I am generally pretty light-hearted and forgiving, especially when it comes to games as good as this from a husband/wife programming and production team and a helpful and talented volunteer modding community. But where are the updates? It has been months since the last one. I know you all love the game, as I do, but one must admit there are very few professional reasons that justify such a long time between updates without an explanation, especially to this very small and dedicated community. The speed of update is one major reason why I purchased this game (along with the promise I was also buying version 1.0); so it doesn't really change my mind that most if not all games put out nowadays by large companies with dedicated staff and enormous resources are unfinished and slow to patch/update. If someone died and I don't know about it, I understand and please disregard this message. I hope I do not sound too harsh, since I bear no ill-will to anyone in this community, least of all our beloved developers. But the overzealous support, lack of actual criticism, and general, ineffective mocking of expediency is becoming somewhat dull and repetitive, no? I am glad someone is outspokenly excited about moving the game forward. My thanks to the modders who extended my appreciation of the game. Cheers,