Any way to recruit generals?

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Alright, so i had a general as a prisoner and i need someone to look over my town while i'm gone pilliging or something, but it wouldnt let me recruit the genral (by the way i took a town while not being a vassal to any faction)

A. is there any way to recruit a general
B. can i recrut generals from my newly captured town


Do you mean lord? Cause there are no 'Generals' in the game. Some mods let you recruit lords, though.

Also, good luck. Soon, all factions will declare war on you!
You can make your own lil nation. Just go look for those people who have been kicked off the thrown and want it back lol you can convince lords to join your side.
Its pretty simple if your playing Native: The 'Generals'/Lords are enimes (mostly :razz:) and if you gave them the town it would be like this the day you come back:

"Doo dee do doo, yea I'm getting back to my town today!! I'm going to rest forever. *1 hour later* "What the... Hey Ragnar why are you entering my town, and why does it say 'This town is hostile to you (-99)'?....  OH FU**!!!

P.S. I'm sorry but if you every say lords are generals I will pimp-slap you and tell you "Please uninstall the game, you have brought great disgrace to us all...  :wink:" (Also just incase your worried this is ment should you EVER say Lords are Generals again... You have been warned :roll:)
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