Any great LAN rts?

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Sergeant Knight

We are in need for some great RTS games that are playable over LAN without internet.
Graphics dont matter, as everyone has quite high-end PC's.

Games that dont need to be adviced (since we allready play those:

Warcraft 3
Age of Empires 2
Age of Mythology
Rise of Nations
The Settlers 4 (yep really, we play that :razz: )
Battle for Middle Earth 2
Stronghold + Stronghold Crusader
Red Alert 2

As you see, alot off oldies. Newer games are welcome though!

Btw, RPG's are welcome too. Preferable hack 'n slash.
We played: Diablo, Dungeon Siege and Titan Quest.

So, Keep 'm coming!

Stronghold pretty good i mean online gets my frustrated when no one will finish a map so conquest is usually what i did...i remember when i had no internet so i could never patch the game and i never got to use assassins until the last 2 months i played it...
janlulhannes said:
Hmm.. I got Dawn of War still laying here, never played it over LAN.
So thats fun over LAN?

It is a very good game and I highly recommend it. Also, besides all criticism for the single player campaign and bugs, you could buy Soulstorm (standalone expansion) so you are going to have the Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle, the latest released. Just download the official patches and play, I had hours of fun with it. In fact, I have all the expansions. To learn how to play faster you could download and watch replays that the players post at several sites (like this one:
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