... like... uh... post on these forums?
Nope. Except dressing in mail + nordic helm to look cool. I just played the second call of duty demo, on 2nd hardest diffulty. I died like 50 times trying to kill the second tank. I was frustrated, I swore alot, loudly, very loudly. Not a good idea. So, I'm not trying what you guys are. :evil:

Yes, I have made a nun,
and keep she in her first wear.
Use "clerical" weapon... scythe, pike,
and foot only.

But after a few time, I engage her in swadian army... so, against sea_raider and other mountain_bandits, I have buy she a leather tunic with kettle-hat (only 6 on strg, so)... and a large-shield :oops:
And with the time, she became knight.
So she 's wearing a coat-of-plate, with a black helmet
and use bastard_sword like awlpike.
I 've upgrade his streng to 12, at this time,
to permise she have a nice bardiche.

But none ranged weapon (except javelin's... without aiming, sure)
There 're not very catholic, in my mind. :roll:


No, it's different.
That give a challenge, but the game rest playable.
My nun died not so often I thinking when I create she.
She have a nice army, over 200.000 denars at bank,
and is able to defend her-self as well on the battlefield.
Okay, she 's sometimes knocked at the final battle round,
but it's her Duty, to save them soldiers... ^^
I just give my characters a personality and play them according to that, which can make things interesting.

For example, my heavily armed and armoured Knight, backed up with an army of Swadian warriors (mounted, archers and infantry) will ONLY engage bands of greater numbers then him, but has to engage the moment he sees them. Even he can only lance so many, so he HAS to rely on his backup, protecting them as they protect him.

Then there's my raider. By limiting it so his force has the right look, things get harder. He can only get Vaegir soldiers, and train them no higher then horsemen (just because his entire force has to be mounted if possible, and none of the other horsemen have that appropriate 'raggard' look, except for Black Khurgit raiders, which he grabs whenever he can). With the weaker Vaegir horsemen making up the majority of his forces, things become harder, even for a Horse-archer.

Finally, my "Horde leader". He's unmounted, and vicious. His entire force is not allowed to be on horseback, which adds a new challanging element to it. (I'll never forget when a knight on horse-back was charging him, lance down, only to go flying out the back of his saddle as a javlin pierced his helmet and downed him.)

So, I just add difficulty by giving my characters a personality, and only acting in ways appropriate for them.
Hey, some cool ideas, I'll have to try the rabble thing.

The throwing spears and and hatchet against dark knights shouldn't be too bad, provided one can reach a good hill in time. . .I'll have to try it.

BTW, I just scored my best victory to date. 47 dark knights, vs me in the white fur armor with a viking sword. Vikings FTW :twisted:
Other than try and arm/armour my characters for style rather than function (my merchant keeps his merchant coat because it looks snazzy, damnit), I have developed a fondness for this little game...

I order all my men to engage the enemy in a valley, and I march up to a nearby hill (or other off-to-the-side location). Then I fire arrows down into the fray and see how many enemies I can kill without hitting a friendly.
I have my berserker hugemod mod, and I fight with just the 6 additional heroes, no troops, no horses, just us 7 against their hordes, with my 2handed axe. At day 60 you fight hordes of 90-100 Dark knights/Khergit Raiders and that's REALLY hard, expecially as if you're so outnumbered that no way you can bring more than 2 heroes at time in the battlefield. So usually is 3 (unmounted) vs 30 (mounted). What a massacre.
Hmm, I'll have to see if I can take that many dark knights alone, that'd be cool. I haven't tried the berzerker mod, so I don't know about the heroes. Marnid and Borcha I've had, but I told them to get lost a long time ago. . .they make me look bad, always getting knocked out and crap :lol:
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